
Terms containing Configuration | all forms | exact matches only
ITA knowledge-base environment for software system configuration reusing componentskennisbankomgeving voor programmatuursysteemconfiguratie waarbij componenten opnieuw worden gebruikt
earth.sc.adiabatic properties of configurationadiabatische eigenschappen van de configuratie
el.aerial configurationantenneconfiguratie
astronaut., transp.aeroplane configurationvliegtuigconfiguratie
transp., avia.aircraft configurationconfiguratie van het luchtvaartuig
transp.airplane configurationvliegtuigindeling
transp.airplane configurationvliegtuigconfiguratie
transp., avia.allowable configurationtoelaatbare configuratie
el.antenna configurationantenneconfiguratie
comp., MSapplication configuration filetoepassingsconfiguratiebestand (An XML-based file in a Microsoft .NET application that is used for storing application configuration settings. This file is named app.config in a Microsoft C project)
transp., avia.approved passenger seating configurationtoegestane passagierscapaciteit
ITto assemble functional blocks into skeleton network configurationsassemblage van functionele blokken in een netwerkgeraamte
comp., MSassigned configurationtoegewezen configuratie (The resources contained in the device node that are allocated for the device. For Plug and Play cards, the assigned resources for a device can change dynamically or from one system start-up to the next)
earth.sc., chem.atomic configurationatomaire opstelling
earth.sc., chem.atomic configurationatoomconfiguratie
comp., MSAutomatic configurationAutomatische configuratie (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab. When the phone is integrated with Communicator, this option uses the automatic configuration settings for the phone)
nucl.phys.axisymmetric configurationaxiaalsymmetrische structuur
transp., mater.sc.basic configurationbasisconfiguratie
ITto be incorporated into the configurationconfigureerbaar
hydraul.bed configurationbodemconfiguratie
comp., MSBoot Configuration Data objectBoot Configuration Data-object (A collection of elements that describes the settings for the object that are used during the boot process. There are three main types of objects: application, device, and inherited)
el.cell configurationcelconfiguratie
gen.channel configurationkanaalopstelling
IT, el.chip device configurationchipconfiguratie
med.chromosomal configurationchromosomale configuratie
earth.sc.classification of magnetic field configurationsclassificatie van magneetveldconfiguraties
transp.clean configurationstoringsvrije configuratie
astronaut., transp.clean configurationkruisvluchtconfiguratie
comp., MScloned configurationgekloonde configuratie (The practice of deploying new Edge Transport servers based on the configuration information of a previously configured source server. The configuration information of the previously configured source server is copied and exported to an XML file, which is then imported to the target server)
gen.closed configurationgesloten configuratie
earth.sc.closed magnetic configurationgesloten configuratie
comp., MScluster configuration storage locationopslaglocatie voor clusterconfiguratie (The shared location (or shared storage location) where cluster configuration information is persisted. It can be a shared file or a database)
IT, el.common base configurationschakeling met gemeenschappelijke basis
IT, el.common emitter configurationschakeling met gemeenschappelijke emittor
IT, el.common source configurationmet gemeenschappelijke voedingsbron
el.common-base circuit configurationgemeenschappelijke basisschakeling
el.common-collector circuit configurationgemeenschappelijke collectorschakeling
el.common-emitter circuit configurationgemeenschappelijke emitter schakeling
commun.composite configurationsamengestelde configuratie
transp., el.compound motor configurationcompound schakeling
ITconfiguration,administration and maintenance positionCAM-positie
ITconfiguration,administration and maintenance positionconfiguratie-, beheers- en onderhoudspositie
comp., MSconfiguration controlconfiguratiecontrole (The process of ensuring that the product sent to the customer is designed and arranged as the customer specified)
gen.configuration controlconfiguratiebeheer
gen.configuration controlconfiguratieregeling
gen.configuration control reactorreactor met configuratieregeling
