
Terms for subject Construction containing air | all forms | exact matches only
air chamber, air vessel, air boxluchtketel
air chamber, air vessel, air boxwindketel
air channel, air duct, air flue, extract ductventilatiekoker
air channel, air duct, air flue, extract ductluchtkanaal
air channel, air duct, air flue, extract ductventilatiekanaal
air conditioning supplyluchtbehandelingssysteem
air cubeluchtruimte
air curtainluchtgordijn
air de-humidicificationonttrekken van vocht aan de lucht
air drywinddroog
air-dryinghet drogen in de open lucht
air duct of a privyluchtkoker
air duct of a privyprivaatkoker
air-entrained concreteluchthoudend beton
air-entraining agentverluchter
air-entraining agentluchtbelvormer
air-entraining agentluchtbellenvormer
air-entraining agent, air-entraining admixtureluchtbellen-vormer
air-entraining agent, air-entraining admixtureair-entraining agent
air-entraining Portland cementportlandcement met luchtbelvormer
air exhaustluchtafzuiging
air exhaustafzuiging
air exhausting plantafzuiginrichting (lucht-)
air extractafzuiging
air extractluchtafzuiging
air grate, air inletluchtrooster
air grate, grid, foundation ventilatorrooster
air humidificationbevochtigen van lucht
air inlet pipeluchtpijp (of a cistern)
air mortarluchtmortel
air pipe, puff pipeontspanningsleiding
air raid shelterschuilplaats
air resistantluchtechtheid
air resistantluchtecht
air shafthofje
air spaceluchtlaag
air space of a cavity wallspouw
air-supported structureopblaasbaar gebouw
central-air-conditioning plantklimaatregelingscentrale
compressor, air pumpcompressor
compressor, air pumpluchtpomp
drying room, hot air chamberdroogkamer
entrained airingesloten lucht
filtering material for air conditioningfiltermateriaal voor klimatisatietoestellen
foundations by compressed airpneumatische funderingen
gas-tight air lockgasdichte personen-sluisdeurinstallatie
on the border of water and airtussen water en wind
open-air plantinstallatie in de open lucht
to cut down the supply of air to the fire of a kilnsmoren (stoken met reducerend vuur)
to get the air-bubble between the marksinspelen van de bel
vent, duct opening, air inlet outletventilatie-opening
vent, duct opening, air inlet outletluchtopening
ventilation, air renewalventilatie
ventilation, air renewalluchtverversing
water level, air level, spirit leveltimmermanswaterpas
White Paper on air traffic management-Freeing Europe's airspaceWitboek Luchtverkeerbeheer-Openstelling van het Europese luchtruim