
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Automation | all forms | exact matches only
Automation objectautomatiseringsobject (An object supplied by a component that supports Automation)
Automation serverAutomatiseringsserver (An application that enables its objects, methods, and properties to be controlled by other applications through Automation)
home automation controllerhuisautomatiseringscontroller (A software or device that helps control your home smart devices automatically)
Marketing AutomationMarketingautomatisering (The sub-title for the Marketing button on the main view of CRM)
Sales Force AutomationAutomatisering van het verkoopproces (The management of all aspects of the sales cycle and standardization of key sales functions by automating activities such as account and opportunity management, quote and proposal generation, scheduling, forecasting, and reporting)
UI Automation clientUI Automation-client (An assistive technology application, such as a screen reader, that uses UI Automation to obtain programmatic access to the UI elements in an application's user interface. The client presents information about UI elements to the end user. Automated test scripts are also considered to be UI Automation clients)
UI Automation providerUI Automation-provider (An implementation of UI Automation interfaces that exposes programmatic information about a UI element. The provider supplies this information to the UI Automation framework in response to UI Automation client requests)