commun., ITconfiguration data fileconfiguratiegegevensbestand
commun., ITconfiguration data filebasisstationgegevensbestand
comp., MSconfiguration databaseconfiguratiedatabase (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or Windows Internal database that contains the configuration information that applies across all servers in a deployment of SharePoint Products and Technologies, such as Web application information)
transp., avia.Configuration Deviation Listconfiguratie-afwijkingslijst
comp., MSConfiguration ExportConfiguratie-export (A feature that allows administrators the ability to backup and replicate their configuration)
comp., MSconfiguration fileconfiguratiebestand (A file that contains machine-readable operating specifications for a piece of hardware or software or that contains information on another file or on a specific user, such as the user's logon ID)
comp., MSconfiguration groupconfiguratiegroep (The list of components in a bill of materials (BOM) that are to be used together to produce a parent item)
comp., MSconfiguration inheritanceconfiguratieovername (The adoption of configuration settings by an object in a hierarchy from an object that is higher in that hierarchy. For example, a service can inherit its configuration settings from the application, Web site, or server with which it is associated)
ITconfiguration itemconfiguratie-managementorgaan
comp., MSconfiguration itemconfiguratie-item (Any component that needs to be managed to deliver a service. In Service Manager, configuration items might include services, hardware, software, buildings, people, and formal documentation, such as process documentation and service level agreements (SLA))
comp., MSconfiguration item classklasse met configuratie-items (A collection of configuration items. Groups can contain members of different configuration items classes (for example, a computer and a user))
ITconfiguration managementconfiguratiebeheer
ITconfiguration management systemconfiguratiebeheersysteem
comp., MSConfiguration ManagerConfiguratiebeheer (An administrative tool included in Duet Settings Manager. Users with Administrator privileges on the Duet client computer can use this tool to set and modify the configuration settings for the Duet client components)
gen.configuration managerconfiguratiemanager
comp., MSConfiguration Manager Application CatalogConfiguration Manager-toepassingencatalogus (The web-based view of the applications that are available for a user to search, browse, request, and install)
comp., MSConfiguration Manager health state referenceConfiguration Manager Health-statusreferentie (A reference that is published to Active Directory to refer to Configuration Manager NAP policy and stored for the System Health Validator(SHV) to use in determining policy compliance)
comp., MSConfiguration Manager hierarchyConfiguration Manager-hiërarchie (A collection of one or, typically, more Configuration Manager sites bound together via child-parent relationships)
comp., MSConfiguration Manager siteConfiguration Manager-site (A collection of clients and Configuration Manager site systems that are bounded by a group of subnets, such as IP subnets or an Active Directory site, and that are specified by a Configuration Manager administrator as a site)
comp., MSConfiguration Manager site databaseConfiguration Manager-sitedatabase (A Microsoft SQL Server database that stores Configuration Manager site data, such as discovery data, configuration data, and status messages and inventory data. Every primary site has a Configuration Manager site database. The server supporting the Configuration Manager site database is automatically assigned the site database server role)
comp., MSConfiguration Manager software distributionConfiguration Manager-softwaredistributie (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically distributes software programs to client computers in a Configuration Manager hierarchy)
comp., MSConfiguration Manager software inventorysoftware-inventaris van Configuration Manager (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically gathers information about software on clients in a Configuration Manager site)
life.sc.configuration mapskeletkaart
comp., MSconfiguration objectconfiguratieobject (" A generic user-defined instance of any of the different kinds of configurations in ILM "2", such as OVC and domain config.")
