
Terms containing Restore | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSauthoritative restorebindend terugzetten (In Backup, a type of restore operation performed on an Active Directory domain controller in which the objects in the restored directory are treated as authoritative, replacing (through replication) all existing copies of those objects)
comp., MSautomatic file restorebestand automatisch terugzetten (A feature that replaces malware-infected system files with uninfected files from the cloud)
comp., MSComplete PC RestoreComplete PC terugzetten (A tool in Windows Vista that restores the entire computer (OS, settings, and files))
comp., MSDatabase restoreDatabase terugzetten (A dialog box that enables the user to select the data file to use when restoring a database)
gen.d.c. restoringgelijkstroomherstelling
gen.d.c. restoring diodeniveaudiode
gen.d.c. restoring diodeniveaubuis
transp.mean time to restoregemiddelde initiatietijd
el.nonself-restoring insulationzichzelf niet-herstellende isolatie
proced.law.obligation to restore or account for gifts, advancements or legaciesinbreng en inkorting van schenkingen, voorschotten of legaten
proced.law.obligation to restore or account for gifts, advancements or legaciesverrekening
proced.law.obligation to restore or account for gifts, advancements or legaciesinbreng en inkorting van schenkingen en makingen
lawobligation to restore that which has been transformedverplichting tot teruggave van het vervreemde
laworder to restore the title to immovable propertyveroordeling tot het weer overdragenaan de vorige eigenaarvan de eigendom van een onroerend goed
ITprint restore codeafdruk-herstartcode
transp.project to restore the Sarajevo-Mostar-Ploce railway lineproject voor het herstel van de spoorlijn Sarajevo-Mostar-Ploce
IT, dat.proc.to restore a pageeen pagina herstellen
IT, dat.proc.to restore characterstekens herstellen
comp., MSRestore DatabaseDatabase terugzetten (A button on a BCM wizard that enables the user to revert the database to a previous state)
transp., mater.sc.to restore disturbed paintworkgerepareerde delen bijwerken
transp., mater.sc.to restore disturbed paintworkbijverven na reparatie
med.to restore functions to the handicappedfuncties bij gehandicapten herstellen
lawto restore its original appearancehet oorspronkelijk uiterlijk teruggeven
comp., MSrestore pointherstelpunt (A representation of a stored state of your computer's system files)
transp., mater.sc.to restore protective coatinggerepareerde delen bijwerken
transp., mater.sc.to restore protective coatingbijverven na reparatie
gen.to restore the appropriationde toewijzing aanvullen
med.to restore the enzyme function through the insertion of DNAhersteloperatie van de enzymatische functie door injectie van DNA
econ.restoring balanced social security accountsrekeningen van de sociale zekerheid weer in evenwicht brengen
el.restoring forcerestauratiekracht
earth.sc.restoring forceterugdrijvende kracht
transp., mater.sc.restoring momentstabilizerend moment
econ., agric.restoring of price levelsherstel van de prijzen
IT, el.restoring springterughaalveer
IT, el.restoring springterugtrekveer
IT, el.restoring springterugdrukveer
construct.restoring territorial balanceherstel van het ruimtelijk evenwicht
el.restoring torquerestauratiekoppel
el.restoring torqueterugdrijfkoppel
environ.self-restoring capacity of natureregeneratievermogen van de natuur
environ.self-restoring capacity of waterregeneratievermogen van water
el.self-restoring insulationzichzelf herstellende isolatie
commun., ITself-restoring interruptionzelfherstellende interruptie
comp., MSSystem RestoreSysteemherstel (A tool that lets you restore your computer to a previous state, if a problem occurs, without losing your personal data files (such as Microsoft Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or e-mail))
transp.system restore timeuitvalsduur