
Terms for subject Medical containing part | all forms | exact matches only
anterior talotibial part of the deltoid ligamentligamentum talotibiale anterius
basilar part of occipital bonepars basilaris ossis occipitalis
blind part of the retinapars caeca retinae
bone part of the ribrib
bone part of the ribos costale
bony part of the pharyngotympanic tubepars ossea tubae auditivae
buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor muscle of pharynxmusculus buccopharyngeus
calcanotibial part of the deltoid ligamentpars tibiotalaris ligamenti deltoidis
cartilaginous part of the nasal septumseptum cartilagineum nasi
caudal part of the test areauiteinde van het geteste oppervlak
caudal part of the test areacaudaal gedeelte van het geteste oppervlak
ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor muscle of pharynxpars ceratopharyngica
ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor muscle of pharynxmusculus ceratopharyngeus
cervical part of spinal cordruggemerg (pars cervicalis medullae spinalis)
cervical part of spinal cordmedulla spinalis (pars cervicalis medullae spinalis)
cervical part of sympathetic systempars cervicalis systematis autonomici
cervical part of sympathetic systemhalssympathicus
chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor muscle of pharynxpars chondropharyngica
ciliary part of retinapars ciliaris retinae
costal part of diaphragmpars costalis diaphragmatis
cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxpars cricopharyngica
crucial part of fibrous flexor sheat of hand and footligamenta cruciata digitorum manus et pedis
dentigerous part of the mandibledentale
excess of blood in a parthyperemie
flaccid partmembraan van Shrapnell
flaccid part of tympanic membranepars flaccida membranae tympani (pars flaccida membranae tympani)
flaccid part of tympanic membranemembraan van Shrapnell (pars flaccida membranae tympani)
foramen of flaccid part of tympanic membraneforamen membranae flaccidae rivini (foramen membranae flaccidae)
foramen of flaccid part of tympanic membraneforamen membranae flaccidae
frontal part of the corona radiatapars frontalis capsulae internae
haptic part of contact lenshaptiek
inactive part of drugexcipiens
inferior part of the parotid spaceonderpool van de parotisloge
intercartilaginous part of rima glottidispars intercartilaginea rimae glottis
intercartilaginous part of rima glottidispars intercartilaginea van de rima glottidis
intercartilaginous part of the glottic openingpars intercartilaginea rimae glottis
intermedial part of the rhomboid fossapars intermedia
intermembranous part of the rima glottidispars intermembranacea rimae glottis
iridical part of the retinapars iridica retinae
lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi musclepars lacrimalis musculi orbicularis oculi
laryngal part of pharynxpars laryngea pharyngis
main part of mucousmucolyticum
mastoid part of the temporal bonepars mastoidea
membranous part of the male urethrapars membranacea urethrae masculinae
membranous part of the septum of the noseseptum membranaceum nasi
membranous part of the ventricular septumpars membranacea septi
movable part of the septum of the noseseptum mobile nasi
muscular part of the ventricular septumseptum musculare ventriculorum
mylopharyngeal part of the superior constrictor muscle of pharynxpars mylopharyngica
nasal part of the frontal bonepars nasalis ossis frontalis
nasal part of the pharynxnasopharynx
nasal part of the pharynxrhinopharynx
ocular part of the conjunctivatunica conjunctiva bulbi
ocular part of the conjunctivaconjunctiva bulbi
optic part of the hypothalamuspars optica hypothalami
optic part of the retinapars optica retinae
oral part of pharynxpars oralis pharyngis
oral part of pharynxoropharynx
orbital part of the lacrimal glandspars orbitalis glandulae lacrimalis
palpebral part of the conjunctivatunica conjunctiva palpebrarum (conjunctiva palpebralis)
palpebral part of the conjunctivaconjunctiva palpebralis
part of a cellcytoplasma
part of blood pressurediastolisch
part of blood pressure readingsystolisch
part of cancer treatmentantibiogram
part of central nerve systemextrapiramidaal
part of heart monitor readoutQRS-complex
part of the bloodplasminogeen
part of the brainthalamus
part of the heartatrium
part of the small intestinejejunum
part-time doctorpart-time arts
petromastoid partpars petrosa ossis temporalis
petrosal part of the temporal bonepyramis
phlegmon of soft cervical partshalsphlegmone
phlegmon of soft cervical partshalsflegmone
posterior part of the temporomandibular capsuleligamant van Sappey
posterior talotibial part of the deltoid ligamentligamentum talotibiale posterius
prostatic part of the urethrapars prostatica urethrae
pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor muscle of pharynxpars pterygopharyngica
purulent inflammation of soft partsflegmone van de weke delen
removal of any part of the bodyresectie
spare part surgerytransplantatie
spare part surgeryoverplanting
spongy part of female urethrapars cavernosa urethrae
spongy part of the male urethrapars spongiosa
squamous part of the occipital bonesquama occipitalis
squamous part of the temporal bonepars squamalis ossis temporalis (squama temporalis)
square partlobus quadratus hepatis
superior part of the parotid spacebovenpool van de parotisloge
temperature of clothed body partskankernavel
tense partpars tensa
tense part of tympanic membranepars tensa membranae tympani
thoracic part of the spinal cordruggemerg (pars thoracica s.thoracalis medullae spinalis)
thoracic part of the spinal cordmedulla dorsalis (pars thoracica s.thoracalis medullae spinalis)
thyreopharyngeal part of the inferior constrictor muscle of pharynxpars thyreopharyngica
tibionavicular part of the deltoid ligamentligamentum tibiocalcaneonaviculare
tuberal part of the hypophysis cerebripars tuberalis hypophyseos
tympanic part of the temporal bonepars tympanica
upper part of greater sciatic foramenforamen suprapiriforme
uterine part of the placentaplacenta uterina
uterine part of the uterine tubepars interstitialis tubae uterinae
ventral part of the crus cerebrihersenvoetje (pes pedunculi)
ventral part of the crus cerebribasis pedunculi (pes pedunculi)
vertebral part of the diaphragmpars lumbalis diaphragmatis