stat., scient.configuration of a samplesteekproefconfiguratie
transp., avia.configuration of lift and drag devicesconfiguratie van de draagkracht- en weerstandregelende middelen/inrichtingen
mech.eng.configuration of the cabletracé van de kabel
life.sc., el.configuration of the fissuresspleetvorm
comp., MSconfiguration passconfiguratiefase (A phase of Windows installation. Different parts of the Windows operating system are installed in different configuration passes. You can specify Windows unattended installation settings to be applied in one or more configuration passes)
ITconfiguration planconfiguratieschema
IT, earth.sc.configuration registerconfiguratieregister
commun., ITconfiguration report serverconfiguratierapport-server
comp., MSconfiguration routeconfiguratieroute (The sequence in which configuration groups are selected during the production process)
comp., MSconfiguration ruleconfiguratieregel (A rule that limits the items that can be combined to produce a manufactured product. A configuration rule applies to a configuration group)
comp., MSconfiguration setconfiguratieset (A set of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) instances that share and replicate their configuration and schema partitions and that can also be configured to share and replicate application directory partitions)
ITconfiguration specified on a call-by-call basishandgeschakelde configuratie
IT, dat.proc.configuration stateconfiguratie-status
IT, earth.sc.configuration switchconfiguratie-schakelaar
earth.sc.configuration turned inside outconfiguratie binnenste-buiten
transp., polit.configuration warningconfiguratiewaarschuwing
comp., MSConfiguration Wizardwizard Configuratie (The semi-automated tool for planning and executing directory synchronization)
comp., MSConstraint-based configurationop beperkingen gebaseerde configuratie (A configuration technology that uses constraints to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
mech.eng.controlled configuration itemprodukt met gecontroleerde configuratie
gen.conveyor with twin strand configurationdubbelkettingtransporteur
econ.Council configurationRaadsformatie
gen.curvature in toroidal configurationscurvatuur van toroïdale configuraties
el.cusp configurationcusp-configuratie
earth.sc.cusp configurationcuspconfiguratie
earth.sc.cusped configurationcuspconfiguratie
earth.sc., el.D'Appolito speaker configurationD'Appolito luidsprekeropstelling
earth.sc., transp.dart configurationpijlstaartkonfiguratie
earth.sc.degenerate configurationontaarde configuratie
comp., MSDimension-based configurationop dimensies gebaseerde configuratie (A configuration technology used to create product variants by selecting values for product dimensions)
comp., MSdisk configuration informationschijfconfiguratiegegevens (Information in the Windows registry on assigned drive letters, simple volumes, striped volumes, mirrored volumes, spanned volumes, and RAID-5 volumes. You can change the disk configuration by using Disk Management)
comp., MSDisplay Configuration wizardwizard Beeldscherm configureren (A wizard that guides the user to configure their TV or monitor to get the best picture. The wizard helps the user to center and resize the picture, select the correct aspect ratio, and adjust the brightness, contrast, and sharpness settings)
comp., MSdomain configurationdomeinconfiguratie (A configuration object that is used to model Active Directory domains)
fin.double bottom configurationconfiguratie met twee dieptepunten
fin.double bottom configurationdubbele-bodemconfiguratie
fin.double bottom configurationW-configuratie
earth.sc.double null reference configurationdouble-null-referentieconfiguratie
fin.double top configurationdubbele-topconfiguratie
fin.double top configurationconfiguratie met twee hoogtepunten
fin.double top configurationM-configuratie
chem.electron configurationelektronenconfiguratie
chem.electron configurationelektronische configuratie van een element:
comp., MSE-mail Router configuration profileE-mail Router-configuratieprofiel (A profile that contains the information, such as the e-mail server name and type, that the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system needs to establish a functional E-mail Router)
comp., MSE-mail Router Configuration Wizardwizard E-mail Router-configuratie (A wizard that guides users in creating an incoming e-mail configuration, an outgoing e-mail configuration, and a link to an existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. After they install and configure these components using this wizard, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router will transport incoming and outgoing Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail)
comp., MSE-mail Router Configuration Wizardwizard Configuratie van e-mailroutering (A wizard that guides users in creating an incoming e-mail configuration, an outgoing e-mail configuration, and a link to an existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. After they install and configure these components using this wizard, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router will transport incoming and outgoing Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail)
earth.sc.equilibrium configurationevenwichtsconfiguratie
ITexchange configurationindeling van de centrale
transp.flight configurationvluchtfiguur
comp., MSforest configurationforestconfiguratie (A configuration object used to model Active Directory forests)
ITfunctional configuration auditfunctionele test
IThardware configurationcomputerconfiguratie
comp., MShardware configurationhardwareconfiguratie (Resource settings that have been allocated for a specific device. Each device on your computer has a hardware configuration, which can consist of interrupt request (IRQ) lines, direct memory access (DMA), an input/output (I/O) port, or memory address settings)
fin.head and shoulders configurationhoofd-en schouderconfiguratie
commun.hybrid configurationsamengestelde configuratie
earth.sc.hybrid magnetic configurationhybride magnetische configuratie
transp., avia.incorrect landing configurationincorrecte/onjuiste/verkeerde landingsconfiguratie
comp., MSIP Allow List provider configurationproviderconfiguratie voor lijst met gepermitteerde IP-adressen (Configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Allow List provider)
comp., MSIP Block List provider configurationproviderconfiguratie voor lijst met geblokkeerde IP-adressen (The configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Block List provider)
met.joint configurationstuikconstructie
met.joint configurationverbindings-constructie
el.junction configurationprofiel van de overgangslaag
el.junction configurationjunctieprofiel
el.junction configurationjunctie opbouw
comp., MSLAN emulation configuration serverLAN-emulatieconfiguratieserver (A server that assigns individual local area network emulation (LANE) clients to particular emulated local area networks (ELANs) by directing them to the LAN emulation server (LES))
transp., avia.landing configurationlandingsconfiguratie
ITlanguage configurationtaalconfiguratie
comp., MS3-leg configurationdrieledige configuratie (A perimeter network where the server acting as a firewall has three network cards: one for the internal network, one for the intranet, and one for a protected perimeter network server)
transp.linear configurationlineaire configuratie
earth.sc.longitudinal pinch configurationconfiguratie van longitudinale insnoering
earth.sc.M and S configurationconfiguratie M en S
earth.sc.magnetic configurationmagnetische configuratie
earth.sc.magnetic mirror configurationmagnetische-spiegelconfiguratie
ITmaintenance of software and hardware configurationonderhoud van programmatuur en apparatuur
comp., MSManual configurationhandmatige configuratie (An option in the Advanced Phone Integration Configuration dialog box that enables the user-entered settings for phone integration instead of the automatic configuration settings)
ITmaster-slave configurationmeester-slaaf configuratie
transp., avia.maximum approved passenger seating configurationmaximaal toegestane passagierscapaciteit
earth.sc.Mayer and Schmidt configurationconfiguratie M en S
polit.meetings of Council configurations meeting once every six monthszitting van de Raad in een formatie die eenmaal per halfjaar bijeenkomt
IT, earth.sc.memory-configuration controlbesturen van geheugenconfiguratie
comp., MSMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Office client configuration wizardwizard Microsoft Dynamics CRM Office-clientconfiguratie (The wizard that configures the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Office Client)
earth.sc.minimum B configurationminimum-B-configuratie
earth.sc.minimum-average-B configurationminimum-B configuratie gemiddelde
el.minimum-B configurationminimum-B-configuratie
earth.sc.minimum-B configuration on the averageminimum-B configuratie gemiddelde
earth.sc.minimum-mean-B configurationminimum-B configuratie gemiddelde
earth.sc.mirror configurationmagnetische-spiegelconfiguratie
commun., ITmulti-beam configurationmultibundel-configuratie
commun.multiple point-to-point configurationsterconfiguratie
