
Terms containing business | all forms | exact matches only
gen."any other business" itemsadaļas "citi jautājumi" punkts
econ.Black Sea Economic Business Cooperation CouncilMelnās jūras reģiona ekonomiskās un biznesa sadarbības padome
comp., MSBlackBerry Business Cloud ServicesBlackBerryR uzņēmumu mākoņpakalpojumi (A smartphone service for BlackBerry devices using Office 365. The service is hosted by Research In Motion)
econ.BSEC Business CouncilMelnās jūras reģiona ekonomiskās un biznesa sadarbības padome
environ.business activity Any profit-seeking undertaking or venture that involves the production, sale and purchase of goods or servicesuzņēmējdarbība
econ., commer., polit.business activitydarījumdarbība
econ., commer., polit.business activitysaimnieciskā darbība
econ.business activitydarījumu aktivitāte
comp., MSbusiness activity statementsaimnieciskās darbības pārskats (A form that Australian businesses file to report and pay taxes)
econ.business administrationuzņēmuma administrācija
fin.business angelkomerceņģelis
econ.business associationuzņēmumu asociācija
econ.business associationuzņēmumu apvienība
environ.business-as-usual scenariostatus quo scenārijs
environ.business-as-usual scenarioierastās darbības scenārijs
comp., MSBusiness CardVizītkarte (A card-like layout on an Outlook Contact that provides the user with the look of a real world business card)
comp., MSbusiness classificationbiznesa sektors (A classifier that classifies organizations in an industry classification system)
environ.business classification The categorization of enterprises or organizations involved in an economyuzņēmējdarbības klasificēšana
econ.business climateuzņēmējdarbības vide
comp., MSbusiness closureuzņēmuma slēgšana (A period of time that an entire business is not available for service activities)
comp., MSBusiness Connectivity ServicesUzņēmumu savienojamības pakalpojumi (A feature that enables users to interact with back-end (LOB) data from within the Office Suite and SharePoint)
comp., MSbusiness contactdarba kontaktpersona (An individual who is interested in doing business or who currently does business with your organization. A contact may or may not be part of a larger organization (account))
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager databaseBusiness Contact Manager datu bāze (The database that stores information about accounts, business contacts, opportunities, business projects, and other items)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database ToolMicrosoft Outlook 2010 Business Contact Manager datu bāzu administrēšanas rīks (A downloadable tool that provides users with administration capabilities such as creating, sharing, backing up or restoring a database)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager for OutlookOutlook Business Contact Manager (A feature or add-in for Outlook that enables small business owners to list business contacts, accounts, and opportunities, and to perform several tasks related to managing and tracking information about the business)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager Home PageBusiness Contact Manager sākumlapa (A document that serves as a starting point for exploring Business Contact Manager for Outlook. The home page is displayed by default and can be customized)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager Learning CenterBusiness Contact Manager mācību centrs (A Web page that contains hyperlinks to the Quick Start Guide, the Microsoft Office Online Web site, and selected Help topics about the newest features)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager toolbarBusiness Contact Manager rīkjosla (The toolbar at the top of an item where you can view existing links or create new links to Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project records)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Recorddarba kontaktpersonas ieraksts (The location for storing business contact information, including information that is entered on the Business Contact form, linked records, and communication history items)
IT, corp.gov.business continuitydarbības turpināšana
IT, corp.gov.business continuityuzņēmējdarbības nepārtrauktība
IT, corp.gov.business continuitydarbības nepārtrauktība
IT, corp.gov.Business Continuity InstituteDarbības nepārtrauktības institūts
IT, corp.gov.business continuity managementdarbības nepārtrauktības pārvaldība
corp.gov.business continuity plandarbības turpināšanas plāns
corp.gov.business continuity plandarbības nepārtrauktības plāns
polit.Business Continuity Planningdarbības nepārtrauktības plānošana
polit.Business Continuity Planning and Security Accreditation Authority UnitDarbības nepārtrauktības plānošanas un drošības akreditācijas iestādes nodaļa
gen.Business Continuity Sitedublējošā centrālā vienība
IT, corp.gov.Business Continuity Systemdarba nepārtrauktības sistēma
IT, corp.gov.Business Continuity Systemdarbības nepārtrauktības sistēma
comp., MSbusiness data actionbiznesa datu darbība (A link that appears alongside business objects from the Application Registry. These links can open web pages, display the user interfaces of line-of-business applications, launch InfoPath forms, or, through custom actions, invoke any logic in a .NET assembly)
comp., MSBusiness Data Connectivity Model Templatebiznesa datu savienojumu modeļa veidne (A Visual Studio project template that enables you to create your own .NET Connectivity Assemblies)
