
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Actual/Actual | all forms
Actual CapacityWerkelijke capaciteit (The amount of time a resource has available to work at any given point in time. Actual Capacity is equal to Capacity minus resource calendar exceptions (e.g. offsite training, morale events, jury duty) and previously scheduled committed work (Project task assignments with type = committed). This is the most valuable measure for scheduling a resource)
Actual CapacityWerkelijke capaciteit (The amount of time a resource has available to work at any given point in time. Actual Capacity is equal to Capacity minus resource calendar exceptions (e.g. offsite training, morale events, jury duty) and previously scheduled committed work (Project task assignments with type = committed). This is the most valuable measure for scheduling a resource)
actual costwerkelijke kosten (The definite cost incurred in the performance of an activity)
actual cost of work performedwerkelijke kosten van uitgevoerd werk (The actual costs incurred for work already performed by a resource on a task, up to the project status date or today's date)
actual demandwerkelijke vraag (The total quantity of an item requested on all orders)
actual durationwerkelijke duur (The amount of time a task has been in progress)
actual quantityhuidige hoeveelheid (The measured quantity that is input into or output from an activity)
actual valuewerkelijke waarde (A value for a KPI that is compared to a predefined target value)
actual workwerkelijke hoeveelheid werk (The amount of work that has been performed on a task or assignment)