
Terms containing common language | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
ed.Common European Framework of Reference for Languagesgemeenschappelijk Europees referentiekader voor talen
ed.Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessmentgemeenschappelijk Europees referentiekader voor talen
social.sc.common languagevoertaal
gen.common languagealgemene omgangstaal
gen.common languagealgemeen beschaafd nederlands
comp., MScommon language runtimeCommon Language Runtime (The engine at the core of managed code execution. The runtime supplies managed code with services such as cross-language integration, code access security, object lifetime management, and debugging and profiling support)
comp., MScommon language runtime hostCommon Language Runtime-host (An unmanaged application that uses a set of APIs, called the hosting interfaces, to integrate managed code into the application. Common language runtime hosts often require a high degree of customization over the runtime that is loaded into the process)
comp., MSCommon Language Runtime supportondersteuning voor Common Language Runtime (The engine at the core of managed code execution. The runtime supplies managed code with services such as cross-language integration, code access security, object lifetime management, and debugging and profiling support)
ITcommon machine languagegemeenschappelijke machinetaal
ITcommon optical languagegemeenschappelijke optische taal
gen.common technical languagevakjargon
lawDeclaration No 30 on the use of languages in the field of the common foreign and security policyVerklaring nr. 30 betreffende de regeling van het taalgebruik in het kader van het gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid