
Terms containing Cell | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSabsolute cell referenceabsolut cellreferens (In a formula, the exact address of a cell, regardless of the position of the cell that contains the formula)
comp., MSabsolute cell referenceabsolut cellreferens (In a formula, the exact address of a cell, regardless of the position of the cell that contains the formula)
energ.ind., el.acid electrolyte fuel cellsur bränslecell
comp., MSactive cellaktiv cell (The selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing. Only one cell is active at a time. The active cell is bounded by a heavy border)
med., life.sc., R&D.adult stem cellvävnadsstamcell
med., life.sc., R&D.adult stem celladult stamcell
med., life.sc., R&D.adult tissue stem celladult stamcell
med., life.sc., R&D.adult tissue stem cellvävnadsstamcell
energ.ind., el.alkaline electrolyte fuel cellalkalisk bränslecell
energ.ind., industr.alkaline fuel cellalkaliskt batteri
med.anchorage-dependent cellvidhäftningsberoende celler
med.anchorage-dependent celladhesionsberoende celler
nat.sc., nat.res.animal celldjurcell
med.authorised removal of cellsauktoriserat avlägsnande av celler
med.B-cell growth factorB-celltillväxtfaktor
earth.sc., el.back layer cellryggcell
earth.sc., el.back wall cellryggcell
med.balloon cellsballongceller
med.basal cell carcinomabasaliom (epithelioma basocellulare)
med.basal cell carcinomabasalcellscancer (epithelioma basocellulare)
med.basal cell epitheliomabasalcellscancer (epithelioma basocellulare)
med.basal cell epitheliomabasaliom (epithelioma basocellulare)
el.basic cellströmställarsektion
stat., scient.basic cellbascell
energ.ind., el.biochemical fuel cellbiokemisk bränslecell
earth.sc., el.black cellsvart cell
med.blood cellblodcell
health., life.sc.blood stem cellblodstamcell
el.blue shifted solar cellsblåkänsliga solceller
phys.sc., tech.bragg-cell spectrum analyzerspektrumanalysator med braggcell
environ.button-cell batteryknappbatteri
environ.button-cell battery A tiny, circular battery made for a watch or for other microelectric applicationsknappbatteri
earth.sc., el.cadmium sulfide solar cellkadmiumsulfidsolcell
energ.ind.cadmium telluride cellkadmiumtelluridsolcell
energ.ind.cadmium telluride cellCdTe-solcell
tech.caesium gas cell standardcesiumgascellnormal
chem.calomel half-cellkalomelhalvcell
med.cancer cellcancercell
agric.capping of cellscelltäckning
med.carcinoma of alveolar cellsbronkioalveolär cancer
med.carcinoma of alveolar cellsalveolarcellscancer
energ.ind.CdTe solar cellkadmiumtelluridsolcell
energ.ind.CdTe solar cellCdTe-solcell
med.cell assemblycellgrupp
med.cell assemblycell-assembly
earth.sc., el.cell barriercellbarriär
med., pharma.cell-based assaycellbaserad metod
nat.sc.cell biologycellbiologi
med.cell bodycellkropp
med.cell breakagecellfraktionering
agric.cell captäckvax
chem.cell cavityelektrolysram
energ.ind., el.cell conversion efficiencycellverkningsgrad
agric., health., anim.husb.cell countcelltal
agric., health., anim.husb.cell countcellhalt
med.cell countingcellräkning
pharma., life.sc.cell culturecellkultur
mater.sc.cell culturecellodling
nat.sc.cell deathcelldöd
med.cell disruptioncellfraktionering
med., life.sc.cell divisioncelldelning
life.sc., environ., R&D.cell factorycellfabrik
environ., chem.cell for continuous measurementmätcell för kontinuerlig mätning
