
Terms containing center | all forms | exact matches only
el.accepter centeracceptorcentrum
commun.access to an enquiry centertoegang tot een inlichtingencentrum
social.sc.accommodation centeraccomodatiecentrum
comp., MSAction CenterOnderhoudscentrum (A comprehensive PC maintenance center that provides the user with a single point of entry for tasks and notifications associated with PC Health, i.e. security, diagnostics, problem reports and solutions, how to update the system (Windows Updates), performance, reliability, backup and restore, and complete PC backup (recovery and Rescue my PC))
life.sc.action centeractiecentrum
comp., MSActive Directory Administrative CenterActive Directory-beheercentrum (A role service and feature that provides users and network administrators with an enhanced Active Directory data management experience and a rich graphical user interface (GUI) to perform common Active Directory object management tasks. Built on top of Windows PowerShell technology, Active Directory Administrative Center makes it possible for users and network administrators to administer directory service objects through both data-driven and task-oriented navigation)
commun., ITadministration and control centeradministratie-en controlecentrum
comp., MSAdministration Center modemodus Administration Center (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via the Administration Center user interface. This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. This mode does not permit specifying multiple domains per file)
construct.administrative centercentrum van openbare gebouwen
construct.administrative centerbestuurscentrum
ed.adult education centervolksuniversiteit
transp., mater.sc.aerodynamic center positionbrandpuntstand
transp., mater.sc.aft center of gravity limitachterste centreringsgrens
gen.Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Organisation and the activities of the 1 German-Netherlands Corps and the Air Operations Coordination CenterAkkoord tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland inzake de organisatie en de activiteiten van het 1 Duits/Nederlandse Legerkorps en het Air Operations Coordination Center
transp., avia.air-traffic control centerluchtverkeersleidingscentrum
commun.alarm centeralarmcentrum
comp., MSApproval CenterGoedkeuringscentrum (A feature that provides a centralized location for managers of all types to approve work and control progress on all of their projects plans. It gives managers the ability to preview the impact of accepting updates from resources as well as view their past history of accepted updates)
comp., MSApps for Office and SharePoint Developer CenterOntwikkelingscentrum voor toepassingen voor Office en SharePoint (A website that provides tools and resources to help developers create apps for Office and SharePoint)
construct.arch centersteiger
construct.arch centerformeel
med.association centersassociatiecentrum
commun.authentication centerauthentication center
el.automatic message switching centerautomatische centrale
commun.auto-switching centertransietcentrale
el.band centercentrum van de band
el.band-center frequencycentrale frequentie
fin.banking centerbankplaats
el.beam center gainversterking in het centrum van de bundel
commun., ITbilling centerfactureringsafdeling
comp., MSBing Webmaster CenterBing-webmastercentrum (The hub where site managers can find tools to help with site optimization, blogs from the Bing team, and forums for peer support)
gen.Biosafe Centerdocumentatiecentrum over veiligheid en reglementeringen in de biotechnologie
gen.Biosafe CenterBiosafe-centrum
transp., mater.sc.blade aerodynamic centerbladbrandpunt
transp., mater.sc.blade center of pressuredrukpunt van het rotorblad
transp.bottom dead center USAdode punt aszijde
transp.bottom dead center USAdode punt krukaszijde
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.bottom dead centeruiterste zuigerstand t.o.v.cilinderkop
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager Learning CenterBusiness Contact Manager Trainingscentrum (A Web page that contains hyperlinks to the Quick Start Guide, the Microsoft Office Online Web site, and selected Help topics about the newest features)
chem.Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
chem.Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.Bij onwel voelen een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
commun.call centertelefonisch informatiecentrum
commun.call centerbelcentrale
IT, dat.proc.to center a columneen kolom centreren
IT, dat.proc.to center a pictureeen beeld centreren
IT, dat.proc.to center at a specific positioncentreren op een bepaalde plaats
industr., construct.center boardkernhouten plank zonder pit
construct.center, centerpunch, prick punchcenterpons
construct.center, centerpunch, prick punchdopijzer
construct.center, centerpunch, prick punchzinker
construct.center, centerpunch, prick punchsnapper
construct.center, centerpunch, prick punchkornagel
construct.center, centerpunch, prick punchdutter
construct.center, centerpunch, prick punchcenter
el.center conductor railcentraal gelegen stroomrail
chem.center cut-outafvalschijf
agric., mech.eng.center depth regulatorkruk voor de diepteregeling
chem.center fed feed headcentrale aanspuitopening
chem., el.center fired hot topgesloten kookplaat
book.bind.center foldkaternhart
med.Center for Disease ControlCenter for Disease Control and Prevention
astronaut., environ., R&D.Center for Earth ObservationCentrum voor Observatie van de Aarde
astronaut., environ., R&D.Center for Earth ObservationCentrum voor Aardobservatie
fin., lat.amer.Center for Latin American Monetary StudiesCentrum voor Monetaire Studie van Latijns-Amerika
commun., ITcenter frequencycentrale frequentie
el.center frequency of a bandcentrale frequentie van een band
chem.center gatecentrale aanspuitpoort
chem.center-gated moldspuitgietmatrijs met centrale aanspuiting.
