Subject | English | Dutch |
environ. | absorbents, filter materials, wiping clothes and protective clothing | absorbens, filtermateriaal, poetsdoeken, beschermende kleding |
environ. | absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not otherwise specified | Verpakking, absorbens, poetsdoeken, filtermateriaal en beschermende kleding niet eerder genoemd |
environ. | absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not otherwise specified | verpakking,absorbens,poetsdoeken,filtermateriaal en beschermende kledingniet eerder genoemd | | ageing protective agent | anti-oxydant |
el. | biased protective system | gepolariseerd beschermingssysteem |
environ. | biological protective mechanism | biologische afweermechanismen |
mech.eng. | cable protective sleeving | kabelbeschermer | | combined protective appliance | verbonden beveiligingstoestel |
gen. | complete protective clothing | volledig gaspak |
transp., avia. | crew protective breathing equipment | beschermende ademhalingstuig voor de bemanning |
transp., avia. | donning of protective breathing equipment | het opzetten van beschermende ademhalingstuig | | earmuff which can be fitted to industrial protective helmet | gehoorbeschermer voor gebruik in combinatie met veiligheidshelm |, environ. | Earth's protective ozone layer | ozonbeschermingslaag |, environ. | Earth's protective ozone layer | ozonschild |, environ. | Earth's protective ozone shield | ozonbeschermingslaag |, environ. | Earth's protective ozone shield | ozonschild |, environ. | Earth's protective shield | ozonbeschermingslaag |, environ. | Earth's protective shield | ozonschild |
energ.ind. | equipment protective earthing terminal | veiligheidsaarde van de eindapparatuur | | escape-type respiratory protective device | ademhalingsbeschermingsmiddel voor zelfredding |
environ. | examination and control of protective devices | het onderzoek en de controle van de beveiligingsmiddelen |
tech., industr., construct. | falling-object protective structures | constructies ter beveiliging tegen vallende voorwerpen |
tech., industr., construct. | falling-object protective structures | constructie ter bescherming tegen vallende voorwerpen |
met. | film with protective layer | beschermfolie |
med. | fire-resistant protective clothing | moeilijk vlamvattende veilighheidskleding |
transp., polit. | front underrun protective device | beschermingsinrichting aan de voorzijde tegen klemrijden |, transp. | hearing-protective device | gehoorbeschermingsmiddel |, transp. | hearing-protective device | oorstopje |, transp. | hearing-protective device | gehoorbeschermer |
health. | hearing protective helmet | oorkap |
health. | hearing protective helmet | gehoorbeschermkap |
health. | heat-protective clothing | beschermende kleding voor arbeiders die worden blootgesteld aan hitte,uitgezonderd voor brandweer en lassers |
health. | heat-protective clothing | warmte-isolerende kledij |
health. | heat protective clothing | warmte-isolerende kledij |
health. | heat protective clothing | hittewerende kledij |
health. | heat protective clothing | beschermende kleding voor arbeiders die worden blootgesteld aan hitte,uitgezonderd voor brandweer en lassers |
health. | heat protective clothing | beschermende kleding tegen hitte en vuur |
health. | heat-protective clothing | hittewerende kledij |
health. | heat-protective clothing | beschermende kleding tegen hitte en vuur |
agric. | impressed current cathodic protective system | kathodisch corrosiebeschermingssysteem |, met. | inadequate abrasion and impact resistance of protective layers | onvoldoende slijtvastheid en slagsterkte van beschermende lagen |
econ., market. | incidental protective effect | bijkomend beschermend effect |
gen. | individual respiratory protective equipment | individuele ademhalingsbescherming |
med. | induction of protective immunity | verwekken van immuniteit |
med. | induction of protective immunity | opwekken van immuniteit | | interchangeable component of a protective equipment | verwisselbaar onderdeel van een beschermingsmiddel |
agric. | interim protective measure | conservatoire maatregel |
transp. | key for protective device | sleutel van de beveiligingsinrichting |, el. | laser protective spectacles | laserbril | | lead covered protective screen | schild bekleed met lood | | lead covered protective screen | scherm bekleed met lood | | lead covered protective shield | schild bekleed met lood | | lead covered protective shield | scherm bekleed met lood |
fin. | least protective tariffs | minst beschermende tarieven |
