
Terms for subject Medical containing Cell | all forms | exact matches only
aberrant cellafwijkende cel
acoustic hair cellgehoorcellen
acoustic hair cellcellen van Corti
acoustic hair cellsgehoorcellen
acoustic hair cellscellen van Corti
adelomorphous cellshoofdcellen
adelomorphous cellsadelomorfe cellen
adult stem cellvolwassen stamcel
adult stem cellsomatische stamcel
adult stem celladulte stamcel
adult T-cell leukemia-lymphomaAdult T-cell leukemia
adult tissue stem cellsomatische stamcel
adult tissue stem celladulte stamcel
adult tissue stem cellvolwassen stamcel
adventitial cellspericyt
adventitial cellsperitheliale cel
adventitial cellscellen van Rouget
allogenic bone marrow cellallogene beenmergcel
aneuploid cell strainaneuploïede cellijn
aneuploid cell strainaneuploide cellijn
anterior radicular cellscellulae radiculares anteriores
apical cellapicale cel
arrest of cell divisiononderbreking van de celdeling
association cellassociatieneuron
authorised removal of cellstoegestane afname van cellen
B-cell growth factorgroeifactor van de B-cellen
bacterial cellbacteriecel
balloon cellsballoncellen
basal cellbasale cel
basal cell cancerbasaalcellencarcinoom
basal cell carcinomabasaalcellenkanker (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell carcinomabasale-cellencarcinoom (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell carcinomabasocellulair carcinoma (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell carcinomabasalioma (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell carcinomabasaalcellencarcinoma (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell epitheliomabasale-cellencarcinoom (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell epitheliomabasaalcellencarcinoma (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell epitheliomabasalioma (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell epitheliomabasaalcellenkanker (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell epitheliomabasocellulair carcinoma (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell naevus syndromebasocellulair naevussyndroom
basal cell-naevus syndromebasocellulair naevussyndroom
basal cell nevus syndromebasocellulair naevussyndroom
basal cellsbasaalcellen
basket cellkorfcel
basophil cellsbeta-cellen
basophil cellsbasofiele cellen
Beale ganglion cellganglioncel van Beale
Berger cellsBerger-cellen
beta cellsbèta-cellen
Betz cellscellen van Betz
Bevan-Lewis cellscellen van Bevan-Lewis
bipolar cellbipolaire cel
bipolar nerve cellbipolaire zenuwcel
bipolar nerve cellbipolair neuron
blood cellbloedlichaampje
blood cellbloedcel
blood cell counterglobulimeter
blood cell counterbloedtelkamer
blood cell counting systembloedtelkamer
blood cell counting systemglobulimeter
blood cell formation-relatedhemopoëtisch
blood cell testerbloedtelkamer
blood cell testertelkamer
blood cell testerhalometer
blood cell testererytrocytometer
blood cell testerbloedtelapparaat
blood cellsbloedcellen
blood cells counterbloedcellenteller
Boettcher cellscellen van Boettcher
Buengner cell cordonsbanden van Buengner
bump on a cellmicrovillus
Cajal cellcellen van Cajal
cancer cellkankercel
cardiac cellcardiale cel
castration cellscastratiecellen
cell adaptationcellulaire adaptatie
cell adaptationcellulaire aanpassing
cell atrophycelatrofie
cell bodyperikaryon
cell bodypericaryon
cell breakageopenbreken van cellen
cell breakagecelfractionatie
cell centrifugecytocentrifugetoestel
cell clonecelkloon
cell cloningcellulaire clonering
cell co-culturegemengde weefselkweek
cell co-culturegemengde weefselcultuur
