
Terms for subject Energy industry containing oil | all forms | exact matches only
commercial energy use-kt of oil equivalentcommercieel energieverbruik - kton aardolie-equivalent
crude oil refineryraffinaderij van ruwe aardolie
crude oil refineryolieraffinaderij
crude-oil refiningraffineren van ruwe aardolie
dependence on oilafhankelijkheid van aardolie
domestic fuel oillichte stookolie
domestic fuel oilhuisbrandolie
emplacement of an oil platforminstallatie van een olieplatform
enhanced oil recoveryverbeterde oliewinning
gas oildieselolie
heating gas oilhuisbrandolie
heavy anthracene oilzware anthraceenolie
heavy anthracene oil redistillatedestillaat van zware anthraceenolie
heavy fuel oilzware stookolie
heavy fuel oil residualbijproduct van zware olie
improved oil recoveryverbeterde oliewinning
light fuel oilhuisbrandolie
light fuel oillichte stookolie
light oil extract residueextractieresidu van lichte olie
light oil redistillatedestillaat van lichte olie
medium fuel oilhalfzware stookolie
mega ton oil equivalentmegaton olie-equivalent
megatonne oil equivalentmegaton olie-equivalent
million tonnes oil equivalentmegaton olie-equivalent
mineral oilaardolie
naphthenic mineral oilnaftenische minerale olie
oil-drilling pipeoliebuis
oil refineryraffinaderij van ruwe aardolie
oil substitutebiobrandstof
oil substitutevervangende brandstof
oil supplies available to the groupvoor de groep beschikbare olievoorziening
participation oilparticipatie-olie
Protocol on mineral oils and certain of their derivativesProtocol betreffende de aardolie en sommige derivaten daarvan
residual oilachtergebleven olie
residual oilrestolie
residual oilachtergebleven aardolie
stand-by oil productionreserve-productiecapaciteit van olie
Standing Group on the Oil MarketPermanente Groep inzake de oliemarkt
tar oilteerolie
tonne of oil equivalentton aardolie-equivalent
tonne of oil equivalentton olie-equivalent
tonne oil equivalentton aardolie-equivalent
tonne oil equivalentton olie-equivalent
tons of oil equivalentton petroleumequivalent
tons of oil equivalentton olie-equivalent toe
traditional fuel use-kt of oil equivalenttraditioneel brandstofverbruik - kton aardolie-equivalent
wash oilbenzolwasolie
wash oil extract residueextractieresidu van benzolwasolie
wash oil redistillatedestillaat van benzolwasolie
Working Party on Sulphur in Light Fuel OilWerkgroep Zwavel in huisbrandolie