
Terms containing release of organisms | all forms | in specified order only
environ.accidental release of organisms Genetically engineered organisms that are released in the environment by mistake; once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria (possibly having other positive functions which thus are lost) or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria. There is also concern that an uncontrolled genetic mutation could produce a form with hazardous consequences for the environmenthet per ongeluk vrijkomen van organismen
environ.accidental release of organismshet per ongeluk vrijkomen van organismen
environ.Committee for implementation of the directive on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organismsComité voor de uitvoering van de richtlijn inzake de doelbewuste introductie van genetisch gemodificeerde organismen in het milieu
environ.deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organismsdoelbewuste introductie van genetisch gemodificeerde organismen in het milieu
nat.sc., environ.Regulatory Committee on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organismsReglementeringscomité inzake de doelbewuste introductie van genetisch gemodificeerde organismen in het milieu
environ.release of organisms The release of organisms in the environment creates the risk that once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteriaorganismen vrijlaten
environ.release of organismsuitzetten
environ.release of organismsorganismen vrijlaten