
Terms for subject Human rights activism containing general | all forms | exact matches only
General Data Protection RegulationEiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regula par fizisku personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti
Personal Representative of the Secretary General/High Representative on Human Rights in the area of CFSPĢS/AP personīgais pārstāvis cilvēktiesību jautājumos
Personal Representative of the Secretary General/High Representative on Human Rights in the area of CFSPĢS/AP personīgais pārstāvis KĀDP cilvēktiesību jautājumos
Special Representative of the Secretary-General on human rights defendersģenerālsekretāra īpašais pārstāvis cilvēktiesību aizstāvju jautājumos
Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justiceprogramma Daphne
Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justiceprogramma Daphne III
Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and JusticeKopienas rīcības programma 2004.–2008. gads, lai novērstu un apkarotu vardarbību pret bērniem, jauniešiem un sievietēm un aizsargātu cietušos un riska grupas programma Daphne II
Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justiceprogramma Daphne II
Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and JusticeKopienas rīcības programma programma Daphne, 2000.–2003. gads par preventīviem pasākumiem, lai apkarotu vardarbību pret bērniem, jauniešiem un sievietēm
Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justiceīpaša programma 2007.–2013. gads, lai novērstu un apkarotu vardarbību pret bērniem, jauniešiem un sievietēm un lai aizsargātu cietušos un riska grupas programma Daphne III, kas izveidota kā daļa no Vispārējas programmas "Pamattiesības un tiesiskums"