commun., ITmultiple-band configurationconfiguratie met meerdere banden
commun., el.multipoint-partyline configurationgedeelde-lijnconfiguratie
tech., el.multipoint-ring configurationringconfiguratie
el.multipoint-star configurationmeervoudige sterconfiguratie
IT, dat.proc.multiprocessor configurationconfiguratie met meerdere processoren
comp., MSMusic Configuration toolconfiguratiehulpprogramma voor Muziek (The tool that you use to configure the Music application)
commun.net configurationnetwerkstructuur
commun.net configurationnetstructuur
commun.network configurationnetwerkstructuur
commun.network configurationnetstructuur
ITnetwork configurationnetwerkconfiguratie
gen.network configurationnetconfiguratie
earth.sc.non zero minimum B field configurationminimum-B-configuratie
ITobject configurationobject-configuratie
comp., MSObject Visualization Configurationobjectvisualisatieconfiguratie (" Configuration objects that are used to render UI in the Universal Object Control for authoring a specific object type in ILM "2". ")
commun., IToffset configurationexcentrische configuratie
commun., IToffset-fed configurationconfiguratie met excentrische voeding
commun.omnibus configurationomnibusconfiguratie
gen.open configurationopen configuratie
gen.open configurationconfiguratie met open uiteinden
earth.sc.open ended configurationopen configuratie
earth.sc.open magnetic configurationopen configuratie
gen.open-ended configurationconfiguratie met open uiteinden
gen.open-ended configurationopen configuratie
transp.to operate in latched volume configurationluchtinlaat:luchtuitlaat
tech.to operate in latched volume configurationgebruiken met luchtin-en uitlaat gesloten
comp., MSOrganization Configuration nodeknooppunt Organisatieconfiguratie (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that administrators use to configure administrative access roles for users or groups)
comp., MSpackage configuration phasepakketconfiguratiefase (The phase where one of the Sequencing Wizards (the Package Configuration Wizard) gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file)
transp., avia.passenger seating configurationpassagierscapaciteit
comp., MSPerformancePoint Planning Server Configuration ManagerConfiguratiebeheer van PerformancePoint-planningserver (The administration wizard that is used for configuring Planning Server, including such tasks as adding or removing Web services and creating or provisioning a new system database)
ITphysical configuration auditfysieke configuratie-audit
earth.sc.picket fence configurationpalissadeconfiguratie
IT, el.pin configurationpenbezetting
commun., ITpoint-to-point configurationpunt-puntconfiguratie
commun., el.point-to-point configurationpunt-tot-punt-configuratie
environ.pore configurationvorm van de poriën
comp., MSPost Rule ConfigurationsBerichtregelconfiguraties (Tab on the Records section of the ribbon in CRM that contains the controls for setting the rules about how posts are handled for Yammer)
IT, dat.proc.printer configurationprinterinstallatie
IT, dat.proc.printer configurationprinterdefinitie
polit.progress of work in other Council configurationsstand van de besprekingen in andere Raadsformaties
ITproject/configuration controlprojekt-configuratie-regeling
ITproject/configuration controlproject-configuratie-besturing
comp., MSpush-button configurationPush Button Configuration (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
commun., ITpush-pull configurationbalansconfiguratie
comp., MSRAD Web Access ConfigurationRAD-webtoegangconfiguratie (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
gen.rectangular mesh configurationrechthoekige configuraties van het rooster
commun., ITreference configurationreferentieconfiguratie
comp., MSRemote Desktop Server ConfigurationExtern bureaublad-serverconfiguratie (A Remote Desktop Services management snap-in that you can use to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per-connection basis or for the server as a whole)
comp., MSRemote Desktop Session Host ConfigurationExtern bureaublad-sessiehostconfiguratie (An MMC management snap-in for Remote Desktop Services. You can use Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per connection basis, or for the server as a whole)
comp., MSRemote Desktop Web Access ConfigurationExtern bureaublad-webtoegangconfiguratie (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
comp., MSRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access ConfigurationWebtoegangconfiguratie voor RemoteApp en Extern bureaublad (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