comp., MSBusiness Data Connectivity servicebiznesa datu savienojumu pakalpojums (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
comp., MSBusiness Data Connectivity Service Applicationbiznesa datu savienojumu pakalpojuma lietojumprogramma (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
comp., MSBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application Proxybiznesa datu savienojumu pakalpojuma starpniekprogramma (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
comp., MSBusiness Data Connectivity Shared Servicebiznesa datu savienojumu koplietojamais pakalpojums (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
econ.business data processingkomercdatu apstrāde
fin.business day conventionvienošanās par brīvdienās iekrītošajiem maksājumiem
comp., MSbusiness documentbiznesa dokuments (A view of a source document that is issued by one party and received by one or more other parties)
comp., MSbusiness driveruzņēmuma faktors (A condition or phenomenon that has the potential to impact a business either positively or negatively)
environ.business economics The art of purchasing and selling goods from an economics perspective or a perspective involving the scientific study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and servicesuzņēmējdarbības ekonomika
econ., busin., labor.org.business environmentuzņēmējdarbības vide
comp., MSbusiness eventbiznesa notikums (The abstraction of an economic event and an accounting event)
fin.Business Identifier Codeuzņēmuma identifikācijas kods
obs., fin.Business Identifier Codebankas identifikācijas kods
econ., industr., construct.business incubatoruzņēmumu inkubators
econ., industr., construct.business incubator centreuzņēmumu inkubators
econ.Business Innovation Support Schemeatbalsta shēma jauninājumiem uzņēmējdarbībā
comp., MSbusiness intelligencebiznesa informācija (The aggregation, storage, analysis, and reporting of data for the purpose of informing business decision makers)
comp., MSBusiness Intelligence CenterBiznesa informācijas centrs (A SharePoint site template that provides an entry point for users to access the business intelligence ecosystem)
econ.business leasenoma uzņēmējdarbības veikšanai
fin.business line mappingattiecināšana uz darbības jomām
econ.business locationuzņēmējdarbības vieta
comp., MSBusiness Logic Modulebiznesa loģikas modulis (A module that contains Business Logic software and is called to enforce data constraints and/or perform tasks that are loaded and executed in a host-specific run-time environment)
econ.business managementuzņēmuma pārvaldība
immigr.business migrantaugsti kvalificēts migrants
busin., labor.org.business modeldarījumdarbības modelis
obs., busin., labor.org.business modeluzņēmējdarbības modelis
econ.business moralsbiznesa ētika
econ.business nameuzņēmuma nosaukums
comp., MSBusiness NetworkBiznesa tīkls (A feature that is a series of interwoven social components that are surfaced contextually to users)
comp., MSBusiness Network profileBiznesa tīkla profils (An entity that represents a person in the Business Network, to which person-type entities in CRM can be linked)
comp., MSBusiness Network relationshipAttiecības biznesa tīklā (An explicit (for example, "colleague") or implicit (for example, "sent 100 emails in the last 30 days") relationship, with inherent strength, between people in the Business Network)
comp., MSbusiness operationbiznesa operācija (A logical business action controlled by the business operation framework and implemented by a class that communicates with the framework using data contracts)
comp., MSBusiness Operation Frameworkbiznesa operāciju platforma (The model-view-controller framework that synchronously or asynchronously controls the execution of immediate or batched business operation implementations)
environ.business organisation A particular legal arrangement for owning a firm, the principal forms are sale trades, partnerships and companies/corporations; collective term for the system, function, process of planning, providing, coordinating, directing all efforts and resources in a business in order to achieve its goalsuzņēmējdarbības organizācija
econ.business parksaimniecisko darbību zona
comp., MSBusiness PhoneTālrunis darbā (The field where the telephone number for a business can be entered)
comp., MSbusiness phoneuzņēmuma tālrunis (The field where the telephone number for a business can be entered)
environ.business policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for an enterprise or company organized for commercial purposesuzņēmuma politika
econ.business policyuzņēmējdarbības politika
busin.business populationuzņēmumi
comp., MSbusiness presentationbiznesa prezentācija (A presentation created for business purposes)
comp., MSbusiness process flowbiznesa procesa plūsma (An operational process that guides a user to achieve a certain goal)
comp., MSBusiness Process Modeling NotationBiznesa procesu modelēšanas notācija (A standard notation for process management developed by the Business Process Management Initiative)
comp., MSBusiness RulesBiznesa kārtulas (A node in the solution explorer that will display all the rules that are created on attributes on the current entity and that apply to other entities)
law, commer.business secretkomercnoslēpums
econ.business start-upuzņēmuma dibināšana
