
Terms for subject Environment containing nuclear | all forms | exact matches only
blue nuclear fluorescenceblauwe nucleaire fluorescentie
Committee of Inquiry into the handling and transport of nuclear materialOnderzoekscommissie behandeling en vervoer van nucleair materiaal
Declaration of Principles Regarding a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian FederationBeginselverklaring inzake een multilateraal nucleair milieuprogramma in de Russische Federatie
destruction by nuclear transmutationvernietiging door kerntransmutatie
destruction by nuclear transmutationdestructie door kerntransmutatie
European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste ManagementGroep Europese regelgevers op het gebied van nucleaire veiligheid
European Nuclear Safety Regulators GroupGroep Europese regelgevers op het gebied van nucleaire veiligheid
Framework Agreement on a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian FederationKaderverdrag inzake een multilateraal nucleair milieuprogramma in de Russische Federatie
high level nuclear wastehoogradioactief afval
high level nuclear wastehoogactief afval
liability for nuclear damages Subjection to a legal obligation, such as financial recompense or ecological reparations, for any harm or damage inflicted on persons, property or the environment during the production, use or transport of radioactive materials used as an energy source or in weaponryaansprakelijkheid voor nucleaire schade
liability for nuclear damagesaansprakelijkheid voor nucleaire schade
Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian FederationMultilateraal Nucleair Milieuprogramma in de Russische Federatie
non-nuclear energy and the rational use of energyniet-nucleaire energie en rationeel energieverbruik
non-nuclear energy and the rational use of energyspecifiek programma voor onderzoek en technologische ontwikkeling op energiegebied - niet-nucleaire energie en rationeel energiegebruik
nuclear accident An event occurring in a nuclear power plant or anywhere that radioactive materials are used, stored, or transported and involving the release of potentially dangerous levels of radioactive materials into the environmentkernongeval
nuclear accidentnucleair ongeval
nuclear debateoverleg over kernenergie
nuclear debate The ongoing, public discussion and dispute over the uses of energyoverleg over kernenergie
nuclear energy Energy released by nuclear fission or nuclear fusionkernenergie
nuclear energykern-/atoomenergie
nuclear energy legislationwetgeving inzake kern-/atoomenergie
nuclear energy legislationwetgeving inzake kernenergie
nuclear energy use Nuclear energy is employed in the industrial sector, in the production of other energy types, in the medical and scientific research field, in transportation, in the production of nuclear weapons, etc.kernenergiegebruik
nuclear energy usekernenergiegebruik
nuclear explosion accidentkernontploffing/-explosie ongeval
nuclear explosion accident, An unintentional release of energy from a rapid reaction of atomic nuclei yielding high temperatures and radiation potentially harmful to human health and the environmentkernontploffing (ongeval)
nuclear explosion accidentkernontploffing ongeval
nuclear facility A place, including buildings, where all the activities relating to nuclear research are performednucleaire installatie
nuclear fission The division of an atomic nucleus into parts of comparable mass; usually restricted to heavier nuclei such as isotopes of uranium, plutonium, and thoriumkernsplitsing
nuclear fissionkern-/atoomsplitsing/-splijting
nuclear fuel Nuclear fuels are obtained from inorganic minerals extracted by mining. Although they are at least partially consumed when used in nuclear reactors for the production of heat, they differ from fossil fuels in the way they release energy. Burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, is a chemical reaction. Nuclear fuels, such as uranium, are destroyed by a process of spontaneous disintegration, called fission, and prompted by natural radioactivity. If the process is left to occur naturally in uranium-bearing rock, the rate of change is imperceptibly small. In a man-made nuclear reactor the energy-releasing processes of disintegration, which in the natural state happen slowly over thousands of millions of years, are compressed into minutes. The release of energy is harnessed to generate steam which drives electricity generatorskernbrandstof
nuclear fuel cycle facilityinstallatie ten behoeve van de splijtstofcyclus
nuclear fuel element A piece of nuclear fuel which has been formed and coated, and is ready to be placed in a reactor fuel assemblysplijtstofelement
nuclear fuel elementsplijtstofelement
nuclear fusion Combination of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus with release of some binding energykernfusie
nuclear fusionkernfusiereactie
nuclear hazard Risk or danger to human health or the environment posed by radiation emanating from the atomic nuclei of a given substance, or the possibility of an uncontrolled explosion originating from a fusion or fission reaction of atomic nucleirisico op kernongevallen
nuclear hazardrisico op kernongevallen
nuclear materials contained in wastes and discardskerntechnisch materiaal dat aanwezig is in afval en afgedankt materiaal
nuclear physics The study of the characteristics, behaviour and internal structures of the atomic nucleuskernfysica
nuclear physicsnucleonica
nuclear physicskernfysica/-wetenschap
nuclear power plant A power plant in which nuclear energy is converted into heat for use in producing steam for turbines, which in turn drive generators that produce electric powerkerncentrale
nuclear power plant disposalafdanking/het wegruimen van een kerncentrale
nuclear power plant disposalopbergen kernafval
nuclear reaction A reaction involving a change in an atomic nucleus, such as fission, fusion, neutron capture, or radioactive decay, as distinct from a chemical reaction, which is limited to changes in the electron structure surrounding the nucleuskernreactie
nuclear reactor Device which creates heat and energy by starting and controlling atomic fissionkernreactor
nuclear research centre A facility in which scientists and other researchers study the behavior and characteristics of atomic nuclei through testing and other forms of experimentation, often to invent new technology with scientific, medical and industrial purposesnucleair onderzoekscentrum
nuclear research centrenucleair onderzoekscentrum
nuclear risk A risk connected to the functioning of nuclear power plants, by the storage or transportation of radioactive materials and involving the release of potentially dangerous levels of radioactive materials into the environmentnucleair gevaar
nuclear risknucleaire dreiging
nuclear risknucleair gevaar
nuclear safety Measures and techniques implemented to reduce the possibility of incidence and the potential harm posed by radioactive substances used as an energy source, a test material or in weaponrynucleaire veiligheid
nuclear test Test performed to evaluate nuclear weaponskernproef
nuclear test explosionkernproefontploffing
nuclear weapon Any bomb, warhead, or projectile using active nuclear material to cause a chain reaction upon detonationkernwapen
Protocol on Claims, Legal Proceedings and Indemnification to the Framework agreement on a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian FederationProtocol inzake vorderingen, gerechtelijke procedures en vrijwaring bij het Kaderverdrag inzake een multilateraal nucleair milieuprogramma in de Russische Federatie
reprocessing and storage of irradiated nuclear fuelsopwerking en opslag van bestraalde splijtstoffen
spent nuclear fuelverbruikte kernbrandstof
Standing Conference on Health and Safety in Nuclear AgePermanente Conferentie inzake bescherming van de gezondheid in het nucleaire tijdperk
Vienna Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear AccidentVerdrag van Wenen inzake vroegtijdige kennisgeving van een nucleair ongeval