comp., MSRule-based configurationregelgebaseerde configuratie (A configuration technology that uses rules to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
transp., avia.seat configurationzitplaatsconfiguratie
comp., MSSecurity Configuration Wizardwizard Beveiliging configureren (A tool that automates security best practices to reduce the attack surface for a server. The SCW was introduced with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
comp., MSServer Configuration nodeknooppunt Serverconfiguratie (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that enables administrators to view a list of all the servers in their Exchange organization and perform server role-specific tasks. The Server Configuration node contains the following sub-nodes: Mailbox, Client Access, Hub Transport, and Unified Messaging)
comp., MSservice configuration fileserviceconfiguratiebestand (The file that sets values for a service. The values that you can specify include the number of instances to deploy for each role, the values for the configuration parameters that you established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service)
ITservice configuration protocolconfiguratieprotocol voor de dienst
comp., MSservice configuration settingserviceconfiguratie-instelling (A configuration option that can be changed in a running service without requiring the service to be redeployed)
comp., MSService Deployment ConfigurationsService-implementatieconfiguraties (A node in the Library workspace where you can view instances of services that have been saved (during the process of configuring specific deployment settings for the service instance) but have not been deployed)
construct.sheet piling in box configurationdamwandkoker
energ.ind., mech.eng., el.single site configurationautonome windturbine
transp.six by six drive configurationmet zes aangedreven wielen
polit., construct.specialised Council configurationvakraad
polit., construct.specialised Council configurationsectorraad
polit.Standard ConfigurationsStandaardconfiguraties
environ.star-configuration shaftstervormige aansluitput
el.stellarator configurationstellarator-configuratie
earth.sc.stuff cusp configurationstuffed-cuspconfiguratie
earth.sc.stuff cusp configurationgevulde-cuspconfiguratie
earth.sc.stuffed cusp configurationgevulde-cuspconfiguratie
earth.sc.stuffed cusp configurationstuffed-cuspconfiguratie
el.system configuration synthesissysteemconfiguratiesynthese
transp., avia.tail first configuration aircrafteendvliegtuig
commun.telecontrol configurationafstandsbesturingsconfiguratie
commun.test configurationtestopstelling
commun.test configurationtestconfiguratie
commun.test configurationmeetopstelling
el.tokamak configurationtokamak-configuratie
el.tokomak configurationtokamak-configuratie
earth.sc.toroidal configurationtoroidale configuratie
el.toroidal magnetic configurationtoroïdale magnetische configuratie
el.track configurationspoorligging
chem.trans-configurationtransconfiguratie van een molecuul
med.trans configurationtransconfiguratie
commun., transp.transient configurationovergangsconfiguratie
IT, earth.sc.transistor in full bridge configurationtransistor in brugschakelingsopstelling
commun., ITtree configurationvertakte configuratie
fin.triangle configurationdriehoeksconfiguratie
comp., MSuninterpreted configuration item.niet-geïnterpreteerd configuratie-item (An imported configuration item that cannot be interpreted by the Configuration Manager console and whose properties cannot be viewed or edited in the console)
IT, dat.proc.unit configuration filedossier met configuraties van de eenheden
gen.unstable configurationonstabiele configuratie
comp., MSvariant configuration technologytechnologie voor variantconfiguratie (A method of modeling product masters and searching for product variant configurations)
comp., MSvirtual machine configurationvirtuele-machineconfiguratie (The configuration of the resources assigned to a virtual machine. Examples include devices such as disks and network adapters, as well as memory and processors)
comp., MSWater Configuration toolWater-configuratiehulpprogramma (The tool that you use to customize Water)
comp., MSWindows Firewall Configuration ProviderWindows Firewall-configuratieprovider (A provider that lets administrators manage Windows Intune policy settings for Windows Firewall to control incoming and outgoing traffic on client computers that are managed by Windows Intune)
earth.sc.X-point configurationX-punkt configuratie
comp., MSYammer ConfigurationYammer-configuratie (The options a person sets in the CRM UI to connect CRM to the enterprise Yammer network)