cell communicationcommunicatie tussen cellen
cell countingbepaling van aantal cellen
50 % cell culture infective dosehalfmaximale inhiberende dosis op weefselkweek
cell deathceldood
cell dedifferentiationceldifferentiatie
cell density during treatmentcelconcentratie tijdens de behandeling
cell destruction-relatedlytisch
cell determinationcellulaire determinatie
cell disruptioncelfractionatie
cell disruptionopenbreken van cellen
cell divisiondiërese
cell divisionmitose
cell divisionceldelingsproces
cell factoryde cel als minifabriek
cell fusioncelfusie
cell generationcellulaire generatie
cell hypertrophyhypertrofie van cellen
cell in an exponential stage of growthcel in exponentiële groeifase
cell layerscellenlagen
cell linecellijn
cell lineagecytogenesis
cell lineagecytogenese (cytogenesis)
cell-mediated immune responsecellulaire immuunrespons
cell-mediated immunitycellulaire immuniteit
cell-mediated immunitycel-immuniteit
cell membranecelmembraan
cell morphologycelmorfologie
cell necrosiscelnecrose
cell of Corticellen van Corti
cell of Cortigehoorcellen
cell of granular layergranulosacel
cell of granular layerfollikelcel
cell of known antigenic compositioncel van bekende antigene samenstelling
cell saphyaloplasma
cell saphyaloplasm
cell screeningcelonderzoek
cell surfacecelmembraan
cell survival ratecelloverlevingspercentage
cell therapyceltherapie
cell-transformation assayceltransformatietest
cell transformation testceltransformatietest
chromaffin cellschromaffine cellen
chromatophore cellkleurdragende cel
chromatophore cellchromatofore cel
Clarke cellscellen van Clarke
Claudius cellscellen van Claudius
clear cellheldere cel
clear-cell carcinomahypernephroma (carcinoma clarocellulare)
clear-cell carcinomahypernefroom (carcinoma clarocellulare)
clonogenic cellklonogene cel
commissural cellscommissuurcellen
commissural cellscellulae commissurales
communication within cellsintracellulaire communicatie
competent cellcompetente cel
concrete cellbetonnen cel
connective tissue cellmastocyt
connective-tissue cellbindweefselcel
contractil epithelioid cellsheldere cellen
cord of cellscelstreng
corneous cellhoorncel
Councilman cellslichaampjes van Councilman
cover cell tumormesothelioma
cover cell tumormesothelioom
cover cell tumorcoelothelioma
cover cellsdekcellen
cover cellsmesotheelcel
covering cellsdekcel
Crooke cellscel van Crooke
culture embryonic cellembryonale cel uit celcultuur
culture of established cell linescultuur van permanente cellijnen
culture of established cell linescultuur van onbeperkt groeiende cellijnen
culture of established cell linesculture van onbeperkt groeiende cellijnen
cylindrical cell carcinomaepithelioma cylindro-cellulare
cylindrical cell carcinomacilindercellenepithelioom
cylindrical cell carcinomacylindercellig carcinoom
cylindrical cell carcinomaepithelioma cylindrocellulare
cylindrical cell carcinomacarcinoma cylindrocellulare
cylindrical cell carcinomaepithelioma cylindromatosum
cytotoxic T-cellskiller-cellen
cytotoxic T-cellscytotoxische T-cellen
decidual cellsdeciduacel
Deiters cellscellen van Deiters
Deiters phalangeal cellscellen van Deiters
delomorphous cellsdekcel
dendrite cellcellen van Langerhans
dendritic celldendritische cel
Drasch cellscellen van Drasch
dyskeratosic cellsronde lichaampjes van Darier
elementary blood cellelementaire bloedcel
encasing cellsdekcellen
encasing cellsmesotheelcel
epithelial cellepitheelcel
ethmoidal cellssinus ethmoideus
ethmoidal cellscellula ethmoidalis
eucaryotic celleukaryote cel