el. | lightning impulse protective level | bliksemstootspanningsbeschermingsniveau |
chem., el. | mean protective current density | gemiddelde KB-stroomdichtheid |, mech.eng. | outer protective wrapping | omverpakking |
el. | overvoltage protective device | overspanningsbeveiliger |
food.ind. | packaged in a protective atmosphere | verpakt onder beschermende atmosfeer |
environ. | packaging, absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not otherwise specified | verpakking,absorbens,poetsdoeken,filtermateriaal en beschermende kledingniet eerder genoemd |, industr., construct. | peelable protective coating | afpel-coating |, unions. | personal protective device | persoonlijk beschermingsmiddel |, unions. | personal protective equipment | persoonlijk beschermingsmiddel |
health. | personal protective equipment | persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen |
health. | personal protective equipment | individuele beschermende uitrusting |
gen. | personal protective equipment against falls from a height | persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen tegen vallen | | personal protective equipment for self-defence | zelfverdedigingsvoorwerpen |
mech.eng., construct. | phase protective relay | fazen-relais |
mech.eng., construct. | phase protective relay | fasen-relais |, agric. | plant protective agent | plantenbeschermend middel |
med. | preparation with protective coating | preparaat met een beschermende omhulling |
health. | primary protective barrier | primaire afscherming |
el. | protective action | beschermende actie |
industr., construct. | protective agent against photo-degradation | middel ter verhoging van de weerstand tegen inwerking van licht |
health. | protective apron | beschermschort |
met. | protective atmosphere | beschermend gas |
met. | protective atmosphere furnace | oven met beschermende atmosfeer |
law | protective attachment | conservatoir beslag |
law | protective attachment | derdenbeslag |
law | protective attachment | beslag onder derden |
law | protective award | civiele schadevergoeding |
health. | protective barrier | stralingsscherm |
health. | protective barrier | afscherming |
med. | protective bed cradle | beschermingshoepel |
med. | protective bed cradle | dekenboog |
med. | protective bed cradle | bedboog |
mech.eng. | protective bellows | vouwbalg |
agric. | protective belt | beschermende strook van bomen en struiken |
agric. | protective belt | beschermende zoom van bomen en struiken |
agric. | protective belt | beschermende gordel van bomen en struiken |
mech.eng. | protective boot | harmonicabalg |, el. | protective braiding | beschermende omvlechting |
met. | protective brazing atmosphere | beschermende atmosfeer voor solderen |
gen. | protective breaker | beschermingslaag |
transp., avia. | Protective Breathing Equipment | beschermende ademhalingstuig |
transp., avia. | Protective Breathing Equipment | beschermende ademhalingsapparatuur |
transp., mech.eng. | protective cap | beschermingskap |
transp., mech.eng. | protective cap | beschermingsdop |
gen. | protective cap | beschermkap |
market. | protective capital resources | garantievermogen |
industr., construct. | protective case for hand lamp | omhulling voor draagbare lamp | | protective casing | koker | | protective casing | kapsel |
transp., mech.eng. | protective casing | schermkast | | protective casing | beschermende bekleding | | protective casing | beschuttend omhulsel |
transp., nautic., tech. | protective casing | mantelpijp | | protective casing | schermlaag |
fin. | protective character | bescherming |
fin. | protective character | beschermend karakter |
hobby | protective chest dressing | borstverband |
transp., el. | protective circuit | veiligheidsstroomkring |
transp., el. | protective circuit | beveiligingsstroomketen |, mech.eng. | protective circuit switch | motorbeveiliging |
econ. | protective clause | vrijwaringsclausule |
health. | protective clothing | beschermkledij |
industr., construct. | protective clothing | beschermende kleding |
health. | protective clothing assembly | geklimatiseerd pak |, agric. | protective clothing for spraying | veiligheidskleding voor het spuiten |, agric. | protective clothing for spraying | spuitkleding |
chem., textile | protective clothing resistant to chemical attack | beschermende kleding die bestand is tegen werking van chemische stoffen | | protective coat | beschermende laag |
construct. | protective coating | beschermende bekleding |
met. | protective coating prevents corrosion of the parent metal | de beschermende deklaag voorkomt corrosie van het moedermateriaalB basismateriaal |, met. | protective coating technology | deklaag-technologie |
