
Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation containing yellow | all forms | exact matches only
Chatham Island yellow-fronted parakeetForbes-karariki (Cyanoramphus auriceps forbesi)
greater yellow rattlegrote ratelaar (Rhinanthus glaber, Rhinanthus major, Rhinanthus serotinus)
lesser yellow rattlekleine ratelaar (Rhinanthus minor)
top yellows of peavroege vergeling (Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium pisi)
Usa:yellow-billed loonwitsnavelduiker (Gavia adamsii)
Usa:yellow-billed loongeelsnavelduiker (Gavia adamsii)
yellow-bellied weaselgeelbuikwezel (Mustela (Mustela) kathiah, Mustela kathiah)
yellow-breasted buntingwilgengors (Emberiza aureola)
yellow-browed buntinggeelbrauwgors (Emberiza chrysophrys)
yellow-capped weaverPreuss-wever (Phormoplectes preussi, Ploceus preussi)
yellow cardinalgroene kardinaal (Gubernatrix cristata)
yellow croakerMandschoeria-trommelvis (Pseudosciaena manchurica)
yellow-fronted canarymozambiquesijs (Serinus mozambicus)
yellow gentiangentiana lutea (Gentiana lutea)
yellow irisgele lis (Iris pseudacorus L.)
yellow-legged gullgeelpootmeeuw (Larus cachinnans)
yellow monitorgele varaan (Varanus flavescens)
yellow star thistlezomercentaurie (Centaurea solstitialis L.)
yellow-throated martengeelkeelmarter (Martes (Charronia) flavigula, Martes flavigula, Martes gwatkinsi)
yellow-throated martenMaleise bonte marter (Martes (Charronia) flavigula, Martes flavigula, Martes gwatkinsi)
yellow wagtailengelse gele kwikstaart (Motacilla flava flavissima)
yellow wagtailgele kwikstaart (Motacilla flava flava)
yellow water-lilygele plomp (Nuphar Lutea Sibt.et Sm., Nuphar polysepala Engelm.)