el.center guard bandcentrale scheidingsband
commun.center holecentrale geleidegaten
construct.center, horn centerpasserpl aatje
construct.center, horn centercentrumpunt
transp.center instrument panelcentraal instrumentenpaneel
el.center junctionmiddelste junctie van een thyristor
stat., scient.center of a rangemiddelpunt van een waardenbereik
stat., scient.center of a samplemidden van het waardenbereik
stat., scient.center of a samplemid-range
earth.sc.center of curvaturekrommingsmiddelpunt
agric.center of gravitygewichtszwaartepunt
transp., mater.sc.center of gravity armhefboomarm
transp., mater.sc.center of gravity bottom positionlage centreerstand
earth.sc., transp.center of gravity location as % MACzwaartepunt
transp., mater.sc.center of gravity positionzwaartepuntpositie
transp., mater.sc.center of gravity rear positionachterste centreerstand
commun.center of gravity trimcentreercompensator
transp., construct.center of heel postmiddelpunt
stat., scient.center of locationcentrale positie volgens Fisher
met.center of percussionstootpunt
agric., mech.eng.center of powertrekpunt
transp., mater.sc.center of pressuredrukpunt
transp., mater.sc.center of pressure positionpositie van het drukpunt
transp.center of pressure shifterdrukpuntomzetter
construct.center of pressures, linear archdruklijn
el.center of radiation of an antennastralingscentrum van een antenne
comp., MScenter of rotationdraaipunt (The point around which a shape or text block rotates)
construct.center of rotationdraaipunt
transp., mater.sc.center-of-pressure travelachterwaartse drukpuntverplaatsing
earth.sc., transp.center-of-pressure variationdrukpuntvariatie
commun., ITcenter operatorcentrale bediening
transp.center panelcentraal paneel
met., el.center phase conductorfase twee
met., el.center phase conductormiddelste fase
met., el.center phase conductorelektrode twee
agric., industr., construct.center plankdikke kernhouten plank zonder pit
agric.center-plate rudderenkelplaat roer
gen.center special slotted container CSSCdoos met tegen elkaar sluitende binnen- en buitenkleppen
commun., el.center-stable relayrelais met stabiele middenstand
IT, dat.proc.to center texttekst centreren
hydraul.center to centerhart op hart
IT, el.center-to-center spacingafstand tussen centrales
agric.center tooth attachmentcultivatortand tussen de assen
commun.center trackcentraal spoor
IT, dat.proc.to center verticallyverticaal centreren
el.center-zero instrumentinstrument met centraal nulpunt
el.center zero relayomschakelrelais
met., construct.centre-to-center distance USAafstand hart of hart
el.channel center frequencycentrale frequentie van een kanaal
med.ciliospinal centercentrum van Budge
med.ciliospinal centercentrum ciliospinale
construct., mun.plan.city-center renewalvernieuwing van de stadscentra
construct., mun.plan.city-center renewalreconstructie van de binnensteden
construct.civic centerbestuurscentrum
construct.civic centercentrum van openbare gebouwen
el.cladding centercentrum van bekleding
el.cladding centermantelmiddelpunt
life.sc.communication centercommunicatiecentrum
social.sc., construct.community centergemeenschapscentrum
social.sc., construct.community centergemeentelijk trefcentrum
social.sc., construct.community centergemeentelijk ontmoetingscentrum
social.sc.community welfare centermaatschappelijk centrum
social.sc.community welfare centersociaal dienstencentrum
social.sc.community welfare centerontmoetingscentrum
social.sc.community welfare centergemeenschapscentrum
meas.inst., amer.compass center pinkompaspen
ITComputing CenterRekencentrum
comp., MSconference centervergaderingscentrum (The server location, specified by a URL, for all Live Meeting sessions conducted within an organization)
med.conservation centerbewaarbank
avia.control centercontrolecentrum
commun., ITcontrol center computercomputer in de Wegwijs-centrale
commun., ITcontrol center computercomputer van de verkeersgeleidingscentrale
commun., ITcontrol center computercomputer in een verkeerscentrale
commun., ITcontrol center computercentrale verkeersgeleidingscomputer
work.fl.coordination centercoμrdinerende verwijsinstelling voor informatie
health., environ.Coordination Center for EffectsCoördinatiecentrum voor Effecten
agric., industr., construct.core block centerkernrest
el.core centercentrum van de kern
econ., account.cost centerkostendrager
comp., MScost centerkostenplaats (An operating unit whose managers are accountable for budgeted and actual expenditures)
econ., account.cost centerkostenplaats
econ., account.cost centerkostencentrum
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.crank dead centeruiterste zuigerstand t.o.v.cilinderkop
commun., ITcustomer administration network-centercentraal netwerk voor klantenadministratie
