
Terms for subject Environment containing off | all forms | exact matches only
animal feces, urine and manure including spoiled straw, effluent, collected separately and treated off-sitedierlijke faeces, urine en mest inclusief gebruikt stro, afvalwater, gescheiden ingezameld en elders verwerkt
Campaign for Take-Offaanloopcampagne
decommissioning of an off-shore installationontmanteling van offshore-installaties
die-offhet uitsterven
disused off-shore installationniet meer gebruikte offshore-installatie
effluent treated off-siteelders verwerkt afvalwater
inorganic off-specification batchesanorganische afgekeurde charges
neutralisation off siteneutralisering elders
off-gas streams at reprocessing plantsgasvormige afvalstromen bij opwerkingsinstallaties
off-gas streams at reprocessing plantsgasvormige afvalstoffen van opwerkingsinstallaties
off-gas treatmentafvoergasbehandeling
off-peak commutingpendelen buiten de spits
off-peak commuting Traveling back and forth regularly over some distance, outside of the hours of maximum traffic frequencypendelen buiten de spits
off-peak travellingreizen in de minder drukke periode/buiten de spits
off-peak travellingreizen in de minder drukke periode
off-peak travelling Relating to travelling outside rush-hours to avoid overcrowding in public means of transportreizen in de minder drukke periode
off-peak workingwerken buiten de spits
off shore engineeringbuitengaatstechniek
off-shore sewage outfallafvoerbuis in zee
off-site Activities taking place or located away from the siteelders
off site disposalafgraven en elders deponeren
off-site sewerbuitenriool
off-specification batchesafgekeurde charges
off specification calcium carbonateafgekeurd calciumcarbonaat = schuimaarde
off specification compostafgekeurde compost
off-specification productprodukt dat niet aan de normen voldoet
organic off-specification batchesorganische afgekeurde charges
rinse-off hair-care preparationsuitspoelbare haarverzorgingspreparaten
run-off rain waterafvloeiend hemelwater
urban run-offstadsriolering
wastes from waste management facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the preparation of water intended for human consumption and water for industrial useafval van afvalverwerkingsinstallaties,externe waterzuiveringsinstallaties en waterleidingbedrijven
Wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryAfval van afvalverwerkingsinstallaties, externe waterzuiveringsinstallaties en waterleidingbedrijven
wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryafval van afvalverwerkingsinstallaties,externe waterzuiveringsinstallaties en waterleidingbedrijven
wheel bin-based drop-off centrevuilnisbak op wiel
write-off Accounting procedure that is used when an asset is uncollectible and is therefore charged-off as a lossafschrijven