environ., chem.cell for discontinuous measurementmätcell för icke-kontinuerlig mätning
stat., scient.cell frequencycellfrekvens
math.cell frequencyklassfrekvens
industr., construct., chem.cell furnacecellugn
med.cell fusioncellfusion
industr., construct., chem.cell gasgeneratorgas
gen.cell global identificationglobal cellidentifikation
gen.cell identitycellidentitet
med., life.sc.cell layercellager
gen.cell linecellinje
med.cell-mediated immune responsecellmedierat immunsvar
med.cell-mediated immune responsecellmedierad immunrespons
med.cell membrane defectmembrandefekt
environ.cell methodcelldeponering
math.cell modelcell modell
med., life.sc.cell morphologycellmorfologi
life.sc.cell nucleuscellkärna
energ.ind.cell packing factorytnyttiggörande
energ.ind.cell packing factorytfaktor
earth.sc., el.cell performancemärkprestanda för solceller
forestr.cell phonemobiltelefon
comp., MScell rangecellområde (A block of two or more cells in a spreadsheet)
gen.cell relaycellreläteknik
chem.cell roomcellsal
nat.sc., agric.cell sapcellsaft
pharma., life.sc.cell seedympcell
gen.cell sizecellstorlek
comp., MScell spacingcellavstånd (The distance between the cells of a table or workbook)
gen.cell switches electricityspänningsdelare el.
mun.plan., earth.sc.cell-type air washerkapillärcellslufttvättare
earth.sc., mech.eng.cell volumearbetscellvolym
life.sc.cell wallcellvägg
IT, dat.proc.cells block navigatorcellområdesnavigator
IT, dat.proc.cells block referencecellområdesreferens
IT, dat.proc.cells block referencecellområdesadress
IT, dat.proc.cells group navigatorcellområdesnavigator
IT, dat.proc.cells group referencecellområdesreferens
transp., nautic.cells of a container shipcontainerceller
IT, dat.proc.cells range navigatorcellområdesnavigator
IT, dat.proc.cells range referencecellområdesreferens
med.chromatophore cellpigmentcell
med.chromatophore cellkromatofor
med.clonogenic cellklonal cell
industr., construct., chem.closed cell foamcellplast med slutna porer
chem., el.closed-cell foamed plasticcellplast med slutna celler
industr., construct., chem.coarse cellsgrova celler
el.coin cellsknappceller
nat.sc.companion cellföljecell
tech., industr., construct.compensator with photoelectric cellvalsreglering med fotoelektrisk styrning
gen.complex cellkomplex cell
el.concentration cellkoncentrationselement
el.concentration cellkoncentrationscell
chem.conductivity cellkonduktivetsmätcell
mater.sc., industr., construct.control through photo-electric cellsfotoelektriskt kontrollsystem
el.convection cellkonvektionscell
el.convective cellkonvektionscell
chem., el.conventional unit cellkonventionell enhetscell
chem., el.conventional unit cellenhetscell
health., med.convoluted T-cell lymphomaprekursor-T-lymfoblastlymfom
chem.Conway cellConwaydiffusionskärl
chem.Conway diffusion cellConwaydiffusionskärl
IT, dat.proc.corner cellhörncell
chem., el.counter cellmotkopplingscell
chem., el.counterelectromotive force cellmotkopplingscell
med.cover cell tumormesoteliom
tech., mater.sc.creep cellkrypningscell
nat.sc.crystalliferous cellkristallförande cell
med.culture embryonic cellodlad embryonal cell
comp., MScurrent cellaktiv cell (The selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing. Only one cell is active at a time. The active cell is bounded by a heavy border)
med.cytotoxic T-cellscytotoxiska T-lymfocyter
IT, dat.proc.database celldatabascell
stat., scient.David's empty cell testDavids test baserat på tomma celler
