
Terms for subject Environment containing hydrocarbon | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by Discharge at sea of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous SubstancesRaadgevend Comité voor de controle op en de beperking van de verontreiniging van de zee door lozingen van koolwaterstoffen en andere gevaarlijke stoffen
Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by Discharge at sea of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous SubstancesRaadgevend Comité voor de controle op en de beperking van de verontreiniging van de zee door lozingen van koolwaterstoffen
Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by the Discharge of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous Substances at SeaRaadgevend Comité voor de controle op en de beperking van de verontreiniging van de zee door lozingen van koolwaterstoffen en andere gevaarlijke stoffen
Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by the Discharge of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous Substances at SeaRaadgevend Comité voor de controle op en de beperking van de verontreiniging van de zee door lozingen van koolwaterstoffen
alicyclic hydrocarbon A class of organic compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen atoms joined to form one or more rings and having the properties of both aliphatic and cyclic substancescycloalifatische koolwaterstof
alicyclic hydrocarboncycloalifatische koolwaterstof
aliphatic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbons having an open chain of carbon atoms, whether normal or forked, saturated or unsaturatedalifatische koolwaterstof
aromatic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbons having an unsaturated ring containing alternating double and single bonds, especially containing a benzene ringaromatische koolwaterstoffen
aromatic hydrocarbonaromatische koolwaterstoffen
chlorinated hydrocarbon A class of persistent, broad-spectrum insecticides that linger in the environment and accumulate in the food chain. Among them are DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, chlordane, lindane, endrin, mirex, hexachloride, and toxaphene. In insects and other animals these compounds act primarily on the central nervous system. They also become concentrated in the fats of organisms and thus tend to produce fatty infiltration of the heart and fatty degeneration of the liver in vertebrates. In fishes they have the effect of preventing oxygen uptake, causing suffocation. They are also known to slow the rate of photosynthesis in plants. Their danger to the ecosystem resides in their rate stability and the fact that they are broad-spectrum poisons which are very mobile because of their propensity to stick to dust particles and evaporate with water into the atmospherechloorkoolwaterstoffen
chlorinated hydrocarbonchloorkoolwaterstoffen
chlorinated hydrocarbonschloorkoolwaterstoffen
Community demonstration programme in the field of energy savings, alternative energy sources, substitutes for hydrocarbons and the liquefaction/gasification of solid fuelscommunautair demonstratieprogramma op het gebied van de energiebesparing, de alternatieve energiebronnen, de vervanging van koolwaterstoffen en de vloeibaarmaking/vergassing van vaste brandstoffen
community information system for the control and reduction of pollution caused by hydrocarbons and other harmful substances discharged at seacommunautair informatiesysteem voor de controle op en de beperking van de verontreiniging van de zee door olie en andere gevaarlijke stoffen
Community information system for the control and reduction of pollution caused by the spillage of hydrocarbons and other harmful substances at sea or in major inland waterscommunautair informatiesysteem voor de controle op en de beperking van de verontreiniging van de zee en de voornaamste binnenwateren door lozingen van olie en andere gevaarlijke stoffen
contaminant hydrocarbonverontreinigende koolwaterstof
contaminated hydrocarbonverontreinigde olie
cyclic hydrocarboncyclisch koolwaterstof
dispersion of hydrocarbonsverspreiding van olie
fluorinated hydrocarbongefluoreerde koolwaterstoffen
fluorinated hydrocarbonfluorkoolwaterstoffen
halogenated hydrocarbonhalon
halogenated hydrocarbon One of a group of halogen derivatives of organic hydrogen and carbon containing compounds; the group includes monohalogen compounds (alkyl or aryl halides) and polyhalogen compounds that contain the same or different halogen atomshalogeenkoolwaterstof
halogenated hydrocarbonhalogeenhoudende koolwaterstof
halogenated hydrocarbonhalogeenkoolwaterstoffen
halogenated hydrocarbonhalogeenkoolwaterstof
halogenated hydrocarbongehalogeneerde koolwaterstof
halogenated hydrocarbonhaloon
halogenic hydrocarbonhalogeenhoudende koolwaterstof
halogenic hydrocarbonhalon
halogenic hydrocarbongehalogeneerde koolwaterstof
halogenic hydrocarbonhaloon
hydrocarbon analyserkoolwaterstoftestapparaat
hydrocarbon analysiskoolwaterstoffenanalyse
hydrocarbon analyzerkoolwaterstoftestapparaat
hydrocarbon-emitting forestkoolwaterstof-emitterend bos
hydrocarbon index by typegehalte aan koolwaterstoffen per klasse
hydrocarbon plantskoolwaterstofleverende planten
hydrocarbon storage tankkoolwaterstoftank
hydrocarbon storage tankopslagtank voor koolwaterstoffen
hydrocarbon storage tank A container or a reservoir for the storage of hydrocarbonskoolwaterstoftank
light hydrocarbonslichte koolwaterstoffen
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbons containing two or more closed rings of atomspolycyclische aromatische koolwaterstof
polycyclic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon molecule with two or more nuclei; examples are naphtalene, with two benzene rings side by side, or diphenyl, with two bond-connected benzene rings. Also known as polynuclear hydrocarbonpolycyclische koolwaterstof
ring hydrocarboncyclisch koolwaterstof
the carcinogenic condensed ring cyclic hydrocarbons encountered in the open airde in de buitenlucht aangetroffen carcinogene gecondenseerde cyclische koolwaterstoffen
thermolysis in liquid heavy hydrocarbon mediumthermolyse in vloeibare zware koolwaterstof
unburnt hydrocarbononverbrande koolwaterstof
volatile aromatic hydrocarbonvluchtige aromatische koolwaterstof