
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Token | all forms | exact matches only
access tokentoegangstoken (A data structure that contains authentication and authorization information for a user. Windows creates the access token when the user logs on and the user's identity is confirmed. The access token contains the user's security ID (SID), the list of groups that the user is a member of, the list of privileges held by that user. Each process or thread started for the user inherits a copy of the access token. In some cases a user may have more than one access token, with different levels of authority)
filtered access tokengefilterde-toegangstoken (An access token with the least administrative privileges required for the session. It is a restricted access token where all elevated privileges have been filtered out. A filtered access token is created by default for all interactive users that are not standard users, except the built-in administrator)
full access tokenvolledige-toegangstoken (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC))
full privilege access tokentoegangstoken met volledige bevoegdheid (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC))
hardware tokenhardwaretoken (A secure device that provides cryptographic capabilities, typically by providing private keys used in Public-key cryptography)
impersonation tokenimitatietoken (" An access token that captures the security information of a client process, allowing a service to "impersonate" the client process in security operations.")
lock tokenlock-token (The value that is returned on successful execution of the WebDAV LOCK method. This value is used to transact subsequent requests)
low integrity access tokentoegangstoken met een laag integriteitsniveau (A filtered access token that is created with a low integrity level. This access token is used by Internet Explorer Protected Mode, but can also be used by other applications)
MX tokenMX-token (The set of numbers found in the MX server field in the MX Record Configuration section on the Domain Settings page of the Windows Live Admin Center. The MX token value is unique for each domain. It is required to create an MX record or a CNAME record at DNS hosting services)
security tokenbeveiligingstoken (A cryptographically signed data unit that transfers authentication and authorization information, based on a credential)
security token servicebeveiligingstokenservice (A Web service that issues security tokens. A security token service makes assertions based on evidence that it trusts to whoever trusts it. To communicate trust, this service requires proof, such as a security token or set of security tokens, and it issues a security token with its own trust statement. (Note that for some security token formats, this can simply be a reissuance or cosignature) In Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the Federation Service is a security token service)
token-signing certificatecertificaat voor token-ondertekening (An X509 certificate whose associated public/private key pair is used by federation servers to digitally sign all security tokens that they produce)
token subscriptionabonnement met token (A subscription that can only be paid with a prepaid card)
Windows NT token-based applicationtoepassing die op Windows NT-tokens is gebaseerd (A Windows application that relies on a Windows NT token to perform authorization of users)