math.David's empty cell testDavids tom cell test
law, h.rghts.act.death celldödscell
IT, dat.proc.destination cells rangedestinationsområde
chem.detector cellmätcell
el.dichromate cellkromsyraelement
el.dichromate cellkromsyracell
energ.ind., el.direct celldirektomvandlande bränslecell
el.dry celltorrelement
el.dry celltorrcell
chem.effusion celleffusionscell
chem.electrochemical cellelektrokemisk cell
energ.ind., el.electrochemical cellelektrokemiskt batteri
chem.electrolytic cellelektrolyscell
health., nat.sc.embryo stem cell researchforskning med embryonala stamceller
gen.embryonal stem cellembryonal stamcell
gen.embryonic stem cellembryonal stamcell
IT, dat.proc.emitting cellkällcell
industr., construct., chem.empty-cell processsparmetod
industr., construct.empty-cell process impregnationsparimpregnering
stat., scient.empty cell testtest baserat på tomma celler
math.empty cell testtom cell prov
el.end cellregleringscell
IT, dat.proc.entry cellingångscell
med.epithelial cell clustersepitelöar
med.epithelial cell tumescenceepiteliom
med.ethmoidal cellssilbensceller
med.ethmoidal cellsetmoidalceller
stat.expected cell frequenciesförväntade cellfrekvenser
transp., mech.eng.Faraday cellFaradaycell
nat.sc.filter cellfilterelement
commun., ITfilter cellfiltersteg
nat.sc.filter cellfilterenhet
nat.sc.filter cellfilterinsats
fin.financial crisis cellfinanskrisenhet
industr., construct., met.fining cellluttringscell
el.fluid cellvåtelement
el.fluid cellvåtcell
med.foam cellskumceller
health., life.sc., R&D.foetal stem cellfosterstamcell
earth.sc., el.front wall cellfrontcell
econ.fuel cellbränslecell
energ.ind., el.fuel cell batterybränslecellsbatteri
energ.ind., el.fuel cell systembränslecellssystem
environ., R&D., energ.ind.Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertakingdet gemensamma företaget för bränsleceller och vätgas
industr., construct., chem.full-cell processfullimpregneringsmetod
industr., construct., chem.full-cell process impregnationBethellmetod
nat.sc.fusiform parenchyma cellspolformig parenkymcell
nat.sc.fusiform parenchyma cellfusiform parenkymcell
energ.ind.GaAs cellgalliumarsenidsolcell
energ.ind.GaAs cellGaAs-solcell
energ.ind.gallium arsenide solar cellgalliumarsenidsolcell
energ.ind.gallium arsenide solar cellGaAs-solcell
gen.galvanic cellsgalvaniska element celler
el.gas cellgaselement
earth.sc., transp.gas cellgascell
med., industr.genetically modified cellgenmodifierad cell
med., industr.genetically modified cellgenetiskt modifierad cell
health., nat.sc.germ cellkönscell
life.sc., agric., engl.germ cellembryo
life.sc., agric.germ cellgroddplanta
chem.germ cell mutagenicitymutagenitet i könsceller
energ.ind., chem.germanium solar cellgermaniumsolcell
energ.ind., chem.germanium solar cellGe-solcell
med.ghost cell corpuscleblodkroppsskuggor
med.giant-cell carcinomajättecellscancer (carcinoma gigantocellulare)
med.giant-cell carcinomacarcinoma gigantocellulare
med.giant tumour celltumörjätteceller
chem.glass half-cellglashalvcell
med., life.sc.glia cellgliacell
med., engl.glial cellglia
med., engl.glial cellneuroglia
nat.sc.Golay cell detectorGolaydetektor
med.graft of thymic cellstransplantation av thymusceller
med.grandmother cellmormorscell
med.granulosa cell carcinomagranulosa-tumor
med.granulosa cell carcinomagranulosa-tumör
med.granulosa cell tumorgranulosa-tumor
med.granulosa cell tumorgranulosa-tumör