comp., MScustomer service centerklantenservice (A business department that deals with routine inquiries and complaints from customers)
comp., MSdata centerdatacentrum (A facility used to house mission critical computer systems and associated components. It generally includes environmental controls (air conditioning, fire suppression, etc), redundant/backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections and high security)
commun., ITdata collection centercentrum voor gegevensverzameling
ITdata processing centerdatabehandelingscentrum
ITdata processing centercomputercentrum
IT, dat.proc.to decenter the centerhet middelpunt verplaatsen
transp.depressed-center flatcarkuilwagen
transp., construct.determination of the center of rotation of a gatebepaling van het draaipunt van een sluisdeur
hobby, construct.development of recreation centersontwikkeling van recreatiecentra
el.digital switching centerdigitaal omschakelcentrum
commer.discount centerdiscountwinkel
commer.discount centerverbruikersmarkt
commer.discount centerkortingwinkel
commer.discount centerdiscountzaak
commer.discount centerdiscount
commer.discount centerconsumentenmarkt
construct.distance between centre lines, center to center, centre to centrehart op hart (= h.o.h.)
construct.distribution centerverdeelnet
construct.distribution centerdistributienet
work.fl.documentation centerdocumentatiecentrum
work.fl.documentation centercentrale documentatie-instelling
el.donor centerdonorcentrum
transp.drop-center flatcarkuilwagen
transp.drop center rimvelg met diepe bodem
transp.drop center rimstandaard-velg
transp.drop center rimholle velg
gen.Dutch Mime CenterStichting Nederlands Mimecentrum
comp., MSEase of Access CenterToegankelijkheidscentrum (An area within the Control Panel that provides accessibility options and settings to help users interact more easily with the computer)
earth.sc., el.electrical power centerelektrische hoofdkast
el.electron trapping centerelektronen-invangcentrum
commun., ITelectronic switching centerautomatische berichtencentrale
commun.EROS data centerEROS gegevenscentrum
gen.European Center for Medium-range Weather ForecastingEuropees Centrum voor Middellange Weersvoorspelling
ed.European Education CenterCentrum voor Europees onderwijs
comp., MSExchange admin centerExchange-beheercentrum (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
comp., MSExchange Administration CenterExchange-beheercentrum (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
commun., el.expanded-center plan displaypanorama met geëxpandeerd centrum
commer., industr.factory outlet centerfabriekswinkelcentrum
commer., industr.factory outlet centerfabriekswinkel
fin.financial centerfinancieel centrum
commun.forecast center stationcentraal voorspellingsstation
transp., mater.sc.forward center of gravity limitvoorste centreringsgrens
transp.front and back bolsters, stakes and center pale of a steel chassisvoor-en achterschamel,rongen en langsbalk van het stalen chassis
transp.fuselage center boxcentrale caisson van de romp
transp., avia.fuselage center sectionmiddelste rompsectie
hobby, agric.garden-centertuincentrum
commun.gateway centerpoortcentrale
commun.gateway centercentrale voor internationale gesprekken
commun., el.gateway mobile services switching centergateway mobile switching centre
med.germinal centergerminal center
med.germinal centerkiemcentrum
earth.sc.guiding center of a particlekrommingsmiddelpunt
el.guiding center of a particlekrommingsmiddelpunt van een deeltje
transp., mech.eng.head dead centerdichtste zuigerstand t.o.v.cilinderkop
med.health care centerpolikliniek
med.health care centergezondheidscentrum
nat.sc., agric.heart centermerg
nat.sc., agric.heart centerkern
nat.sc., agric.heart centerkernhout
comp., MSHelp and Support CenterHelp en ondersteuning (A unified place where a user can access all Help and Support content and services from Microsoft, the OEM, and the corporation)
comp., MSHelp and Support Center taxonomyHelp en ondersteuning-taxonomie (In the Windows XP Help and Support Center, the classification system that organizes Help topics into specific categories)
construct., mun.plan.historic centerhistorische kern
construct., mun.plan.historic centeroude kern
construct., mun.plan.historic centerhistorische binnenstad
construct., mun.plan.historic centerhistorisch centrum
construct., mun.plan.historic city centerhistorisch centrum
construct., mun.plan.historic city centerhistorische binnenstad
construct., mun.plan.historic city centerhistorische kern
construct., mun.plan.historic city centeroude kern
construct., mun.plan.historic town centerhistorisch centrum
construct., mun.plan.historic town centerhistorische binnenstad
construct., mun.plan.historic town centerhistorische kern