European tumour cell and tissue bankEuropese tumorcellen-en tumorweefselbank
fetal fat cell lipomahibernoma
foam cellschuimcel
follicle cellfollikelcel
foot cellbasale cel
foreign cell sensibilizationheterogene sensibilisering
Foule cellcellen van Foule
genetically modified cellgenetisch gemodificeerde cel
germ cell injuryblastophthorie
germ cell line gene therapygerminale gentherapie
ghost cell corpuscleachromatocyt
giant-cell carcinomacarcinoma gigantocellulare
Gianuzzi cellshalvemaancellen
Gianuzzi cellscellen van Gianuzzi
glandular cellkliercel
glandular nerve cellganglioncel met neurosecretie
glia cellgliocyt
glia cellgliacyt
glia cellneurogliacel
glia cellgliacel
glial cellglia
glial cellneuroglia
glial cellgliacel
glial cellzenuwkleefstof
glial cellzenuwlijm
globuliferous cellglobuliferous cells
goblet cellsbekercel
goblet cellscellula caliciformis
Golgi cellscellen van Golgi
graft of thymic cellstransplantatie van thymuscellen
grandmother cellgrootmoederneuron
grandmother cellgrootmoedercel
granulosa cell carcinomagranulosacelcarcinoom
granulosa cell carcinomafeminiserend mesenchymoma
granulosa cell carcinomagranulosaal carcinoom
granulosa cell carcinomagranulosacel carcinoom
granulosa cell carcinomagranulosaceltumor
granulosa cell tumorgranulosacel carcinoom
granulosa cell tumorfeminiserend mesenchymoma
granulosa cell tumorgranulosaal carcinoom
granulosa cell tumorgranulosacelcarcinoom
granulosa cell tumorgranulosaceltumor
Grawitz cellsluimercellen
gustatory cellsmaakcel
haematopoietic stem cellhemopoëtische stamcel
haematopoietic stem cellcel van bloedvormend stamweefsel
haemopoietic stem cellcel van bloedvormend stamweefsel
haemopoietic stem cellhemopoëtische stamcel
hair cellcel van Corti
hair cellgehoorhaar
hair cellhaarcel
hair cellgehoorcel
hairy cell leukaemiatricholeucocytenleukemie
hairy cells leukemiatricholeucocytenleukemie
hand mirror cell leukemiahandspiegel leukemie
hand mirror cell leukemiahand mirror cell leukemie
Hargraves-Haserick cellscel van Hargraves
Hargraves-Haserick cellsLE-cel
HbF cell Kleihauer Betke testHbF-celtest van Kleihauer-Betke
heart failure cellshartgebrekcellen
heckel cellcel Malpighistratum
Heidenhain cellscellen van Heidenhain
HeLa cellHe La-cel
helper cellT-helpercel
helper cellCD4-/OKT4-/Leu3-positieve cel
helper cellT4-cel
helper cellT4-helpercel
hematopoietic cellsbloedvormende cellen
Henle cellcellen van Henle
Hensen cellscellen van Hensen
Hfr cellcel met hoge recombinatiefrequentie
high-frequency of recombination cellcel met hoge recombinatiefrequentie
hilar cellshiluscel
hilar cells hyperplasiahiluscelhyperplasie
Hofbauer cellscellen van Hofbauer
horn cellhoorncel
horny cellhoorncel
Hortega cellmesogaglia
Hortega cellmicroglia
Hortega cellcel van Hortega
Hortega cellhortegaglia
host cellgastheercel
Huerthle cellscellen van Huerthle
human B-cell lymphotropic virusHumaan B-lymfotroop virus
human B-cell lymphotropic virusHumane B-lymfotroopvirus
human diploid cell vaccinemenselijk diploïde cel vaccin
human embryonic stem cellmenselijke embryonale stamcel
human red cell concentrateerytrocytenconcentraat van mensenbloed
human T-cell leukemia virus type 1Humaan T-lymfotroopvirus
human T-cell leukemia virus type 4Humaan T-lymfotroop virus type IV
human T-cell leukemia virus type 2humaan T-lymfotroop virus type II
human T-cell leukemia virus type 1Humaan T-lymfotroopretrovirus
Human T-cell lymphotropic virusHumane T-lymfotrope virus
human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3Humaan T-lymfotroop virus type III
human T-IV cell lymphotropic virusHumaan T-lymfotroop virus type IV
