
Terms containing module | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSBusiness Logic Modulebiznesa loģikas modulis (A module that contains Business Logic software and is called to enforce data constraints and/or perform tasks that are loaded and executed in a host-specific run-time environment)
tech., law, el.capacity management modulejaudas pārvaldības modulis
comp., MSclass moduleklases modulis (A module that can contain the definition for a new object. Each instance of a class creates a new object. Procedures defined in the module become properties and methods of the object)
comp., MSFriends moduledraugu modulis (A module that shows a photo list of your friends and provides for adding, editing, and deleting people from your friends list)
transp., mil., grnd.forc., el.LED moduleLED modulis
transp., mil., grnd.forc.light source modulegaismas avota modulis
comp., MSmerge modulesapludināšanas modulis (A module that packages components together with any related files, resources, registry entries, and setup logic. Merge modules can be used to install components that multiple applications share. Merge modules cannot be installed directly; they must be merged into deployment projects)
energ.ind.photovoltaic modulesaules enerģijas modulis
energ.ind.photovoltaic modulesaules modulis
energ.ind.photovoltaic modulefotoelementu modulis
energ.ind.photovoltaic solar modulesaules enerģijas modulis
energ.ind.photovoltaic solar modulesaules modulis
energ.ind.photovoltaic solar modulefotoelementu modulis
tech., law, el.power generating moduleelektroenerģijas ražošanas modulis
tech., law, el.power park moduleelektroenerģijas parka modulis
comp., MSRich Previewer ModulePaplašināts priekškatījuma modulis (A technology that allows Vista to show "live" icons of the actual content of a file in the file thumbnail instead of the usual static icons. It is also used to render content in the Reading Pane in folders)
energ.ind.solar modulesaules enerģijas modulis
energ.ind.solar modulesaules modulis
energ.ind.solar modulefotoelementu modulis
comp., MSstandard modulestandarta modulis (A module in which you can place Sub and Function procedures that you want to be available to other procedures throughout your database)
tech., law, el.synchronous power generating modulesinhrons elektroenerģijas ģenerēšanas modulis
comp., MStrusted platform moduleuzticams platformas modulis (Microchip designed to provide certain basic security-related functions to the software that utilizes TPM)
comp., MSWindows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShellWindows Azure Active Directory modulis čaulai Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
comp., MSWindows Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShellWindows Azure AD modulis čaulai Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)