environ.grid cellgrid-ruta
environ.grid cellrutnätscell
construct.grout cellinjekteringsavsnitt
environ., engl.Hadley cellHadley cell
med.heckel celltaggcell
med.heckel cellcell i stratum spinosum
med.HeLa cellHeLaceller
med.helper cellhjälp-T-cell
med.helper cellhjälp-T-lymfocyt
nat.res., agric., engl.heterocyst cellheterocyst
IT, dat.proc.to hide cellsdölja celler
energ.ind., el.high-temperature fuel cellhögtemperaturbränslecell
transp., energ.ind.H2-O2 cellH2-O2-bränslecell
comp., MSholding cellledig ruta (In the FreeCell game, the four card locations in the upper-left corner of the screen. Each cell holds one card)
comp., MShome cellbasruta (One of the four card locations in the upper-right corner of the screen)
med.host cellvärdcell
med.Huerthle cell tumourHürthlecellstumör
med.human B-cell lymphotropic virushumant B-lymfotropt virus
med., life.sc., R&D.human embryonic stem cellmänsklig embryonal stamcell
med.human T-cell leukemia virus type 4humant immunbristvirus typ II
med.human T-cell leukemia virus type 1humant T-lymfotropt virus typ I
med.human T-cell leukemia virus type 4HTLV typ IV
med.human T-cell leukemia virus type 2HTLV typ II
med.human T-cell leukemia virus type 2humant T-lymfotropt virus typ II
med.human T-cell leukemia virus type 4humant T-lymfotropt virus typ IV
med.human T-cell leukemia virus type 4HIV typ II
med.human T-cell leukemia virus type 1HTLV typ I
med.human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3humant immunbristvirus
med.human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3humant T-lymfotropt virus typ III
med.human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3HTLV typ III
med.human T-IV cell lymphotropic virushumant T-lymfotropt virus typ IV
med.human T-IV cell lymphotropic virushumant immunbristvirus typ II
med.human T-IV cell lymphotropic virusHTLV typ IV
med.human T-IV cell lymphotropic virusHIV typ II
el.hybrid cellhybridcell
transp., energ.ind.hydrazine cellhydrazinbränslecell
gen.hydrogen cellvätgasbränslecell
gen.hydrogen fuel cellvätgasbränslecell
energ.ind., el.hydrogen-air fuel cellväte-luftbränslecell
med.immobilized-cells culturekultur av immobiliserade celler
med.immobilized-microbial-cells reactorbioreaktor med immobiliserade celler
energ.ind., el.indirect cellindirektomvandlande bränslecell
energ.ind.indium phosphide-cadmium sulphide cellindiumfosfid-kadmiumsulfidsolcell
energ.ind.indium phosphide-cadmium sulphide cellInP-CdS-solcell
energ.ind.InP-CdS solar cellindiumfosfid-kadmiumsulfidsolcell
energ.ind.InP-CdS solar cellInP-CdS-solcell
IT, dat.proc.input cellingångscell
comp., MSinput cellindatacell (The cell in which each input value from a data table is substituted. Any cell on a worksheet can be the input cell. Although the input cell does not need to be part of the data table, the formulas in data tables must refer to the input cell)
med.islet cell carcinomaöcellscarcinom
med.islet cell carcinomamalignt insulom
med.islet cell hyperplasiaöcellshyperplasi
nat.sc.Kerr cell shutterKerrcellslutare
chem., el.lattice cellenhetscell
mater.sc., el.Leclanché cellLeclanché-element
ITlibrary of cells on VLSI levelkomplext cellbibliotek
ITlibrary of cells on VLSI levelcellbibliotek på VLSI-nivå bibliotek för komplexa element
ITlibrary of complex cellskomplext cellbibliotek
ITlibrary of primitive cellsbibliotek av primitiva celler
