
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Table | all forms | exact matches only
attachment tabletabella degli allegati (A Table object whose rows represent the Attachment objects that are attached to a Message object)
base tabletabella di base (A table stored permanently in a database. Base tables are referenced by views, cursors, SQL statements, and stored procedures)
child tabletabella figlio (A table that assumes a child role when it participates in an integrity relationship with another table and whose foreign key attribute values are migrated from the table assuming the parent role in the relationship)
cost rate tabletabella tariffe (A collection of information about a resource's rates, including the standard rate, overtime rate, any per-use cost, and the date when the pay rate takes effect. You can establish up to five different cost rate tables for each resource)
custom tabletabella personalizzata (A type of filter that enables users to choose from a list and then drive dashboard content from multiple data sources)
data tabletabella dati (A range of cells that shows how changing certain values in your formulas affects the results of the formulas)
derived tabletabella derivata (A table that assumes a child role when it participates in an inheritance relationship with another table)
dimension tabletabella delle dimensioni (A table in a data warehouse whose entries describe data in a fact table)
dispatch tabletabella dei vettori di interrupt (A table of identifiers and addresses for a certain class of routines such as interrupt handlers (routines carried out in response to certain signals or conditions))
distributed routing tabletabella di routing distribuito (A routing table with entries that are distributed across a group of machines that can be used to map numeric keys to application endpoints and find routes through the network of peers)
event tabletabella eventi (A table in the application database that stores event data)
Excel tabletabella di Excel (A range of cells in a worksheet that has been formatted as a table and can be managed independently from the data in other rows and columns on the worksheet)
external tabletabella esterna (A table outside the open database or project)
fact tabletabella dei fatti (A central table in a data warehouse schema that contains numerical measures and keys relating facts to dimension tables)
file allocation tabletabella di allocazione file (A file system used by MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems to organize and manage files)
foreign tabletabella della chiave esterna (A table that contains a foreign key)
global descriptor tabletabella dei descrittori globali (A memory segment that contains descriptors for code, data, and descriptor table segments. All processor tasks have access to a common GDT)
GUID partition tabletabella di partizione GUID (A disk-partitioning scheme that is used by the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI). GPT offers more advantages than master boot record (MBR) partitioning because it allows up to 128 partitions per disk, provides support for volumes up to 18 exabytes in size, allows primary and backup partition tables for redundancy, and supports unique disk and partition IDs (GUIDs))
hash tabletabella hash (A data structure that carries out a mathematical calculation on a field identifier to determine where a data element in a large table or index is located)
IM service providers tabletabella dei provider dei servizi di messaggistica immediata (A table configured on an Access Edge Server or Access Proxy containing the names and FQDNs (fully qualified domain names) of IM service providers, including public IM service providers, allowed to connect to that Access Edge Server or Access Proxy. These providers typically are responsible for routing to multiple domains)
jump tabletabella di collegamento (A table of identifiers and addresses for a certain class of routines such as interrupt handlers (routines carried out in response to certain signals or conditions))
junction tabletabella di collegamento (A table that establishes a relationship between other tables)
layout tabletabella layout (A predefined layout that defines the structure of a Web page as a table. A layout table can also include formatting such as rounded corners, borders, and visual effects)
linked tabletabella collegata (An OLE DB rowset exposed by an OLE DB data source that has been defined as a linked server for use in SQL Server distributed queries)
logging tabletabella di registrazione eventi (A system table that captures failures and other events for Access Services)
lookup tabletabella di ricerca (A lookup table consists of rows and columns of data. A lookup function examines the table either horizontally or vertically and then retrieves the data that corresponds to the argument specified as part of the lookup function)
Make Table queryquery di creazione tabella (A query (SQL statement) that creates a new table and then creates records (rows) in it by copying records from an existing table)
make-table queryquery di creazione tabella (A query (SQL statement) that creates a new table and then creates records (rows) in it by copying records from an existing table)
nested tabletabella annidata (A table inserted within a table cell. If you use a table to lay out a page, and you want to use another table to arrange the information, you can insert a nested table)
parent tabletabella padre (A table that assumes a parent role when it participates in an integrity relationship with another table and whose attribute values migrate to foreign key attributes in the table assuming the child role in the relationship)
partition tabletabella delle partizioni (On a hard disk, the data structure that stores the offset (location) and size of each primary partition on the disk. On MBR disks, the partition table is located in the master boot record. On GPT disks, the partition table is located in the GUID partition entry array)
partitioned tabletabella partizionata (A table built on a partition scheme, and whose data is horizontally divided into units which may be spread across more than one filegroup in a database)
partitioned table parallelismparallelismo della tabella partizionata (The parallel execution strategy for queries that select from partitioned objects. As part of the execution strategy, the query processor determines the table partitions that are required for the query and the proportion of threads to allocate to each partition. In most cases, the query processor allocates an equal or almost equal number of threads to each partition, and then executes the query in parallel across the partitions)
primary dimension tabletabella primaria delle dimensioni (In a snowflake schema in a data warehouse, a dimension table that is directly related to, and usually joined to, the fact table)
primary tabletabella primaria (" The "one" side of two related tables in a one-to-many relationship. A primary table should have a primary key and each record should be unique.")