met. | Protective Coatings Technology laboratory | laboratorium voor de technologie van beschermende bekledingen |
chem. | protective colloid | schutcolloïde |
chem. | protective colloid | beschermende colloïde | | protective colouration | schutkleur |
fin. | protective components other than customs duties | beschermende elementen andere dan douanerechten |
el., construct. | protective conductor | beschermingsleiding |
el. | protective contact | beschermcontact |
mech.eng. | protective cover | beschermmantel |
el. | protective cover | beschermende afdekking |
coal. | protective cover | schutkap |
coal. | protective cover | beschermkast | | protective covering | schermlaag | | protective covering | beschuttend omhulsel | | protective covering | beschermende bekleding |
chem., el. | protective current requirement | beschermingsstroombehoefte |
mech.eng. | protective curtain | gordijn |
law, | protective device | beveiligingsinrichting |
industr., construct. | protective dome | stofkap |
industr., construct. | protective dome | beschermende omhulling |
health., anim.husb. | protective dose | beschermende dosis |
mech.eng., construct. | protective drapes | beschermend dekzeil |
fin. | protective duty | beschermend recht |
gen. | protective earth | aardverbinding |
gen. | protective earth | aardgeleiding |
health. | protective earthing | aarding |
commun., mech.eng. | protective edging | beschermrand |
agric. | protective effect | beschermende werking |
fin. | protective element of a duty | beschermend element van een douanerecht |
fin. | protective elements contained in customs duties of a fiscal nature | beschermende elementen in de douanerechten van fiscale aard |
gen. | protective enclosure | beschermende omheining |
gen. | protective environment | beschermende omgeving |
gen. | protective environment | beschermend milieu |
econ. | protective equipment | beschermingsmiddel | | protective equipment designed to prevent drowning | beveiliging tegen verdrinking | | protective equipment for emergency use | beschermingsmiddel voor snel ingrijpen | | protective equipment subject to ageing | aan veroudering onderhevige veiligheidsuitrusting |
health. | protective factors | beschermende factoren |
transp. | protective fairing | beschermstroomlijnkap |
met. | protective film | beschermende film |
met. | protective film | beschermingslaagje |
med. | protective film | beschermende doorzichtige laag |
met. | protective film of adherent oxide | vastgehecht beschermend oxydelaagje |
met. | protective film of adherent oxide | vastgehecht beschermend oxidelaagje |
IT, el. | protective film spray | film-beschermingsspray |
construct. | protective filter | omgekeerde filter of beschermend filter |
transp. | protective flange | beschermstrip |
med. | protective food | beschermend voedingsmiddel |, mech.eng. | protective food pack or wrapper | koeltank |, mech.eng. | protective food pack or wrapper | koeltas |, mech.eng. | protective food pack or wrapper | conserverende verpakking |, mech.eng. | protective food pack or wrapper | beschermende verpakking |
agric., construct. | protective forest | schermbos |
stat., agric. | protective function | beschermende functie | | protective gaiter | beenkap |
industr., construct. | protective garment bag | kledinghoes |
industr., construct. | protective garment bag | hoes voor kledingstukken |
el. | protective gas | beschermend gas |
met. | protective gas | schutgas | | protective glass | oogscherm |
chem. | protective glass | schutglas |
chem. | protective glass | protectieglas |
industr., construct., met. | protective glasses | beschermglazen |
industr., construct., met. | protective glasses | veiligheidsglazen |
pharma., | protective gloves | beschermende handschoenen |
health., industr. | protective goggles | beschermende bril |
industr., construct. | protective goggles | veiligheidsbril | | protective grating | beschermend traliewerk |
el. | protective ground | beschermende aarde |
health. | protective grounding | aarding |
mun.plan.,, | protective headgear | veiligheidshoofddeksel |
patents. | protective headgear | beschermende hoofddeksels |, chem., el. | protective headwear | hoofddeksel |
agric. | protective hedge | beschuttende haag | | protective helmet | veiligheidshelm |, agric. | protective helmet with air filter | veiligheidshelm met luchtfilter |
gen. | protective helmets | beschermende helmen |
transp., mech.eng. | protective housing | schermkast |
law, IT | protective interests of the person concerned | te beschermen belangen van de betrokkene |
