
Terms for subject Insurance containing calculation | all forms | exact matches only
acturial calculationactuariële techniek
base figure for calculation of pensionberekeningsgrondslag
calculation basis for benefitsberekeningsgrondslag van de uitkeringen
calculation basis for benefitsberekeningsbasis van de verstrekkingen
calculation of a benefitberekening van een uitkering
calculation of benefits due to migrants and entitled dependentsberekening van de uitkeringen aan migranten en hun rechthebbenden
calculation of benefits due to migrants and entitled dependentsberekening van de uitkeringen aan allochtonen en hun rechthebbenden
certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workverklaring betreffende de gezinsleden van de werknemer of de zelfstandige die in aanmerking moeten worden genomen voor de berekening van de uitkering in geval van arbeidsongeschiktheid
certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workformulier E105
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsverklaring inzake de gezinsleden van de werklose wernemer die in aanmerking moeten worden genomen voor de berekening van de werkloosheidsuitkeringen
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsformulier E302
standard of calculationsom van berekening