earth.sc., el.lifetime of a solar cellsolcellens livslängd
comp., MSlocked celllåst cell (A cell in an Add-in for Excel matrix that is not modified when spreading is conducted)
gen.logic cell arraymatris av logiska element
energ.ind., el.low-temperature fuel celllågtemperaturbränslecell
life.sc.lymph celllymfocyt
IT, dat.proc.macro cellmakrocell
life.sc.macrophage cellmakrofag
el.magnesium cellmagnesiumelement
el.magnesium cellmagnesiumcell
ITmagnetic cellmagnetcell
med.mass cell culturemasscellkultur
med.mast cellmastcell
med.mastoid air cellscellulae mastoideae
commun.mate cellkompiscell
commun.mate cellkamratcell
chem.measurement cellmätcell
chem.measuring cellmätcell
gen.medium to prepare the working cell banksmedium som används för att framställa ympkulturer
energ.ind., el.medium-temperature fuel cellmellantemperaturbränslecell
chem.membrane cell techniquemembranmetoden
med.memory cellminnescell
chem.mercury cellkvicksilvercell
comp., MSmerged cellsammanfogad cell (A single cell that is created by combining two or more selected cells. The cell reference for a merged cell is the upper-left cell in the original selected range)
life.sc.meridional cellmeridionalcell
transp., energ.ind.methanol cellmetanolbränslecell
med.microscopic cluster of cellsmikroskopisk cellansamling
energ.ind., el.molten carbonates fuel cellsmältkarbonatbränslecell
nat.sc.mucilage cellslemcell
earth.sc., el.multibandgap solar cellflerskiktcell
earth.sc., el.multilayer solar cellflerskiktcell
med., engl.myeloid cellmyeloid cell
med.myeloid cellmyelocyt
med.naevus cellsnevusceller
health.nerve cellnervcell
health., engl.nerve cellneuron
med.neutrophilic cellneutrofil granulocyt
med.neutrophilic cellneutrofil
med.nevus cellnevuscell
med.Niemann-Pick cellsNiemann-Pickceller
med.non-producer cell lineicke-producerande cellinje
med.null cellnull-cell
med.null cellnollcell
gen.off celloff-cell
nat.sc.oil celloljeförande cell
nat.sc.oil celloljecell
gen.on cellon-cell
industr., construct., chem.open cell foamskum med öppna celler
chem., el.open-cell foamed plasticcellplast med öppna celler
industr., construct., chem.open-cell processsparmetod
life.sc., el.organic cellorganisk solcell
life.sc., el.organic solar cellorganisk solcell
IT, dat.proc.original cellkällcell
med.packaging cellpackningscell
med.packed cell volumehematokrit
med.packed cell volumeerytrocytvolymfraktion
ITparameterized cellsparameteriserade celler
gen.Partnership Coordination Cellsamordningsenheten
comp., MSpeak cell ratehögsta cellfrekvens (In Asynchronous Transfer Mode, the rate of cells per second that the source device may never exceed)
gen.permanent EU Cell at SHAPEpermanent EU-cell vid Shape
health.permeability of cellscellpermeabilitet
med.permissive cellpermissiv cell
nat.sc.phloem mother cellfloemmodercell
el.photoconductive cellfotocell
el.photoconductive cellfotomotstånd
transp., tech., lawphotoelectric cellfotocell
gen.photoelectric cellfotomotstånd
mater.sc., el.photoelectrochemical cellfotokemisk bränslecell
mater.sc., el.photoelectrochemical cellfotoelektrokemisk cell
el.photoemissive cellfotocell
energ.ind., el.photovoltaic cellfotovoltaisk cell
econ.photovoltaic cellsolcell
energ.ind., el.photovoltaic cellfotoelektromotorisk cell
gen.photovoltaic cellsfotovoltaiska celler solceller
med.pigmentophore cellkromatofor
med.pigmentophore cellpigmentcell
gen.planning cellplaneringsenhet inom VEU
polit.Planning Cellplaneringsenhet
