
Terms for subject Microsoft containing sale | all forms | exact matches only
open department saleregistrazione per reparto (The sale of an item that is not tracked individually (e.g. through a barcode or a key on the register))
original sales invoicefattura di vendita originaria (A sales invoice that is created from an original sales order)
point of salePOS (The place at which the ownership of products is transferred from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment)
point of sale terminalterminale POS (A computer terminal at the point of sale that records and tracks the ownership and transfer of products from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment)
point-of-sale activationattivazione del punto vendita (The process of activating tokens during a purchase)
sales agreement policycriteri contratto di vendita (A policy that authorizes parties to modify sales agreement terms)
sales amount approval limitlimite importo approvazione ordine (The maximum amount on a sales document that an approver is allowed to approve)
sales invoicefattura vendita (The bill that an organization gives a customer in connection with a sale)
sales invoicefattura di vendita (The bill that an organization gives a customer in connection with a sale)
sales itemarticolo di vendita (An itemized product that participates in a sales process)
sales pipelinepipeline di vendita (A potential sales transaction in process)
sales pipelinepipeline delle vendite (A potential sales transaction in process)
sales reportreport delle vendite (A report specific to the Sales areas of the product)
sales tax booklibro IVA (A record of sales and purchase transactions for sales tax reporting in Italy)
sales tax exemptesente da IVA (Pertaining to a sale or purchase transaction for which no sales tax is calculated)
sales unitunità di vendita (A team of salespersons responsible for a common sales target)
sales unit priceprezzo unità di vendita (The price of a sales unit)
unlimited sales approvalapprovazione vendite illimitate (An approval for which no maximum amount has been specified on sales documents)