comp., MSbusiness taskdarba uzdevums (A work-related action item that can be tracked through completion. A business task may occur once or repeatedly)
econ.business taxuzņēmējdarbības nodoklis
tax.business tiesekonomiskie sakari
comp., MSbusiness to businessbizness biznesam (Relating to the sales category pertaining to transactions and related activity between a business and buyers who are not consumers, such as government bodies, companies, and resellers)
comp., MSbusiness-to-business integrationstarpuzņēmumu integrācija (The exchange of electronic documents between two companies, for example, for the purpose of trading)
comp., MSbusiness-to-business sitebizness biznesam vietne (A Web site designed for the creation and transmission of purchase orders between businesses that have an established relationship)
comp., MSbusiness-to-consumer sitebizness patērētājam vietne (A Web site that provides retail shopping directly to the public)
econ.business tourismdarījumu tūrisms
comp., MSbusiness unitbiznesa vienība (A semi-autonomous operating unit that is created to meet strategic business objectives)
busin., labor.org., account.business unituzņēmējdarbības vienība
comp., MSBusiness Unit Settingsstruktūrvienības iestatījumi (A sub-area of the Settings module where business units, users, security roles, teams, facilities and equipment, resource groups, and queues are managed)
comp., MSBusiness Unit SettingsUzņēmuma struktūrvienības iestatījumi (A sub-area of the Settings module where business units, users, security roles, teams, facilities and equipment, resource groups, and queues are managed)
comp., MSbusiness userbiznesa informācijas lietotājs (An information user, such as a business manager, marketing manager, or business analyst that uses information to make critical decisions)
comp., MSbusiness viewuzņēmumu skatījums (A business data perspective. Designated fields and records are arranged in a designated sequence)
econ.business yearbudžeta gads
econ.business yearfinanšu gads
comp., MSchild business unitpakārtotā struktūrvienība (A business unit that is immediately under another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
tax.Code of conduct for business taxationRīcības kodekss attiecībā uz uzņēmējdarbības nodokļiem
social.sc., unions.Confederation of European BusinessEiropas Biznesa konfederācija
obs., social.sc., unions.Confederation of European BusinessEiropas Darba devēju un rūpnieku konfederāciju apvienība
gen.Confederation of European BusinessBUSINESSEUROPE
law, chem.confidential business informationkonfidenciālā komerciālā informācija
econ.craft businessamatniecības uzņēmums
environ.demolition business The activity of reducing buildings or other structures to rubbleuzņēmējdarbība ēku nojaukšanas jomā
fin.Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions recastEiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Direktīva 2006/48/EK par kredītiestāžu darbības sākšanu un veikšanu pārstrādāta versija
fin.Directive 2009/138/EC on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and ReinsuranceDirektīva 2009/138/EK par uzņēmējdarbības uzsākšanu un veikšanu apdrošināšanas un pārapdrošināšanas jomā
gen.Directive 2009/138/EC on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and ReinsuranceMaksātspēja II
econ.distribution businessizplatītājuzņēmums
comp., MSdoing business asfirmas nosaukums (The assumed, fictitious name under which an organization is registered in the United States)
comp., MSdoing business as namefirmas nosaukums (The registration of an assumed, fictitious, or trade name under which a business operates, which must be included on U.S. tax reports. In the U.S., any business that operates under a name other than a personal or corporate legal name must register a DBA name with the appropriate government agency)
oildownstream businesspatērētāju apgādes stadijā veiktas darbības
commer., commun., ITe-businesse-darījumi
gen.e-businesselektroniskie darījumi
econ., environ.eco-businessvides preču un pakalpojumu nozares uzņēmums
econ., environ.eco-businessekonozares uzņēmums
commer.eco-businessvidei draudzīgs uzņēmums
gen.electronic businesselektroniskie darījumi
gen.electronic businesse-darījumi
comp., MSElectronic Business CardElektroniskā vizītkarte (A card-like layout on an Outlook Contact that provides the user with the look of a real world business card)
econ.European Business RegisterEiropas Biznesa reģistrs
comp., MSeXtensible Business Reporting Language An XML language for the electronic communication of business and financial datapaplašināmā komerciālo pārskatu valoda (XBRL)
econ.family businessģimenes uzņēmums
econ.farm businesslauksaimniecības uzņēmums
food.ind.feed businessbarības uzņēmums
food.ind.feed business operatoruzņēmējs, kas iesaistīts barības apritē
food.ind.food businesspārtikas uzņēmums
food.ind.food business operatoruzņēmējs, kas iesaistīts pārtikas apritē
law, h.rghts.act., unions.freedom to conduct businessdarījumdarbības brīvība
environ.goal of individual economic business The aim, purpose, objective, or end for a profit-seeking enterprise engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a serviceatsevišķa uzņēmuma komercdarbības mērķis
commer.green businessvidei draudzīgs uzņēmums
environ.handicraft business The profession, commercial firm or trade involving the production and distribution of articles that are made through the skilled use of one's handsamatnieku uzņēmējdarbība