construct., mun.plan.historic town centeroude kern
el.hole trapping centergaten invangcentrum
social.sc., construct.holiday centerrecreatie-oord
social.sc., construct.holiday centerrecreatiecentrum
social.sc., construct.holiday centerontspanningsoord
transp.horizontal stabilizer center fishplatecentrale lasplaat van de horizontale stabilisator
chem.If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Bij ademhalingssymptomen: een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
chem.IF exposed: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.NA blootstelling: een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
chem.IF exposed or if you feel unwell: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.NA blootstelling of bij onwel voelen: een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
chem.IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.NA INSLIKKEN: bij onwel voelen een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
chem.IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.NA INSLIKKEN: onmiddellijk een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
chem.Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Onmiddellijk een ANTIGIFCENTRUM of een arts raadplegen.
work.fl.information analysis centerinformatie-analysecentrum
work.fl.information analysis centercentrale informatie-analyse-centrum
transp.integrated European network of vessel traffic centersgeïntegreerd europees net van verkeersleidingscentra voor de zeescheepvaart
gen.International Center for the Improvement of Wheat and Maize in MexicoInternational Center for the Improvement of Wheat and Maize in Mexico
gen.International Center for the Improvement of Wheat and Maize in MexicoInternational Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, El Batán, Mexico CIMMYT
h.rghts.act., social.sc., ed.International Center on Child Labour and EducationInternationaal Centrum kinderarbeid en onderwijs
IT, el.International Data CenterInternationaal Datacentrum
commun.international data communications centerinternationaal datacommunicatiecentrum
el.international maintenance centerinternationaal onderhoudscentrum
commun.international service co-ordination centercoördinatiecentrum voor internationale diensten
commun.international sound-program centerinternationaal radio-omroepcentrum
commun.international switching and testing centersinternationale schakel-en testcentra
el.international switching maintenance centerinternationaal schakelonderhoudscentrum
commun., el.international television centerinternationaal televisiecentrum
commun.international transit switching centerinternationaal doorvoerschakelcentrum
IT, nat.sc.Inter-University Microelectronics CenterInteruniversitair Micro-electronica Centrum
stat., lab.law.job centerarbeidsbureau
fin., ITkey distribution centersleutelbeheersysteem
comp., MSKey Distribution Center proxy serviceKey Distribution Center-proxyservice (A service that runs on corporate network edge servers to proxy Kerberos protocol messages to domain controllers which are situated on the corporate network. This permits Kerberos authentication to edge services such as Remote Desktop Services Gateway or DirectAccess Server)
fin., ITkey translation centersleutelbeheersysteem
transp.launch centerlanceercentrum
astronaut., transp.launch center simulation consolelanceercentrumsimulatiebedieningsbord
social.sc., construct.leisure centerrecreatie-oord
social.sc., construct.leisure centerontspanningsoord
social.sc., construct.leisure centerrecreatiecentrum
earth.sc., transp.lift centerdraagkrachtcentrum
comp., MSlimited properties of work centersbeperking van werkplaatsen (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
el.load centerzwaartepunt van de belasting
stat., el.load centersbelastingscentra
el.load control centerbelastingsverdeelcentrum
commun., ITlong-distance centerinterlokale centrale
comp., MSLync admin centerLync-beheercentrum (A web-based management portal for Lync Online services)
ITmain transit centerhoofd transitcentrale
commun., ITmanual centerhandbediende telefooncentrale
commun., transp., nautic.maritime switching centermaritiem schakelcentrum
stat., scient.median centermedian centre
commun., ITmessage switching centerberichtenschakelingcentrale
commun., ITmessage switching centerberichtenschakelcentrale
comp., MSMicrosoft Download CenterMicrosoft Downloadcentrum (A Microsoft Web site that provides product updates and security patches for Microsoft products)