nat.sc., nat.res.plant cellväxtcell
health.plant cell differentiationväxtcelldifferentiering
med.plaque forming-cellplaque-bildande cell
med.plaque forming-cellplackbildande cell
earth.sc., el.point-contact cellpunktkontaktcell
life.sc.precipitation cellnederbördscell
tech., mater.sc.pressure celltryckdosa
med.prickle cellcell i stratum spinosum
med.prickle celltaggcell
med.prickle-cell layertaggcellsskikt (stratum spinosum)
med., engl.prickle-cell layerstratum spinosum
energ.ind., el.primary cellprimärcell
el.primary cellprimärbatteri
energ.ind., el.primary cellprimärelement
energ.ind., el.primary fuel celldirektomvandlande bränslecell
chem., el.primitive unit cellprimitiv enhetscell
nat.sc.procumbent ray cellliggande märgstrålecell
med.producer cell lineproducerande cellinje
energ.ind., el.PV cellfotovoltaisk cell
med.pyramidal cellpyramidcell
chem.quartz cellkvartskyvett
agric.queen celldrottningcell
chem.quinhydrone half-cellkinhydronhalvcell
el.rain cellregncell
IT, dat.proc.receiving cells rangedestinationsområde
transp.redox cellredoxbränslecell
energ.ind., el.redox fuel cellredox-bränslecell
chem.reference cellreferenscell
energ.ind., el.regenerative fuel cellregenerativ bränslecell
mater.sc.reproduction cellkönscell
life.sc.reproductive cellgamet
life.sc.reproductive cellkönscell
gen.response cellspelgrupp
IT, dat.proc.result cellresultatcell
med.reticular cellretikelcell
agric.royal celldrottningcell
chem.sample cellprovcell
nat.sc., agric.sclerotic cellsklereid
nat.sc., agric.sclerotic cellsklerid
nat.sc., agric.sclerotic cellstencell
nat.sc., agric.screw-cell pumpskruvpump
tech.sealed cellförsluten mätcell
mater.sc., energ.ind., el.secondary cellackumulator
mater.sc., energ.ind., el.secondary cellsekundärbatteri
energ.ind., el.secondary fuel cellindirektomvandlande bränslecell
commun.sector cellsektorcell
IT, dat.proc.selected cellsamströmsval
IT, dat.proc.selected group of cellscellområde
med.self-multiplication of cellsspontan celldelning
nat.sc.septet parenchyma cellsepterad parenkymcell
environ., chem.sequential measurement cellmätcell för sekventiell mätning
nat.sc.sheath cellkärlsträngsskidecell
earth.sc., transp.shock cell noisechockcellbuller
nat.sc.sieve cellsilcell
earth.sc., el.silicon solar cellkiselsolcell
gen.simple cellenkel cell
earth.sc., mech.eng.single cell constructionenkelvingkonstruktion
earth.sc., mech.eng.single cell constructionenkelcellkonstruktion
life.sc., food.ind.single cell proteinencellsprotein
life.sc., food.ind.single cell proteinencelligt protein
comp., MSsingle-mapped cellenkelmappad cell (A cell that has been linked to a non-repeating element in an XML map)
environ.solar cellsolcell
environ.solar cell A device for converting sunlight into electrical power using a semiconductor sensitive to the photovoltaic effect. Solar cells are used on space satellites to power electronic equipment, and as their price falls they may come to be used to provide energy on the Earthsolcell
earth.sc., energ.ind., el.solar cell arraysolcellverk
earth.sc., energ.ind., el.solar cell arraysolcellgenerator
energ.ind., el.solid electrolyte fuel cellbränslecell med fast elektrolyt
energ.ind.solid oxide fuel cellfastoxid-bränslecell
mater.sc.somatic cellsomatisk cell
med.somatic-cell hybridizationsomatisk hybridisering
life.sc.somatic cell mutationsomatisk mutation
med.somatic cell therapysomatisk cellterapi