gen. | protective interlock | veiligheidsvergrendeling |
law | protective intervention of the public authorities | voorzorgsmaatregelen van de overheid |
met. | protective lacquered | gelakt |
met. | protective lacquering | beschermd door middel van lak |
met. | protective layer | beschermingslaagje |
cultur. | protective layer | beschermlaag |
cultur. | protective layer | schutlaag |
met. | protective layer | beschermende film |
transp., construct. | protective layer with surfacing | beschermende laag met verharding | | protective lining or cladding | brandwerende bekleding |
transp., nautic., environ. | protective location of segregated ballast tanks | beschermende plaatsing van gescheiden-ballasttanks |
industr. | protective mask | apparatuur voor bescherming van de ademhaling |
industr. | protective mask | ademhalingsbeschermingsmiddel |
patents. | protective masks | veiligheidsmaskers |
gen. | protective masks for workmen | veiligheidsmaskers voor arbeiders |
mun.plan. | protective mat for placing under furniture | blokje en plaatje voor meubelpoten |
health. | protective material | beschermende materialen |
health. | protective material | beschermend materiaal |
comp., MS | Protective MBR | beschermde MBR (The first sector of a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is structured like the first sector of a master boot record (MBR) disk to prevent x86-based disk utilities from destroying GPT partitions. The Protective MBR contains one partition that reserves the entire space used on the disk by GPT partitions) |
agric. | protective means | beveiligingsmaatregelen |
agric. | protective means | beschermingsmaatregelen |
law | protective measure | voorlopige maatregel |
environ. | protective measure Any precautionary action, procedure or installation conceived or undertaken to guard or defend from harm persons, property or the environment | beschermingsmaatregel |
commer., polit. | protective measure | beschermende maatregel |
commer., polit. | protective measure | vrijwaringsmaatregel |
law | protective measure | conservatoire maatregel |
law, environ. | protective measure | beschermingsmaatregel |
law | protective measures | middelen tot bewaringvan(zijn)recht |
environ. | protective measures against gases | maatregel tot bescherming tegen gassen |
gen. | protective metal sheathing | beschermende metalen ommanteling |
gen. | protective metal sheathing | beschermende metalen omhulling |
chem., el. | protective multiple earthing | meervoudige aarding |
law | protective order | conservatoir bevelschrift |, environ. | protective ozone layer | ozonschild |, environ. | protective ozone layer | ozonbeschermingslaag |, environ. | protective ozone shield | ozonschild |, environ. | protective ozone shield | ozonbeschermingslaag |
industr., construct. | protective padding | beschermende vulling |
gen. | protective paddings parts of sports suits | beschermende opvullingen delen van sportkleding |
met. | protective paint | anticorrosieverflaag |
met. | protective paint | beschermende verf |
met. | protective paint | beschermende verflaag |
industr., construct., met. | protective paint | afdeklak |, industr., construct. | protective paper | omslagpapier |
el. | protective pin | beschermpen |
mech.eng. | protective plate | schutblik |
mech.eng. | protective plate | spatplaat |
mech.eng. | protective plate | schutplaat |
mech.eng. | protective plate | schermplaat |
transp. | protective plate for bellows | vouwbalgraam |
gen. | protective posts | patrijspoorten |
chem., el. | protective potential range | bereik van de beschermingspotentiaal |
patents. | protective preparations for metals | beschermende producten voor metalen |
fin. | protective put buying strategy | aankopen van putopties ter verdediging |
transp. | protective rejection | restrictieve uitwerking |
transp. | protective rejection | faalwering |
el. | protective relay | beveiligingsinrichting |
el. | protective relay | beschermingsrelais |
el. | protective relay | beveiligingsrelais |
antenn. | protective resistance | veiligheidsweerstand m |
health. | protective respiration apparatus | maskers voor ademhalingsbescherming |
health. | protective respiration apparatus | beshermende middelen tegen inademingsgevaar |
med. | protective restraint | veiligheidsharnas |
transp., mil., grnd.forc., tech. | protective rib | stootrand |
law | protective scope of the provision | werkingssfeer van de bepaling |
mech.eng. | protective screen | beschermingsrooster | | protective screen | afscherming |