hyalinising clear cell carcinomacarcinoom met glasachtige cellen
hyalinizing clear cell carcinomacarcinoom met glasachtige cellen
hypotonic treatment of cellshypotonische behandeling van cellen
hypotonic treatment of cellshypotone behandeling van cellen
immobilized-cells culturekweek van geïmmobiliseerde cellen
immobilized-microbial-cells reactorreactor met geïmmobiliseerde cellen
immune cellimmunocyt
immunocompetent cellimmunocyt
in vitro mammalian cell transformation testceltransformatietest
in vivo mammalian germ-cell cytogenetic testcytogenetische test in vivo van geslachtscellen bij zoogdieren
in vivo somatic cell mutation assayin-vivo-onderzoek van lichaamscelmutatie
in vivo somatic cell mutation assayin vivo onderzoek van somatische-celmutatie
increased white blood cell countleukocytose
infiltration of tumor cellsinfiltratie
infiltration of tumour cellsinfiltratie
intermediary cellsintermediaire cel
interstitial-cell-stimulating hormoneluteïniserend hormoon
interstitial-cell-stimulating hormoneinterstitiële-cellen-stimulerend hormoon
Kulchitsky's cell carcinomacarcinoïd van de dunne darm
Kupffer cellscellen van Kupffer
Kuppfer's cellcell van Kupffer
Kuppfer's cellKupffer-cell
labyrinthine cellshaarcellen
large abnormal red blood cellmegaloblastair
liver cell-relatedhepatocellulair
low white blood cell countneutropenie
luteinized cell of granular layer of ovarygranulosacel
macroglial cellastrocyt met korte uitlopers
mast cellmestcel
mast cellmastocyt
mastoid air cellsluchthoudende holten in het mastoid
mastoid air cellscellulae mastoideae
memory cellherinneringscel
metaphase analysis of bone marrow cellsmetafaseonderzoek van beenmergcellen
metaphase of bone marrow cellsmetafase van beenmergcellen
method for maintenance of cell culturesmethode voor het in leven houden van celculturen
micromorphology of the cell wallmicromorfologie van de celwand
microscopic cluster of cellsmicroscopische cluster van cellen
middle cells of ethmoidal sinusescellulae ethmoidales mediae
migratory blood cellszwerfbloedcellen
mitotic cell divisionmitotische celdeling
muciparous cellcellula mucipara
muciparous cellslijmcel
multinucleated giant cellmultinucleaire reuzencel
myeloid cellmyeloïde cel
neuronal cell linezenuwcellijn
neutrophilic cellneutrofiele granulocyt
neutrophilic cellneutrofiel
nevus cellnaevuscel
nevus-cell nevuscellulaire naevus
nevus-cell nevuspigmentaire naevus
Niemann-Pick cellscellen van Pick
Niemann-Pick cellscellen van Niemann-Pick
non-producer cell linenonproducer cellijn
nucleus of glia cellgliakernen
null cellnul-cel
number of cell cultures per experimental pointaantal celculturen per punt in de proef
Nussbaum cellscellen van Nussbaum
oat-cell carcinomahavercelcarcinoom
ovary cellovariumcel
overload disorders of cellscellulaire overbelasting
packaging cellpackaging cel
packaging cell lineverpakkingscellijn
packaging cell linepackaging cellijn
packed cell volumehct
packed cell volumehematocrietwaarde
packed cell volumehematocriet
packed red cellsopeengepakte rode bloedlichaampjes
Paget cellcellen van Paget
Paget cellPagetcellen
Paget cellscellen van Paget
Paneth cellscellen van Paneth
parental celloudercel
part of a cellcytoplasma
Pelger cellcel van Pelger
permissive cellpermissieve cel
Pfeiffer glandular fever cellvirocyten
pigmentophore cellchromatofore cel
pigmentophore cellkleurdragende cel
plaque forming-cellplaque vormende cel
plasma cell hepatitishepatitis interstitialis
posterior cells of ethmoidal sinusescellulae ethmoidales posteriores
posterior horn cellscellen van de cornu posterius