comp., MSMicrosoft Malware Protection CenterMicrosoft Centrum voor beveiliging tegen schadelijke software (A web portal that supplies the core malicious software (malware)-fighting technology, including the scanning engine and malware definition updates, for Microsoft Forefront Client Security, Forefront Server Security Management Console, Windows Live OneCare, Windows Defender, and other Microsoft security solutions and technologies)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Administration CenterMicrosoft Online Services Beheercentrum (The web portal from which each company's service administrator can manage user accounts and settings for each of the Office 365 services to which they subscribe)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Hosted BlackBerry Administration CenterMicrosoft Online Services Hosted BlackBerry Beheercentrum (The tool that enables Exchange Online users to manage BlackBerry® devices)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Partner Administration CenterMicrosoft Online Services Partnerbeheercentrum (The Web portal from which consultants, administrators, and technical support personnel perform technical and administrative tasks to support their customers)
comp., MSMicrosoft Safety and Security CenterMicrosoft Beveiligingscentrum (The Microsoft website of information on and resources for computer security, digital privacy, and online safety)
comp., MSMicrosoft Safety & Security CenterMicrosoft Beveiligingscentrum (The Microsoft website of information on and resources for computer security, digital privacy, and online safety)
commun.mobile services switching center areagebied van de schakelcentrale voor mobiele communicatie
commun.mobile services switching center areaMSC-gebied
commun.mobile switching center areagebied van de schakelcentrale voor mobiele communicatie
commun.mobile switching center areaMSC-gebied
el.mode centerafstemfrequentie voor maximaal vermogen
commun.Motorola cellular message centercellulair berichtcentrum van Motorola
el.multiple-charged centerladingsdragerinvangplaats met meerdere niveau's
construct.municipal centergemeentecentrum
commun.national sound-programme centernationaal geluidsprogrammacentrum
commun.national television centernationaal televisiecentrum
engl.Netherlands Reactor CenterNetherlands Reactor Center
gen.Netherlands Reactor CenterNetherlands Reactor Centre
comp., MSNetwork and Sharing CenterNetwerkcentrum (A task page in the Windows Control Panel from where customers can get real-time status information about their network, and also make changes to settings)
commun.network control centernetwerkregelcentrum
commun.network management centernetwerkregelcentrum
commun., ITnetwork management centernetwerkbeheerscentrum
commun.network operations centernetwerkverwerkingscentrale
commun., ITnetwork service centernetwerkonderhoudscentrum
el.network switching centernetwerkschakelcentrum
el.network switching centernetwerkschakelcentrale
el.nominal center frequency of a channelnominale centerfrequentie van een kanaal
industr., construct., chem.off-center lipexcentrische tuit
commun., el.off-center plan displaygedecentreerd beeld
commun., el.off-center plan displayexcentrisch panorama
comp., MSOffice 365 admin centerOffice 365-beheercentrum (The web portal from which each company's service administrator can manage user accounts and settings for each of the Office 365 services to which they subscribe)
comp., MSOffice Developer CenterOffice-ontwikkelaarscentrum (A website that provides content and resources to help developers create custom solutions with Microsoft Office)
IT, dat.proc.to offset the centerhet middelpunt verplaatsen
commun., transp.open center plan position indicatorpanoramascherm met centrale signaalonderdrukking
transp., industr., construct.open center tireopen-centerprofiel
transp., industr., construct.open center tireband met open middenprofiel
agric.open center wheelopenvelg-aandrukwiel
comp., MSOpen Sync CenterSynchronisatiecentrum openen (A button that opens Sync Center)
commun.operating centerexploitatiecentrum
commun., IToperation and maintenance centerbesturing- en onderhoudscentrum
el.operation and maintenance center processorprocessor van bedrijfs-en onderhoudscentrum
el.operation and maintenance center processoradministratieve processor
commun.operation centerexploitatiecentrum
commun.operational control centeroperationeel regelcentrum
commun.operations and maintenance centeroperations and maintenance centre
commun.operations and maintenance centerO&M-centrum
commun.operations and maintenance center radioO&M-centrumradio
commun.operations and maintenance center radiooperations and maintenance center radio
commun.operations and maintenance center switchoperations and maintenance center switch
commun., IToperations and maintenance control centerbedrijfsvoerings-en onderhoudscentrum
commun.operations & maintenance center radiooperations and maintenance center radio
commun.operations & maintenance center radioO&M-centrumradio