tech. | protective security | veiligheidsborging | | protective sheathing | beschuttend omhulsel | | protective sheathing | schermlaag | | protective sheathing | beschermende bekleding | | protective shield | afscherming |
mech.eng. | protective shield | schermplaat |
mech.eng. | protective shield | schutplaat |
construct. | protective shield | oeververdediging |
gen. | protective signs | beschermingstekens |
transp. | protective skeg | beschermende kielhiel |
gen. | protective skin | beschermende film | | protective sleeve | beschermmof |
el. | protective spark gap | vronkbrug |
el. | protective spark gap | beschermingsvonkbrug |
met. | protective spats for welding | beenkappen voor lassers |
met. | protective spats for welding | beenbeschermers |
industr., construct. | protective spectacles | veiligheidsbril |
agric. | protective stake | beschermpaal |
fin. | protective stock | liquide beleggingen |
fin. | protective stock | investeringseffect |
industr., construct. | protective straw envelope for bottles | strohuls voor flessen | | protective strip | afschermstrook |
environ., construct. | protective structures | beschermend kunstwerk |
mun.plan. | protective stud | glijpen | | protective suit | beschermingskleding |
industr., construct. | protective suit against radiation | beschermende kleding tegen straling |
gen. | protective suits for aviators | speciale beschermende overalls voor vliegeniers |
mech.eng. | protective surround | beschermkap |
nucl.phys. | protective system | beveiligend systeem |
nucl.phys. | protective system | beveiligingssysteem |
nucl.phys. | protective system | beschermend systeem |
econ., transp. | protective tariff | voorkeurstarief |
law, fin. | protective tariff | beschermend tarief |
law, fin. | protective tariff | beschermend recht |
gen. | protective task | beschermende functie |
gen. | protective task | beschermende taak |
gen. | protective task | beschermende actie |
industr., construct., chem. | protective threshold | grenswaarde van de bescherming |,, agric. | protective trousers | beschermbroek |
gen. | protective trousers | regenbroek |
transp., construct. | protective tube | geleidingsbuis |
industr., construct. | protective tubing for electric cables | beschermingsbuis voor elektrische kabel |
agric. | protective tunnel | bladbeschermer |
agric. | protective tunnel | loofbeschermer |
agric. | protective tunnel | gekeerde voor |
health., med., pharma. | protective vaccination | profylactische inenting |
gen. | protective vaccination | profylactische vaccinatie |
health., med., pharma. | protective vaccination | preventieve vaccinatie |
met. | protective value | beschermende waarde |
med. | protective value | loodequivalent |
industr., construct. | protective wrapping | verpakking | | protective X-ray apron | rontgenschort | | protective X-ray apron | roentgenschort |
law | provisional and protective measures | voorlopige en beschermende maatregelen |
law | provisional, including protective, measures | voorlopige maatregelen en maatregelen tot bewaring van recht |
law | provisional, including protective, measures | voorlopige en bewarende maatregelen |
law | provisional receiver appointed by court on adjudication of bankruptcy, to take protective measures | beheerder van de failliete boedel | | radiation proof protective clothing | beschermende kleding |
industr., construct., chem. | radiation-protective glass | beschermglas tegen straling |
gen. | reactivity protective device | apparaat dat de reactiviteit bewaakt |
transp., mil., grnd.forc. | rear protective device | beschermingsinrichtingen aan de achterzijde |, agric. | removal of dirty protective clothing | verwijderen van vuile beschermende kleding |
tech., el. | residual current protective device | differentiëelschakelaar |
energ.ind. | residual current-operated protective device | aardlekschakelaar | | resistance of protective covers | duurzaamheid vh omhulsel | | resistance of protective covers | bestendigheid van het omhulsel |
industr. | respiratory protective device | apparatuur voor bescherming van de ademhaling |
industr. | respiratory protective device | ademhalingsbeschermingsmiddel |
pharma., environ., el. | respiratory protective equipment | ademhalingsbeschermingsmiddel |
transp., | to restore protective coating | gerepareerde delen bijwerken |
transp., | to restore protective coating | bijverven na reparatie |
chem. | rust-protective | roestwerend | | sealed protective cover | luchtdicht omhulsel | | sealed protective cover | dicht omhulsel |
health. | secondary protective barrier | secundaire afscherming | | shoe with additional protective toe-cap | schoen met stalen neus | | skin protective equipment | huidbescherming |