environ.insurance business A commercial service which provides a guarantee against most losses or harm to a person, property or a firm in return for premiums paidapdrošināšanas uzņēmējdarbība
fin., econ.joint forum on transfer pricing in the field of business taxationKopējais iekšējo cenu noteikšanas forums
econ.large businessliels uzņēmums
econ.medium-sized businessvidēja lieluma uzņēmums
comp., MSMicrosoft Small Business WebMicrosoft vietne mazajiem uzņēmumiem (Microsoft's portal Web site for Small Business)
comp., MSneglected business contactaizmirsta darba kontaktpersona (A Business Contact with whom there has been no interaction with for over 30 days)
patents.normal course of businessparasta uzņēmējdarbības gaita
comp., MSOffice 365 Midsize Business TrialOffice 365 Midsize Business izmēģinājumversija (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for midsize businesses (fewer than 250 users) that need that need Office suite, email, instant messaging, document/content management, and web conferencing. Includes Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac, mobile, Office Web Apps and IT management capabilities)
comp., MSOffice 365 Small Business Premium TrialOffice 365 Small Business Premium izmēģinājumversija (A limited-time trial for small businesses and professionals (fewer than 25 users) that need Office suite, email, instant messaging, document/content management, and web conferencing. Includes Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac, mobile and Office Web Apps. Simple setup and deployment)
environ.painting business A commercial service through which paint, a decorative or protective coating product, or similar products are applied to the interiors and exteriors of buildings and other surfaceskrāsošanas pakalpojumi
comp., MSparent businessmātesuzņēmums (A business in which any action taken on the main business can propagate to the subordinate business)
comp., MSparent business unitgalvenā struktūrvienība (A business unit that is immediately above another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
comp., MSParent: Child Business UnitsGalvenā struktūrvienība un pakārtotās struktūrvienības (A security access level that allows a user access to record types in the user's business unit and all business units subordinate to the user's business unit)
polit.parliamentary business weekParlamenta darba nedēļa
law, priv.int.law., patents.place of businessdarījumdarbības vieta
gen.place of businessuzņēmējdarbības vieta
law, fin., busin.principal place of businessgalvenā darījumdarbības vieta
labor.org.principal place of businessgalvenā uzņēmējdarbības vieta
gen.principal place of businessgalvenā darbības vieta
fin.rating businesskredītreitingu noteikšanas darbības
econ.real estate businessnekustamā īpašuma uzņēmums
comp., MSremote business data removaluzņēmuma datu attāla noņemšana (A feature that lets enterprises securely remove only enterprise data from personal devices, without affecting any personal data)
econ.rental businessnomas uzņēmums
environ.repair business Any commercial activity, position or site that involves work in restoring or fixing some material thing or structure, such as by replacing parts or putting together something torn, broken or detachedremonta pakalpojumi
fin.sale of business tooluzņēmuma pārdošanas instruments
comp., MSself-service business intelligencepatstāvīgi izmantojama biznesa informācija (Analytic tools and processes that enable users in an organization to access data to create, use, and share reports without relying on IT for report creation)
environ.size of business No definition neededuzņēmējdarbības apjoms, uzņēmuma lielums
econ.size of businessuzņēmuma lielums
econ.small businessmazs uzņēmums
busin.Small Business ActEiropas Mazās uzņēmējdarbības akts "Small Business Act"
busin.Small Business Act for EuropeEiropas Mazās uzņēmējdarbības akts "Small Business Act"
gen.Small Business Innovation Research SchemeMazo uzņēmumu pētniecības darbību atbalsta ierosme
gen.Small Business Innovation Research SchemeMazo uzņēmumu inovācijas pētniecības atbalsta shēma
gen.Small Business Research InitiativeMazo uzņēmumu inovācijas pētniecības atbalsta shēma
gen.Small Business Research InitiativeMazo uzņēmumu pētniecības darbību atbalsta ierosme
social.sc., busin., labor.org.social businesssociālais uzņēmums
law, commer.suspended business activitiesuzņēmējdarbības pārtraukšanas procedūra
environ.transportation business Any commercial venture involved in the processes of conveying things or people from one place to anothertransporta jomas uzņēmējdarbība
law, busin., labor.org.true place of businessfaktiskā darījumdarbības vieta
law, busin., labor.org.true place of businessfaktiskā mītnesvieta
environ.type of business The class or category of an enterprise or organization involved in an economyuzņēmējdarbības veids
econ.type of businessuzņēmējdarbības veids
environ.undertaking business Any commercial activity, position or site associated with the preparation of the dead for burial and the management and arrangement of funeralsuzņēmējdarbība
polit.unfinished businessneizskatīti jautājumi
comp., MSUniversal Business Languageuniversālā biznesa valoda (A language for defining XML business documents that is maintained by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS))
environ.World Business Council for Sustainable DevelopmentPasaules Uzņēmēju padome ilgtspējīgai attīstībai