commun.operations & maintenance center switchoperations and maintenance center switch
commun., IToperator centerbedieningscentrum
earth.sc.orbit guide-centerkrommingsmiddelpunt van de baan
commun.originating centercentrum van oorsprong
commun.parent switching centerhoofdcentrale
comp., MSPerformance CenterPrestatiecentrum (Item on the Control Panel that allows the user to monitor PC performance)
el.phantom-center channelvirtueel middenkanaal
commun.phone centerprimafoon
commun.phone centertelefoonwinkel
med.poison control centerantigifcentrum
stat., construct.population centerbevolkingscentrum
comp., MSPower BI Admin CenterPower BI-beheercentrum (A portal for IT Administrators in Power BI)
commun., ITprimary switching centerverkeerscentrale van de eerste orde
commun.private message-switching centervoice mail-centrum
transp., mater.sc.profile center lineskeletlijn
econ., commer.profit centerresultaatverantwoordelijke eenheid
commun.programme booking centerprogrammaboekingscentrum
commun.programme booking centerbesturingsdienst
comp., MSProject CenterProjecten (A location that allows the user to create a project where the user can manage, share and archive information that has been added for various projects)
energ.ind.Protocol on the provisional application of the Agreement establishing an International Science and Technology CenterProtocol houdende voorlopige toepassing van de Overeenkomst betreffende de oprichting van een Internationaal Centrum voor Wetenschap en Technologie
law, commer.purchase centercentrale inkoopdienst
law, commer.purchase centercentrale inkoop
commer.purchase decision centerkoopbeslissingscentrum
IT, dat.proc.to put off the centerhet middelpunt verplaatsen
commun.rate centercentrum voor het berekenen van afstanden
social.sc.reception centeropvanghuis
social.sc.reception centeropvangtehuis
social.sc.reception centeropvangcentrum
earth.sc., el.recombination centerrecombinatiecentrum
social.sc., construct.recreation centerrecreatiecentrum
social.sc., construct.recreation centerontspanningsoord
social.sc., construct.recreation centerrecreatie-oord
social.sc., construct.recreational centerontspanningsoord
social.sc., construct.recreational centerrecreatie-oord
social.sc., construct.recreational centerrecreatiecentrum
earth.sc., el.reference centerreferentiemiddelpunt
el.reference surface centermiddelpunt van het referentie-oppervlak
work.fl.referral centerverwijscentrum voor informatie
work.fl.referral centercentrale verwijsinstelling voor informatie
commun., ITregional centerregionaal centrum
environ.Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europeregionaal milieucentrum
gen.regional fuel cycle centerregionaal centrum voor de splijtstofcyclus
environ.Regional Meteorological Centerregionaal meteorologisch centrum
el.remote control centercentrum voor afstandsbediening
construct., mun.plan.renewal of town centersvernieuwing van de stadscentra
comp., MSReport CenterRapportcentrum (A feature that leverages Excel Services and SharePoint Server to provide easy and powerful reporting capabilities)
med.respiratory centerademhalingscentrum
med.respiratory centerademcentrum
comp., MSRole CenterRollencentrum (A page that provides quick access to information that is regularly viewed, such as a list of activities and links to forms and reports that are used frequently)
comp., MSRole CenterRolcentrum (A page that provides quick access to information that is regularly viewed, such as a list of activities and links to forms and reports that are used frequently)
commun.routing centerroutetoewijzingscentrum
commun., el.satellite international television centerinternationaal televisiecentrum via een satelliet
el.SCR-thyristor center junctionmiddelste junctie van een thyristor
commun.secondary centerverkeerscentrale van de tweede orde
commun.secondary centerdistrictscentrale
commun.secondary switching centerverkeerscentrale van de tweede orde
commun.secondary switching centerdistrictscentrale
commun., ITsecondary switching centersecundaire telefooncentrale
commun., ITsectional centersectiecentrum
comp., MSSecurity CenterBeveiligingscentrum (Windows launch point to manage security settings for automatic updates, internet options, or Windows Firewall)
construct.service centerverzorgingskern
construct.service centerdienstencentrum
construct.service centerverzorgingscentrum
construct.service centerverzorgend centrum
cultur.Service Center for International Cultural ActivitiesStichting Internationale Culturele Activiteiten
lab.law.Shared Service Center for HRMShared Service Center Human Resources Management
lab.law.Shared Service Center for HRMShared Service Center HRM
lab.law.Shared Service Center for HRMP-Direkt
lab.law.Shared Service Center for Human Resources ManagementP-Direkt