posterior radicular cellscellulae radiculares posteriores
pre-carcinogenic cellpremaligne cel
pre-carcinogenic cellprecancereuze cel
prickle cellcel Malpighistratum
prickle cellstekelcel
prickle-cell layerstratum spinosum
prickle-cell layerstekelcellenlaag (stratum spinosum)
primary blood cellelementaire bloedcel
primitive blood cellelementaire bloedcel
primordial germ cellprimordiale kiemcel
principal cellshoofdcel
producer cell lineproducer cellijn
Purkinje cellscellen van Purkinje
pyramidal cellpyramidecel
pyramidal cellspyramidecellen
recipient cellrecipiënte cel
red blood cellsrode bloedcellen
red cell enzymopathyerytroenzymopathie
red cell productionerytropoëse
red cellsrode bloedcellen
reduced white blood cell countleukopenie
Reed cellcellen van Sternberg-Reed
Reed cellcellen van Reed
Reed cellSternberg-Reed reuzencellen
reticular cellreticulaire cel
rod cellstaafcel
self-multiplication of cellsautoreproductie van cellen
sensory cellsensibele cel
Sertoli cellstrofocyten
Sertoli cellssustentaculaire cellen
Sertoli cellscellen van Sertoli
sickle-cellsikkelvormige erytrocyt
signet ring cellzegelringcel
single-cell creatureprotozoön
sleeping cellsluimercellen
somatic cell hybridsomatische hybride
somatic-cell hybridizationsomatische celhybridisatie
somatic stem celladulte stamcel
somatic stem cellsomatische stamcel
somatic stem cellvolwassen stamcel
specific germ cell mutagenspecifiek kiemcelmutageen
spindle-cell carcinomafusocellulair carcinoom (carcinoma fusocellulare)
squamous cellschubcel
squamous cell cancerplaveisecelcarcinoom
squamous cell carcinomasquameus celcarcinoom
squamous cell carcinomaplaveisecelcarcinoom
squamous epithelial cellschubcel
stab cellstaafcel
staff cellstaafcel
stellate cellstercel
stem cell derivationwinning van stamcellen
stem-cell leukaemialeucaemia haemoblastica
stem-cell leukaemialeucaemia haemocytoblastica
stem cell leukemialeucaemia haemocytoblastica
stem cell leukemialeucaemia haemoblastica
storage cellsstapelcellen
subcellular structure of living cellssubcellulaire structuur van levende cellen
substance to stop cell growthcytostaticum
suppressive cellT-suppressorcellen
suppressive T cellT-suppressorcellen
suppressor T cellsuppressor T-cel
suppressor T cellT-suppressorcellen
T4 cellT4-helpercel
T4 cellT-helpercel
T4 cellT4-cel
T4 cellCD4-/OKT4-/Leu3-positieve cel
T cell chronic lymphocytic leukemiachronische T-cel lymfoïde leukemie
T-cell disorderstoornis van T-cellen
T-cell leukaemiaT-cel lymfoom
T suppressor cellsuppressor T-cel
target cellMexican hat cell
target celltarget cell
target cellschietschijfcel
target celldoelwitcel
target celltargetcel
T-helper cellslymfocyten T-helpercellen
Thymus-cell disorderstoornis van T-cellen
tissue stem celladulte stamcel
tissue stem cellsomatische stamcel
tissue stem cellvolwassen stamcel
transformant celltransformeerbare cel
transformed cellgetransformeerde cel
T-suppressor cellT-suppressorcellen
tubal air cellscellulae pneumaticae tubariae
tumor-derived activated celltumorinfiltrerende lymfocyt
tumour cell embolustumor embolus
two-cell stagetweecellig stadium
tympanic cellscellulae tympanicae
vascular cellvasculaire cel
v.Brunn nests of epithelial cellscel-nesten van Brunn
viriligenic lipoid cell tumourluteoma
viriligenic lipoid cell tumourluteoom
viriligenic lipoid cell tumourxanthofibroma thecocellulare
white blood cellleukocyt
white blood cellwitte bloedcel
white blood cell-relatedlymfocytair
white blood cell-relatedleukocytair
white blood cellsleukogram
white blood cellsleukocytenformule
young cellkiemcel