
Terms for subject Life sciences containing front | all forms | exact matches only
climatological frontklimatologisch front
cold frontkoufront
cold front thunderstormkoufront-onweer
cold-front type occlusionkoufrontocclusie
front of the fetchfront van de windbaan
ice frontijsfront
katabatic frontkatafront
katabatic frontkatabatisch front
Mediterranean frontmiddellandse zee-front
Mediterranean frontmediterraan front
pellicular frontfilmfront
polar-front jetpolaire straalstroom
polar front jet-streampolaire straalstroom
polar front theorytheorie van het polair front
principal fronthoofdfront
quasi-stationary frontstationair front
quasi-stationary frontquasistationair front
secondary frontsecundair front
slope of a fronthelling van een front
stationary frontstationair front
stationary frontquasistationair front
upper fronthoogtefront
upper frontfront in de bovenlucht
warm-front-type occlusionwarmtefrontocclusie
water frontwaterfront
wave frontgolffront