polit., industr. | Standing Committee on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres EXAT | Permanent Comité inzake de onderlinge aanpassing van de wetgevingen van de lidstaten betreffende apparaten en beveiligingssystemen bedoeld voor gebruik op plaatsen waar ontploffingsgevaar kan heersen |
polit., industr. | Standing Committee on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres | Permanent Comité inzake de onderlinge aanpassing van de wetgevingen van de lidstaten betreffende apparaten en beveiligingssystemen bedoeld voor gebruik op plaatsen waar ontploffingsgevaar kan heersen | | strippable protective coat | afpel-coating |
health. | structural protective barrier | structurele afscherming |
market. | subcommittee on protective measures | subcommissie voor de beschermingsmaatregelen |
el. | switching impulse protective level | schakelstootspanningsbeschermingsniveau |
med. | tablet with a protective coating | dragee |
market. | to take, as a precaution, the necessary protective measures | ter bescherming de noodzakelijke vrijwaringsmaatregelen treffen |
law | the Commission shall, by emergency procedure, determine the protective measures | de Commissie stelt door middel van een spoedprocedure de vrijwaringsmaatregelen vast |
fin. | the Community protective component | het communautaire element van bescherming |
fin. | the State concerned shall amend, suspend or abolish the protective measures referred to above | de betrokken Staat moet bovenbedoelde vrijwaringsmaatregelen wijzigen,schorsen of intrekken |
transp., polit. | thermal protective aid | thermisch beschermingsmiddel |
transp. | thermal protective aid | hulpmiddel tegen warmteverlies |
transp., nautic. | thermal protective lifejacket | isolerend reddingvest |
industr., construct. | transparent protective covering | beschermende omslag van doorzichtige kunstmatige plastische stof |
transp. | type of protective system | botsproeven met auto's |
transp., tech. | type of protective system | type beschermingssysteem |
transp. | type-4 protective device | beveiligingsinrichting type 4 |
transp. | type-2 protective device | beveiligingsinrichting type 2 |
transp. | type-3 protective device | beveiligingsinrichting type 3 |
transp. | type-1 protective device | beveiligingsinrichting type 1 |
chem. | Use personal protective equipment as required. | De nodige persoonlijke beschermingsuitrusting gebruiken. |
gen. | wear protective gloves when administering first aid | draag bij het verlenen van eerste hulp beschermende handschoenen |
gen. | wear protective gloves when inducing vomiting | beschermende handschoenen dragen bij opwekken van braken |
chem. | Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. | Beschermende handschoenen/beschermende kleding/oogbescherming/gelaatsbescherming dragen. |
unions. | wear suitable protective clothing | draag geschikte beschermende kleding |
unions. | wear suitable protective clothing | S36 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection | S36/39 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection | draag geschikte beschermende kleding en een beschermingsmiddel voor de ogen / het gezicht |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection | draag geschikte beschermende kleding en een beschermingsmiddel voor de ogen/voor het gezicht |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection | S3639 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection | S36-39 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and gloves | S36/37 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and gloves | S3637 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and gloves | draag geschikte handschoenen en beschermende kleding |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing and gloves | S36-37 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection | S36/37/39 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection | draag geschikte beschermende kleding, handschoenen en een beschermingsmiddel voor de ogen / het gezicht |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection | S363739 |
gen. | wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection | S36-37-39 |
gen. | working or protective clothing | werk- of beschermende kleding |
gen. | Working Party on Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment | Werkgroep Materiaal en kleding voor persoonlijke bescherming |
gen. | workmen's protective face-shields | gezichtsbeschermers schermen voor werklieden |
industr., construct., met. | X-ray protective glass | roentgen-absorberend glas |