pharma.somatic cell therapy medicinal productläkemedel för somatisk cellterapi
med., life.sc., R&D.somatic stem celladult stamcell
med., life.sc., R&D.somatic stem cellvävnadsstamcell
life.sc.sperm cellspermatozo
life.sc.sperm cellspermie
life.sc.sperm cellsädescell
med.spindle-cell carcinomaspolcellscancer (carcinoma fusocellulare)
med.spindle-cell carcinomafusocellulärt carcinom (carcinoma fusocellulare)
med.spindle-cell carcinomacarcinoma fusocellulare
med.squamous cellskivepitelcell
med.squamous cell cancerskivepitelcancer
med.squamous cell carcinomaskivepitelcancer
med.squamous epithelial cellskivepitelcell
el.standard cellstandardelement
el.standard cellstandardcell
ITstandard cells ICintegrerad krets med standardceller
ITstandard logic cells ICintegrerad krets med standardceller
IT, dat.proc.start cellkällcell
med.stellate cellkorncell
econ.stem cellstamcell
med.stem-cell leukaemiastamcellsleukemi
med.stem cell leukemiastamcellsleukemi
health., life.sc., R&D.stem cell linestamcellslinje
nat.res.stone cellsklereid
nat.res.stone cellsklerid
nat.res.stone cellstencell
mater.sc., energ.ind., el.storage cellackumulator
mater.sc., energ.ind., el.storage cellsekundärbatteri
nat.sc.suberised cellsuberiniserad cell
nat.sc.suberized cellsuberiniserad cell
med.suppressive cellsuppressorceller
med.suppressive T cellsuppressorceller
med.suppressor T cellsuppressorceller
med.T4 cellhjälp-T-lymfocyt
med.T4 cellhjälp-T-cell
earth.sc., el.tandem arrangement of solar cellskaskadarrangemang
med.target cellmålcell
IT, dat.proc.target cells rangedestinationsområde
gen.Task Force Situation Centre/Crisis Cell/Conflict Preventionincidentrapporteringscentrum/krisstab
industr.TEM cell testingmätning av cell i tvärgående elektromagnetiskt läge
nat.sc.test cellprovrum
nat.sc.test celltemperaturrum
med.thecal granulosa cell tumourtheca-granulosacellstumör
med.T-helper cellsT-hjälparceller
energ.ind.thermoelectric celltermoelektrisk cell
energ.ind.thermoelectric solar celltermoelektrisk cell
earth.sc., el.thin film solar celltunnskiktsolcell
med., life.sc., R&D.tissue stem celladult stamcell
med., life.sc., R&D.tissue stem cellvävnadsstamcell
IT, dat.proc.title celltitelcell
chem.titration celltitrermätcell
health., life.sc., R&D.totipotent stem celltotipotent stamcell
med.transformed celltransformerad cell
med.T-suppressor cellsuppressorceller
med.tumour cell embolustumörembolus
med.two-cell stagetvåcellsstadiet
commun.umbrella cellparaplycell
agric.uncapping of cellsavtäckning
gen.unit cellfunktionsblock
chem., met.unit cellenhetscell
gen.unit cellmakrocell
life.sc.untransformed celloförändrad cell
nat.sc.upright ray cellupprätt märgstråle
nat.sc.upright ray cellupprättstående märgstråle
nat.sc.upright ray cellstående märgstråle
earth.sc., el.violet cellblåkänslig solcell
earth.sc., el.violet cellviolettcell
el.wet cellvåtcell
el.wet cellvåtelement
lawWEU planning cellplaneringsenhet inom VEU
gen.whole-cell immobilizationimmobilisering av hela celler
stat.Wilks'empty cell testWilks tomma celltest
transp.wing cellvingsektion
comp., MSwork cellarbetsgrupp (A resource group that participates in a production flow activity)
earth.sc., mech.eng.working cellarbetskammare
nat.sc.xylem mother cellxylemmodercell
nat.sc.xylem mother cellxyleminitial
gen.yeast celljästcell
pharma.yeast cellsjästceller
med.young cellprimärcell
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