lab.law.Shared Service Center for Human Resources ManagementShared Service Center HRM
lab.law.Shared Service Center for Human Resources ManagementShared Service Center Human Resources Management
comp., MSSharePoint admin centerSharePoint-beheercentrum (A web-based management portal from which a company's service administrator can manage their SharePoint Online service, including creating and deleting site collections, managing user accounts and storage quota, and specifying service settings)
comp., MSSharePoint Developer CenterSharePoint-ontwikkelaarscentrum (A website that provides content and resources to help developers create custom solutions for SharePoint Foundation, SharePoint Server and SharePoint Designer)
comp., MSSharePoint Online Administration CenterSharePoint Online Beheercentrum (A web-based management portal from which a company's service administrator can manage their SharePoint Online service, including creating and deleting site collections, managing user accounts and storage quota, and specifying service settings)
commun.short message service centershort message service center
comp., MSSMS center numbernummer voor sms-centrum (The number used to send and receive messages)
social.sc.social centermaatschappelijk centrum
social.sc.social centerontmoetingscentrum
social.sc.social centergemeenschapscentrum
social.sc.social centersociaal dienstencentrum
agric.soft center plow bottomrister in triplexstaal
agric.soft center shareschaar van triplexstaal
agric.soft center steel shareschaar van triplexstaal
commun.sorting centerexpeditieknooppunt
gen.Southeast European Law Enforcement CenterZuidoost-Europees rechtshandhavingscentrum
nat.sc.space radiation study centerstudiecentrum voor ruimtestraling
med.speech centerspraakcentrum
hobby, construct.sports centersportcentrum
el.SRH centerSRH-centrum
transp.stabilization by low center of gravitystabilisering door zwaartepunt onder rail
commun., agric.storage centeropslagcentrum
commun., ITstore-and-forward switching centerberichtenopslagcentrale
comp., MSSubscription CenterAbonneecentrum (An email marketing plug-in that is required to be added to all commercial emails)
commun.sub-zone centerknooppuntcentrale
construct.supply centerverzorgingskern
construct.supply centerverzorgingscentrum
construct.supply centerverzorgend centrum
comp., MSSupport CenterHelp en ondersteuning (A unified place where a user can access all Help and Support content and services from Microsoft, the OEM, and the corporation)
el.switching and testing centeromschakel-en testcentrum
el.switching centercentrum voor afstandsbediening
el.switching centerberichtencentrale
el.switching centerschakelcentrale
comp., MSSync CenterSynchronisatiecentrum (An item on the Control Panel that provides user a comprehensive view over all roamed content, as well as ability to check on the synchronization progress of individual items)
comp., MSSystem Center Audit Forwarding serviceSystem Center Audit Forwarding-service (The service that is used by an Operations Manager agent to be an Audit Collection Services (ACS) forwarder, which sends information about security events to the management server that is acting as the ACS collector when Audit Collection is enabled)
comp., MSSystem Center Data Access serviceSystem Center Data Access-service (A Windows service that runs on the management servers in each management group, and that allows client applications to access Operations Manager data and functionality)
comp., MSSystem Center Management APM serviceSystem Center Management APM-service (A service that processes events collected from the monitored systems)
comp., MSSystem Center Management Health serviceSystem Center Management Health-service (The Windows-based service responsible for executing management packs as part of the Operations Manager agent and server components)
el.system control centerbelastingsverdeelcentrum
comp., MSTeam Work CenterTeamwerkplaats (​A Web Part that combines a search list of projects in a site collection along with a timeline that shows how those projects relate to one another)
commun.technical and operational control centercentrum van technische en operationele coördinatie
commun.technical and operational coordination centercentrum van technische en operationele coördinatie
commun., ITtechnical control centercentrum voor technische controle
work.fl.technical information centervak-informatiecentrum
work.fl.technical information centertechnisch informatiecentrum
el.telegram retransmission centercentrale voor verzending van telegrammen
el.telegraph message-switching centercentrale voor verzending van telegrammen
commun.television operating centertelevisie-exploitatiecentrum
commun.telex switching centertelexcentrale
