
Terms for subject Microsoft containing form | all forms | exact matches only
administrator-approved form templatedoor beheerder goedgekeurde formuliersjabloon (A browser-compatible form template that has been uploaded by an administrator to a server running InfoPath Forms Services. An administrator-approved form template can include code)
browser-compatible form templatevoor browsers compatibele formuliersjabloon (A form template that is designed in InfoPath by using a specific compatibility mode. A browser-compatible form template can be browser-enabled when it is published to a server running InfoPath Forms Services)
browser-enabled form templatevoor browsers ingeschakelde formuliersjabloon (A browser-compatible form template that has been published to a server running InfoPath Forms Services, and that has been browser-enabled so that users can both display and fill out the form in a Web browser)
Change the task status to Completed and close the formTaakstatus wijzigen in Voltooid en formulier sluiten (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
contact formcontactpersoonformulier (A view of an individual contact that contains all the information stored in the contact)
Contact Quick FormSnelformulier contactpersoon (UI button that allows a user to open a form to easily enter contact information without opening a record form)
continuous formdoorlopend formulier (A form that displays more than one record on the screen in Form view)
custom formaangepast formulier (A form that you customize to better fit your needs)
data formgegevensformulier (A dialog box that displays one complete record at a time. You can use data forms to add, change, locate, and delete records)
default formstandaardformulier (" A form that is provided "out of the box" for any entity, or the form that a user sees when they view a record and have options to choose additional forms.")
e-formelektronisch formulier (An interactive form on a Web site that you fill out and send back to the owner of the Web site or a Web server)
electronic formelektronisch formulier (An interactive form on a Web site that you fill out and send back to the owner of the Web site or a Web server)
extended form registrationregistratie uitgebreide controle (A service from BGC that includes a supplementary registration in order to receive reports of all reference numbers on payments made by giro transfer/deposit slip. This service can be extended with controls of the reference number)
fallback formterugvalformulier (A form that is displayed when another form option isn't explicitly set. An example would be if an administrator fails to define a form for a particular security group that has access to the application)
feedback formfeedbackformulier (An online form that allows its users to submit their questions, comments and suggestions with a view to enabling improvements)
Filter By Formformulierfilter (A technique for filtering data that uses a version of the current form or datasheet with empty fields in which you can type the values you want the filtered records to contain)
form areaformuliergebied (The area of the InfoPath workspace that displays the form you are working with)
form assignmentformuliertoewijzing (Assignment of responsibility, by a contributor, to submit data, review data, or approve data on a data entry form)
form controlformulierbesturingselement (On a Web site, an individual box or button with which you enter information on an electronic form)
form data fileformuliergegevensbestand (The file in which information gathered from electronic forms is stored)
form definition fileformulierdefinitiebestand (An XML file with an .xsf extension that contains information about all other files and components used within a form, including user interface customizations, XML Schemas, views, business logic, events, and deployment settings)
form editorformuliereneditor (The user interface control in Microsoft Dynamics CRM where you can create and edit forms for an entity)
form fieldformulierveld (A data-entry field on a page. A site visitor supplies information in a field either by typing text or by selecting a field)
form filesformulierbestanden (A collection of files that are used to implement a form. File types can include .html, .xml, .xsd, .xslt, script, and other file types that are necessary to support the functionality of the form)
form footerformuliervoettekst (Use to display instructions for using a form, command buttons, or unbound controls to accept input. Displays at the bottom of the form in Form view and at the end of a printout)
form headerformulierkoptekst (Use to display a title for a form, instructions for using it, or command buttons that open related forms or carry out other tasks. Displays at the top of the form in Form view and at the beginning of a printout)
form instancekopie van formulier (An instance, or copy, of a PerformancePoint Planning form template that is pushed to a PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel contributor, reviewer, or approver via an assignment)
form libraryformulierbibliotheek (A folder in which a collection of forms based on the same template is stored and shared. Each form in a form library is associated with user-defined information that is displayed in the content listing for that library)
Form Library URL Repair ToolURL-reparatiehulpmiddel voor formulierbibliotheken (A feature that updates absolute URLs in form templates associated with SharePoint Form Libraries (i.e., InfoPath XSNs) as well as Universal Data Connection files)
Form ModeFormuliermodus (The option that lets users choose, be default, what mode they will view records in forms in)
form moduleformuliermodule (A module that includes code for all event procedures triggered by events occurring on a specific form or its controls)
form propertiesformuliereigenschappen (Attributes of a form that affect its appearance or behavior. For example, the DefaultView property is a form property that determines whether a form will automatically open in Form view or Datasheet view)
form selectorformulierkiezer (The box where the rulers meet, in the upper-left corner of a form in Design view. Use the box to perform form-level operations, such as selecting the form)
form templateformuliersjabloon (A file or set of files that defines the data structure, appearance, and behavior of a form)
form template fileformuliersjabloonbestand (A cabinet (.cab) file with an .xsn file name extension that contains the files that make up a form template)
form template libraryformuliersjabloonbibliotheek (The location, in the top-level site of a site collection, where the form templates that have been activated by an administrator are stored)
Form viewformulierweergave (A window that displays a form to either show or accept data. Form view is the primary means of adding and modifying data in tables. You cannot change the design of a form in this view)
InfoPath Form Web Partwebonderdeel InfoPath-formulier (A Web Part that displays a browser-enabled InfoPath form)
main formhoofdformulier (A form that contains one or more subforms)
online formonlineformulier (An interactive form on a Web site that you fill out and send back to the owner of the Web site or a Web server)
PivotTable formdraaitabelformulier (An interactive table that summarizes large amounts of data by using format and calculation methods that you choose. You can rotate its row and column headings to view the data in different ways, similar to an Excel PivotTable report)
pop-up formpop-upformulier (A form that stays on top of other windows. A pop-up form can be modal or modeless)
quick formsnelformulier (A view or display of a shorter version of a form that allows you to enter and save data quickly and easily)
Quick FormSnelformulier (A feature that displays a short form that you can use to quickly enter data and create records)
quick view formsnelle-weergaveformulier (A mini form that shows up within the main form, so that users can create a new record for an entity without leaving the context of the current process)
Server Filter By Formserverformulierfilter (A technique that uses a version of the current form or datasheet with empty fields in which you can type values you want the filtered records to contain. The data is filtered by the server before it's retrieved from the database)
split formgesplitst formulier (A form in which two views are displayed at the same time. These are synched so that as your focus moves in one view it is changed automatically in the other view)
task formtaakformulier (A narrow and long form that appears in the task pane, which is used to view and edit related data for lookups)
unbound formniet-afhankelijk formulier (A form that isn't connected to a record source such as a table, query, or SQL statement)
user form templategebruikersformuliersjabloon (A browser-enabled form template that has been published from InfoPath, and that does not need to be uploaded by an administrator to a server running InfoPath Forms Services)
Web-enabled InfoPath form for mobile devicesInfoPath-webformulier voor mobiele apparaten (A form that can be opened and filled in on a mobile device, like a PDA or smartphone)
workflow list formformulier met workflowlijst (A form that displays a list of workflows for a particular module, along with the versions of the workflow)