
Terms containing illegal trafficking | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.Central Office Against Illegal Drug TraffickingFranse overheidsdienst voor drugbestrijding
immigr.Comprehensive plan to combat illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings in the European Unionalgemeen plan ter bestrijding van illegale immigratie en mensenhandel in de Europese Unie
lawillegal traffickingillegale handel
lawillegal traffickingsluikhandel
law, health.illegal trafficking in drugsonwettige handel in verdovende middelen
law, health.illegal trafficking in drugsillegale handel in verdovende middelen
gen.Inter-American Convention against the Illegal Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Related MaterialsInter-Amerikaans Verdrag ter bestrijding van de illegale productie van en handel in vuurwapens, munitie, explosieven en aanverwant materiaal