
Terms for subject Microsoft containing drivers | all forms
boot critical driveressentieel stuurprogramma voor opstarten (A driver that must be available in order for the operating system to successfully complete the boot process. Boot critical drivers include all boot start drivers)
business driverstrategische factor (A condition or phenomenon that has the potential to impact a business either positively or negatively)
custom driver accessaangepaste toegang tot stuurprogramma's (Device IO Control to 3rd party driver, a form of restricted device interface access for privileged apps)
data source driverstuurprogramma voor gegevensbron (A program file used to connect to a specific database. Each database program or management system requires a different driver)
device driverapparaatstuurprogramma (Software that enables hardware or peripherals (such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard) to work with your computer or mobile device)
device driver interfaceinterface voor apparaatstuurprogramma's (A set of functions that are implemented by the operating system for use by drivers)
Device Driver Wizardwizard Apparaatstuurprogramma (A wizard that helps a driver developer get the new driver packages up and going quickly in Visual Studio)
Driver Project Conversion ToolHulpprogramma voor stuurprogrammaconversie (A tool to help driver developers convert their existing driver source files into Windows 8 device drivers by using Visual Studio)
Early Launch Antimalware driverEarly Launch Antimalware-stuurprogramma (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
ELAM driverELAM-stuurprogramma (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
in-box drivermet Windows meegeleverd stuurprogramma (A driver contained in the default Windows installation)
kernel-mode driverkernelmodusstuurprogramma (A driver for a logical, virtual, or physical device)
minifilter driverminifilterstuurprogramma (A driver used by anti-malware software, backup agents, and encryption products to intercept requests that are targeted at a file system, or another file system driver, before the request reaches its intended destination)
monolithic drivermonolithisch stuurprogramma (A driver that is structured to handle all storage command processing from the driver class to the host bus attachment, residing in the code path either alongside Microsoft-supplied monolithic drivers, or alongside a Microsoft-supplied port driver and vendor-supplied miniport drivers)
network adapter driverstuurprogramma voor netwerkadapter (A device driver that works directly with the network adapter, acting as an intermediary between the adapter and the protocol driver)
network card driverstuurprogramma voor de netwerkkaart (A device driver that works directly with the network card, acting as an intermediary between the card and the protocol driver)
ODBC driverODBC-stuurprogramma (A program file used to connect to a particular database. Each database program, such as Access or dBASE, or database management system, such as SQL Server, requires a different driver)
out-of-box driverniet met Windows meegeleverd stuurprogramma (A driver that is not included with Windows)
printer driverprinterstuurprogramma (The device that communicates between your software program and your printer)
signed driverondertekend stuurprogramma (A driver that meets the criteria of the Windows Logo Program. For performance and stability, Microsoft strongly recommends that you use only signed drivers for new or updated drivers)
static virtual device driverstatisch virtueel apparaatstuurprogramma (A virtual device driver (VxD) that is statically loaded during system startup. A static VxD can be loaded in a number of different ways, including device enumeration by the Plug and Play (PnP)static device enumerator)
third-party driverstuurprogramma van derden (A driver created or provided by an entity outside Microsoft (distributed by a developer or an OEM))
unsigned driverniet-ondertekend stuurprogramma (A driver that is not supported and that is not certified to work with a particular version of Windows)
virtual display device drivervirtueel apparaatstuurprogramma (Software in Windows 9x that manages a display)
Windows driver foundationWindows Driver Foundation (A framework that provides prewritten support for the requirements of Windows driver model (WDM), giving Microsoft Windows device-driver developers the ability to better focus on their device models. The driver framework reduces the amount of new code required to provide a full-featured WDM device driver)