commun.telex switching centertelexverbindingscentrale
commun.terminal international centerinternationaal eindcentrum
commun.terminal national centernationaal eindcentrum
ITtest centernetbeheercentrum
ITtest centernetbeheerscentrum
ITtest centernetwerkbeheercentrum
ITtest centerbeheercentrum
ITtest centernetwerkbeheerscentrum
IT, dat.proc.text center linesymmetrie-as van een tekst
el.thyristor center junctionmiddelste junctie van een thyristor
construct.to centercenteren
construct.to centercentreren
commun.toll centerfacturatiecentrum
commun., ITtoll centerverkeerscentrale
commun., ITtoll centerinterlokale centrale
transp., mech.eng.top dead centerdichtste zuigerstand t.o.v.cilinderkop
mater.sc.Top Dead Centerbovenste dode punt
mater.sc.Top Dead CenterDode punt dekselzijde
commun.tracking centervolgcentrum
ed., agric.training centeropleidingscentrum
commun.transit centerdoorvoercentrum
transp.transshipment center"transhipment"
transp.transshipment centeroverslagcentrum
transp.transshipment centeroverslaginstallatie
el.trapping centerval
el.trapping centerinvangcentrum
el.trapping-center demarcation leveldemarkatieniveau
commun.trunk control centerinterlokale handcentrale
comp., MSTrust CenterVertrouwenscentrum (Part of the Office Center feature that allows users to set various security and privacy options, and to see currently enforced security and privacy rules)
fin., commun., ITTrust Centervertrouwensderde
commun.unattended centeronbemand centrum
ed., construct.university centeruniversitair centrum
construct., mun.plan., commun.urban centereindcentrale
commun., ITvideotex computer centervideotex-computercentrum
med.visual centerblikcentrum
med.visual centersblikcentrum
comp., MSVOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center sessionLive Meeting-vergaderingscentrumsessie op proef via VOIP (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
comp., MSWelcome CenterIntroductiecentrum (A feature that serves as a launching point for several optional Windows tasks and OEM-defined tasks)
comp., MSWindows Dev CenterWindows-ontwikkelaarscentrum (The online center that quickly gets you the info and tools you need for Windows development)
comp., MSWindows Dev Center desktop dashboardbureaublad-dashboard van Windows-ontwikkelaarscentrum (The entry point to the desktop section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify desktop apps for Windows, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
comp., MSWindows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboardhardware- en bureaublad-dashboard van Windows-ontwikkelaarscentrum (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
comp., MSWindows Dev Center hardware dashboardhardware-dashboard van Windows-ontwikkelaarscentrum (The entry point to the hardware section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware for Windows, distribute drivers by using Windows Update, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
comp., MSWindows Mobile Device CenterWindows Mobile Apparaatcentrum (An application designed for managing Microsoft Windows Mobile® devices via a Windows Vista client computer. When the mobile device is connected to the computer by cable, cradle, infrared, or wireless LAN, the mobile user uses Windows Mobile Device Center to create a partnership between the desktop computer and the mobile device to configure the device, manage settings, add & remove applications, and synchronize data. After the partnership is created, the mobile user can manage the device using any of the connection mechanisms. While connected, the mobile user can also use the Windows Vista client computer without a partnership to do such things as browse the device and configure settings for the device)
comp., MSWindows Mobile Member CenterWindows Mobile-ledencentrum (A Web site where users can register to become part of the Windows Mobile Membership program)
comp., MSWindows Mobility CenterWindows Mobiliteitscentrum (A single location in Windows where you can adjust mobile PC settings)
comp., MSWindows 8 Pro with Media CenterWindows 8 Pro met Media Center (An edition of Windows 8 Pro that contains Windows Media Center)
transp., mater.sc.wing aerodynamic centervleugelbrandpunt
hobby, construct.winter sports centerwintersportplaats
commun.wire centerwire center
earth.sc., el.with center stopmet stop in het midden
comp., MSwork centerafdeling (A self-contained unit of the manufacturing process, or an entire plant)
comp., MSwork centerwerkplaats (A self-contained unit of the manufacturing process, or an entire plant)
life.sc., polit.World Meteorological Centermondiaal meteorologisch centrum
commun.zone centerdistrictscentrale
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