
Terms for subject Environment containing aspect | all forms | exact matches only
environmental aspectmilieuaspect
environmental aspect of human settlementsmilieuaspecten van menselijke nederzettingen/ van bewoning door mensen
environmental aspect of human settlements Human settlements have an adverse impact on many ecosystems and on themselves by the addition of toxic or harmful substances to the outer lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The major types of environmental pollutants are sewage, trace metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, synthetic organic compounds, and gaseous emissions. Most, if not all, of the additions of potentially harmful substances to the environment are result of the population growth and the technological advances of industrial societiesmilieuaspecten van menselijke nederzettingen
environmental aspect of human settlementsmilieuaspecten van menselijke nederzettingen
global aspectwereldwijde/mondiale/allesomvattende aspect
global aspect Aspects concerning the whole world considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being interdependent economically, socially and politicallywereldwijd aspect
global aspectwereldwijd aspect
military aspectsmilitaire aspecten
prelegislative aspectwetgevingvoorbereidend aspect
prelegislative aspectaspekt wetgevingsvoorbereiding
safety and environmental aspectsveiligheid en milieuaspecten
socioeconomic aspect of human settlementssocio-economische kant van menselijke nederzettingen
sociopolitical aspect Any part, feature or quality of society that combines governmental dimensions with inter-personal or inter-group dynamicssociopolitiek aspect
sociopolitical aspectsociopolitiek aspect