
Terms containing class | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSactor classizpildītāja klase (The basic component of a ROOM structure diagram. The space inside the actor can contain actor references, behavior end ports, reference ports, bindings, and layer connections. The border can contain class relay ports and class end ports)
med., R&D.acute toxic class methodakūta tokiskuma klases metode
comp., MSaddress classinterneta adrešu kategorija (A predefined grouping of Internet addresses with each class defining networks of a certain size. The range of numbers that can be assigned for the first octet in the IP address is based on the address class. Class A networks (values 1 to 127) are the largest, with more than 16 million hosts per network. Class B networks (128 to 191) have up to 65,534 hosts per network, and Class C (192 to 223) can have up to 254 hosts per network)
econ., fin.asset classaktīvu klase
econ., fin.asset classaktīvu grupa
comp., MSattribute classatribūta klase (A container object that groups related attributes within an object type)
comp., MSAxBC classAxBC klase (A business component class that encapsulates business logic, including the provision of default values, validation of data, value mapping, and access to display fields)
comp., MSbase classpamatklase (A class that assumes a parent role when it participates in an inheritance relationship with another class)
anim.husb.carcass conformation classuzbūves klase
environ.class action suits law Legal action initiated by a single person or a few people on behalf of a group with similar claim or claimstiesas prasība grupas vārdā
stat.class boundaryrobežvērtība
patents.class feenodeva par kategoriju
comp., MSClass Finderklases meklētājs (A tool that allows partners find online and in-person educational opportunities to continue their skill development)
comp., MSclass IDklases ID (A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a COM component. Each COM component has its CLSID in the Windows registry so that it can be loaded by other applications)
comp., MSclass identifierklases identifikators (A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a COM component. Each COM component has its CLSID in the Windows registry so that it can be loaded by other applications)
ITClass II Security AreaII kategorijas drošības zona
comp., MSclass keyklases atslēga (The subset of data members of a class whose values uniquely identify an instance of the class)
comp., MSclass key memberklases atslēgas elements (One of the members of a multi-valued class key)
stat.class limitrobežvērtība
comp., MSclass materialsmācību materiāli (Content and resources that are made available as part of a class and that can be associated with individual lessons or assignments)
comp., MSclass member relationklases elementu relācija (An association between specific data members of the two classes in a class relation)
comp., MSclass meta-dataklases metadati (A conceptual model that describes the attributes that must be specified to create a class in the Data Warehouse logical schema)
comp., MSclass moduleklases modulis (A module that can contain the definition for a new object. Each instance of a class creates a new object. Procedures defined in the module become properties and methods of the object)
comp., MSclass nameklases nosaukums (A predefined name used to refer to an OLE object in Visual Basic. A class name consists of the name of the application used to create the OLE object, the object's type, and, optionally, the version number of the application)
commun., el.class of emissionizstarojuma klase
comp., MSclass relationklases relācija (A connection between two classes in a parent-child relationship. The relation defines the number of instances of each class)
comp., MSClass Schedulenodarbību plāns (A view in which you can organize class materials into assignments and lessons)
econ.class strugglešķiru cīņa
comp., MSCOM classCOM klase (A concrete implementation of one or more COM interfaces. COM objects are instances of COM classes)
comp., MSconcrete classpilnas implementācijas klase (In Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), a class from which you can create an instance because it has a full implementation)
anim.husb.conformation classuzbūves klase
comp., MScontent classsatura klase (A Web Storage System content class defines the intent or purpose of an item along with the names of properties that are intended for items in this class)
comp., MSderived classatvasinātā klase (A class that assumes a child role when it participates in an inheritance relationship with a parent (or base) class whose methods can be extended or redefined and whose member access can be restricted)
environ., energ.ind., el.energy classenergoefektivitātes klase
environ., energ.ind., el.energy efficiency classenergoefektivitātes klase
comp., MSevent classnotikumu klase (In SQL Trace, a collection of properties that define an event)
fin.exposure classriska darījumu kategorija
chem.hazard classbīstamības klase
comp., MSimplementation classimplementācijas klase (In a static structure diagram, a class that defines the physical data structures and procedures of an object as implemented in a traditional programming language, such as C++. An object may have only one implementation class)
econ.lower classzemākā šķira
econ.middle classvidusšķira
comp., MS.NET Framework class library.NET Framework klašu bibliotēka (A library of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in .NET Framework. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built)
comp., MSparameterized classparametru klase (In a static structure diagram, a template that describes a class with one or more unbound formal parameters. It defines a family of classes, each of which is specified by binding the parameters to actual values)
comp., MSpartial classdalīta klase (A class whose definition is split over two or more source files. Each source file contains a section of the class definition, and all parts are combined when the application is compiled)
econ.peasant classzemnieku šķira
health., pharma.pharmacological class effectzāļu grupas blakusparādības
gen.Private First Classdižkareivis
econ.ruling classvaldošā šķira
econ.social classsociālā šķira
econ.socially disadvantaged classsociāli mazaizsargāta šķira
stat.true class limitrobežvērtība
comp., MSunit classmērvienību kategorija (A classification of units of measurement)
econ.upper classaugstākā šķira
econ.working classstrādnieku šķira