publishing tabletabella di pubblicazione (The table at the Publisher in which data has been marked for replication and is part of a publication)
reference tabletabella di riferimento (The source table to use in fuzzy lookups)
remote tabletabella remota (A table stored in an OLE DB data source that is separate from the current instance of SQL Server)
repeating tabletabella ripetuta (A control on a form that contains other controls in a table format and that repeats as needed. Users can insert multiple rows when filling out the form)
routing tabletabella di routing (A data structure used by the routing client to track the connectivity information of all cache hosts in the cache cluster. It is maintained by lead hosts in the cluster. It allows a routing client to obtain cached data directly from the cache host on which the data resides)
switch in tabletabella di attivazione (The staging table the user wants to use to switch in their data. The staging table needs to be created before switching partitions with the Manage PartitionsWizard.)
switch out tabletabella di disattivazione (The staging table the user wants to use for the partition to switch out of the current source table.)
system tablestabelle di sistema (Built-in tables that form the system catalog for SQL Server)
table data regionarea dati della tabella (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a columnar format)
Table DesignerProgettazione tabelle (A visual design surface that is used to create and edit TSQL tables and table related objects)
Table HierarchyGerarchico a tabella (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show groups of information built from top to bottom, and the hierarchies within each group. This layout does not contain connecting lines)
table layoutlayout tabella (The layout of a form in which all elements are positioned in cells within a table)
Table Listelenco tabella (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show grouped or related information of equal value. The first Level 1 line of text corresponds to the top shape and its Level 2 text is used for the subsequent lists)
table lockblocco di tabella (A lock on a table including all data and indexes)
table lookupricerca in tabella (The process of using a known value to search for data in a previously constructed table of values: for example, using a purchase price to search a tax table for the appropriate sales tax)
table namenome tabella (A name for an Excel table, which is a collection of data about a particular subject that is stored in records (rows) and fields (columns))
table of authoritiesindice fonti (A list of the references in a legal document, such as references to cases, statutes, and rules, along with the numbers of the pages the references appear on)
table of contentssommario (The listing of contents at the beginning of a document or file)
table of figuresindice delle figure (A list of the captions for pictures, charts, graphs, slides, or other illustrations in a document, along with the numbers of the pages the captions appear on)
table paneriquadro Tabella (The area of the Query window that displays the tables in a query. Each table displays the fields from which you can retrieve data)
table-per hierarchytabella per gerarchia (A method of modeling a type hierarchy in a database that includes the attributes of all the types in the hierarchy in one table)
table-per-concrete typetabella per tipo concreto (A method of mapping the inheritance where each non-abstract type in the hierarchy is mapped to separate table in the database. Often used when there are unrelated tables that store the same kinds of data in the database. For example, the Product and DiscontinuedProduct tables)
table-per-typetabella per tipo (A method of modeling a type hierarchy in a database that uses multiple tables with one-to-one relationships to model the various types)
table referenceriferimento a tabella (A name, expression or string that resolves to a table)
Table serviceservizio tabelle (The data management service in Windows Azure Storage that stores large amounts of structured, non-relational data. The Table service is a NoSQL datastore that accesses authenticated calls from inside and outside Windows Azure)
table stylestile tabella (A combination of table formatting options identified by a style name)
table-valued functionfunzione con valori di tabella (A user-defined function that returns a table)
temporary tabletabella temporanea (A table placed in the temporary database, tempdb, and erased at the end of the session)
underlying tabletabella sottostante (A table referenced by a view, cursor, or stored procedure)
valid time state tabletabella di stato validità (A table that tracks the state of an entity over time using a valid-from and a valid-to column)