
Terms for subject Microsoft containing link | all forms | exact matches only
absolute linkcollegamento assoluto (A hyperlink to the exact location of a file on a file server, the World Wide Web, or a company intranet. Absolute links use an exact path; if anyone moves the file containing the hyperlink or a hyperlink destination, the link breaks)
Associate a different Web site linkAssocia a un altro collegamento Web (An option that allows the user to replace the Web link attached to the To Do with a different web link)
Associate a Web linkAssocia un collegamento Web (An option that allows the user to associate a Web site link with a Project To Do)
attachment linkcollegamento a un allegato (A Team Foundation link between a work item and a file attachment)
broken linkcollegamento interrotto (A hyperlink that points to an incorrect URL or a missing page or file)
Cross Array Link TranslationConversione collegamenti tra array (An enterprise-level option on the ISA Server Management console that specifies arrays and whether link translation will be applied across them)
cross-project linkcollegamento tra progetti (A relationship in which the start or finish date of a task depends on a task in another project)
deep linkcollegamento diretto (A link that takes you to a precise location, such as a slide within a presentation, a section of a document, or a specific page within a site, instead of to the main page of the web site)
Distributed Link TrackingManutenzione collegamenti distribuiti (A service that tracks links in scenarios where the link is made to a file on an NTFS volume, such as shell shortcuts and OLE links)
duplicate linkcollegamento duplicato (A Team Foundation link between two work items that represent the same work item. In practice, this occurs when two people report the same bug)
dynamic-link librarylibreria di collegamento dinamico (An operating system feature that allows executable routines (generally serving a specific function or set of functions) to be stored separately as files with .dll extensions. These routines are loaded only when needed by the program that calls them)
dynamic-link library filefile DLL (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
filter linkcollegamento al filtro (An association between a filter control and a parameter. This association is defined on a report or scorecard in a dashboard. Items with links to a filter change when the filter is modified)
Group Policy object linkcollegamento a oggetto Criteri di gruppo (A method of applying settings in a Group Policy object (GPO) to an Active Directory container (site, domain, or organizational unit). Linking a GPO applies the settings of that GPO to the users and computers in a site, domain, or organizational unit and, by default, to the users and computers in all child containers)
guest linkcollegamento guest (A unique link that provides external users anonymous access to selected documents stored in SharePoint Online, with no sign in required)
hard linkcollegamento reale (A directory entry for a file)
link barbarra dei collegamenti (A collection of graphic or text buttons representing hyperlinks to pages both within your Web site and to external sites)
link chainsiti collegati (A series of redirecting web links that are designed to hide malicious websites)
Link Data Sources WizardCollegamento guidato origini dati (A wizard dialog title to create a linked data source, where you can link multiple data sources into one single data source such as two different tables in a SQL database)
link extensionestensione del collegamento (A Web Deploy feature that makes it possible to perform additional custom tasks during deployment)
link layerlivello di collegamento (The lowest layer of the Internet Protocols, concerned with the physical interconnection of computers)
link linelinea di collegamento (On the Gantt Chart and Network Diagram, the line that appears between two tasks to indicate a task dependency)
link pathpercorso del collegamento (The descriptive form, or explicit connecting points, of referring to the location of a link source)
Link redirectReindirizzamento collegamenti (A tab name in the General Settings dialog that enables the user to specifiy a public, published URL to which clients will be redirected when links in publshed Web content navigate to an unpublished page)
Link to RecordCollega a record (A button, located in the Business Contact Manager group, that enables the user to link an item to a record)
link translation mappingmapping conversione collegamento (A mapping that translates the internal name (or IP address) of a Web site to the public name (or IP address) of the Web site)
link typetipo di collegamento (The type of task dependency. The four dependency types are Finish-to-start [FS], Finish-to-finish [FF], Start-to-start [SS], and Start-to-finish [SF])
logical link control and adaptation protocolprotocollo L2CAP (A protocol used in personal wireless network applications that provides connection-oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols with protocol multiplexing capability, segmentation and reassembly operation, and group abstractions)
media link entryvoce di collegamento multimediale (An entry in a data feed that contains a reference to a related media resource. This is the Open Data Protocol (OData) representation of an entity that has related binary large object data that is not serialized in the data feed)
OLE/DDE linkcollegamento OLE/DDE (A connection between an OLE object and its OLE server, or between a dynamic data exchange (DDE) source document and a destination document)
public linkcollegamento pubblico (A web address (URL) of a folder or photo album on SkyDrive that allows access to anyone who visits the webpage. Visitors don't need to have explicit sharing permissions to the folder or album, sign in to Windows Live, or even have a Windows Live ID)
qualified logical link controlQualified Logical Link Control (A protocol that permits SNA sessions to occur over X.25 networks)
quick linkcollegamento rapido (A customizable link on the Home page (on a menu and a corresponding Web part))
Record LinkCollegamento record (A feature that allows you to associate one or more links (URLs) with a specific record in Dynamics NAV)
related linkcollegamento correlato (A Team Foundation link between two work items)
relative linkcollegamento ipertestuale relativo (When a hyperlink uses a path based on a relative link, you can move the file that contains the hyperlink and the hyperlink destination without breaking the hyperlink. Move the file that contains the hyperlink and its destination together)
report linkcollegamento al report (URL to a report)
resource linkcollegamento a una risorsa (A text link in the results pane that takes user to informational material such as Help, Web content, etc)
RIA Services linkcollegamento a Servizi RIA (A project-to-project link reference that facilitates generating presentation tier code from middle tier code)
Send a linkInvia un collegamento (The UI link text for sending a link to a page)
site linkcollegamento di sito (An Active Directory object that represents a set of sites that can communicate at uniform cost through some intersite transport. For Internet Protocol (IP) transport, a typical site link connects just two sites and corresponds to an actual wide area network (WAN) link. An IP site link connecting more than two sites might correspond to an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) backbone connecting more than two clusters of buildings on a large campus or several offices in a large metropolitan area connected via leased lines and IP routers)
site link bridgeponte di collegamenti di sito (An Active Directory object that represents a set of site links, all of whose sites can communicate via some transport. Typically, a site link bridge corresponds to a router (or a set of routers) in an Internet Protocol (IP) network. By default, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) may form a route through any and all site links in a transitive manner. If this behavior is turned off, each site link represents its own distinct and isolated network. Sets of site links that can be treated as a single route are expressed through a site link bridge. Each bridge represents an isolated communication environment for network traffic)
smart linkcollegamento intelligente (The connection between two activities in a runbook)
storyboard linkcollegamento storyboard (A type of work item link that is used to link work items to storyboard files)
symbolic linkcollegamento simbolico (A disk directory entry that takes the place of a directory entry for a file but is actually a reference to a file in a different directory)
synchronous data link controlSynchronous Data Link Control (A type of link service used for managing synchronous data transfer over standard telephone lines (switched lines) or leased lines. The data transmission protocol most widely used by networks conforming to IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA). SDLC is similar to the HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) protocol developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO))
virtual linkcollegamento virtuale (A logical link between a backbone area border router and an area border router that is not connected to the backbone)