
Terms for subject Social science containing a | all forms | exact matches only
action programme for the implementation of a European Community vocational training policyRīcības programma Eiropas Kopienas profesionālo mācību politikas īstenošanai
activity as a self-employed personpašnodarbinātība
Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective ComplaintsEiropas Sociālās hartas Papildu protokols, ar kuru paredz kolektīvo prasījumu sistēmu
Agreement on the Exchange of War Cripples between Member Countries of the Council of Europe with a view to Medical TreatmentNolīgums par karadarbībā cietušo apmaiņu starp Eiropas Padomes dalībvalstīm, lai nodrošinātu medicīnisko aprūpi