
Terms for subject Microsoft containing machine | all forms | exact matches only
automatic virtual machine activationautomatische activering van virtuele machine (Activation of a guest operating system or application based on properties of a host system or parent partition, including but not limited to the license state of the host)
32 bit machine32 bitsmachine (A computer that works with data in groups of 32 bits at a time. The Apple Macintosh II and higher models are 32-bit machines, in terms of both the word size of their microprocessors and the size of the data buses, as are computers based on the Intel 80386 and higher-level microprocessors)
host machinehostmachine (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
local machinelokale machine (The computer that you are currently logged on to as a user. More generally, a local computer is a computer that you can access directly without using a communications line or a communications device, such as a network adapter or a modem)
primary virtual machineprimaire virtuele machine (A virtual machine hosted on the primary server and replicated to the machines on the Replica server)
Replica virtual machinereplica virtuele machine (A virtual machine running on the Replica server that receives changes that are detected on the corresponding primary virtual machine)
state machinetoestandsmachine (A graph of states and transitions that describes the response of an object of a given class to the receipt of outside stimuli. A state machine is attached to a class or method. A statechart diagram represents a state machine)
virtual machinevirtuele machine (A software implementation of a computer that emulates a complete hardware system, from processor to network card, in a self-contained, isolated software environment, enabling the simultaneous operation of otherwise incompatible operating systems)
virtual machinevirtuele machine (A software implementation of a computer that emulates a complete hardware system, from processor to network card, in a self-contained, isolated software environment, enabling the simultaneous operation of otherwise incompatible operating systems)
virtual machine-based desktop deploymentbureaubladimplementatie op basis van virtuele machines (A deployment that allows users to run multiple client operating systems on a single server hosted on Hyper-V)
virtual machine busvirtuele-machinebus (A communications line used in Hyper-V by virtual machines and certain types of virtual devices. The virtual devices that use virtual machine bus have been optimized for use in virtual machines)
virtual machine configurationvirtuele-machineconfiguratie (The configuration of the resources assigned to a virtual machine. Examples include devices such as disks and network adapters, as well as memory and processors)
Virtual Machine Management serviceVirtual Machine Management-service (The Hyper-V service that provides management access to virtual machines)
virtual machine preservationoptimalisatie van virtuele machine (The process of updating a host operating system, maximizing uptime of the virtual machine(s) that it hosts)
virtual machine snapshotmomentopname van virtuele machine (A file-based snapshot of the state, disk data, and configuration of a virtual machine at a specific point in time)