
Terms for subject Environment containing Regulation | all forms | exact matches only
air traffic regulationregolamentazione del traffico aereo
antiseismic regulationdisposizioni antisismiche
antiseismic regulation Rules for minimizing or containing the risks deriving from earthquakesdisposizioni antisismiche
building regulationdisposizioni in materia di l'edilizia
Committee for implementation of the regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layerComitato per l'attuazione del regolamento sulle sostanze che riducono lo strato di ozono
Committee for the application of the regulation authorizing voluntary participation by undertakings in the industrial sector in a Community eco-management and audit schemecomitato per l'applicazione del regolamento che consente l'adesione volontaria delle imprese del settore industriale a un sistema comunitario di ecogestione e audit
Committee on the Regulation allowing voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme EMASComitato per il regolamento sull'adesione volontaria delle organizzazioni a un sistema comunitario di ecogestione e audit EMAS
customs regulation A body of rules or orders generally issued by the executive authority of a government to establish and direct the taxes, duties or tariffs payable upon merchandise exported or importedregolamentazione doganale
customs regulationregolamentazione doganale
dangerous goods regulation Rules on the handling of articles or substances capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety, or property, and that ordinarily require special attention when being transporteddisposizioni sui prodotti pericolosi
dangerous goods regulationdisposizioni sui prodotti pericolosi
ec regulationregolamento ce
EC regulationdisposizioni della CE
EC regulation on eco-management and auditdisposizioni comunitarie sul controllo e la gestione ambientali
EC regulation on existing chemicals Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicitydisposizioni comunitarie sui prodotti chimici esistenti
EC regulation on existing chemicalsdisposizioni comunitarie sui prodotti chimici esistenti
EEA regulationregolamento che istituisce l'aea
electronic scrap regulation Government or management prescribed rule for the disposal and recycling of electric parts, circuits and systems, especially computer devicesdisposizione sul materiale elettronico di scarto
electronic scrap regulationdisposizione sul materiale elettronico di scarto
environmental protection regulation A government or management prescribed rule for the preservation of natural resources and the prevention of damage or degradation of the ecosystemdisposizioni sulla protezione ambientale
environmental protection regulationdisposizioni sulla protezione ambientale
founding regulationregolamento istitutivo
health regulation A body of rules or orders prescribed by government or management to promote or protect the soundness of human bodies and minds in the workplace, at home or in the general environmentregolamento sanitario
health regulationregolamento sanitario
legal regulation Any order or rule issued by a government stipulating its procedures for the creation, execution or adjudication of lawsdisposizioni legali
Management Committee for Council Regulation EEC No 3322/88 on certain chloro-fluorcarbons and halogens which deplete the ozone layerComitato di gestione del regolamento CEE n.3322/88 relativo a taluni clorofluorocarboni CFC e alogeni che riducono la fascia di ozono
mining regulationregolamentazione dell'attività mineraria
occupational safety regulation Law enacted to reduce the incidence among workers of personal injuries, illnesses, and deaths resulting from employmentdisposizioni sulla sicurezza del lavoro
occupational safety regulationdisposizioni sulla sicurezza del lavoro
pollution control regulationdisposizioni sul controllo dell'inquinamento
regional regulation A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty pertaining to or effective within a specific territory of one or more statesnormativa regionale
regional regulationnormativa regionale
regulation of agricultural production A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty pertaining to the cultivation of land, raising crops, or feeding, breeding and raising livestockregolamentazione della produzione agricola
regulation on maximum permissible limits A body of rules or orders prescribed by a government or an international organization or treaty establishing levels of hazardous materials in the environment or in ingestible substances beyond which human exposure is deemed health-threateningdisposizioni sui limiti massimi ammissibili
regulation on maximum permissible limitsdisposizioni sui limiti massimi ammissibili
regulation on shipments of wasteregolamento in materia di spedizioni di rifiuti
regulation tankvasca di compensazione
regulation tankbacino compensatore
regulation tankvasca di demodulazione
smoke regulationcontrollo dei fumi di emissione
technical regulation A government or management prescribed rule that provides detailed or stringent requirements, either directly or by referring to or incorporating the content of a standard, technical specification or code of practiceregolamentazione tecnica
technical regulationregolamentazione tecnica
technical regulation for dangerous substances Technical Guideline for Dangerous Substances: technical rules for handling dangerous materialsnorme tecniche per le sostanze pericolose
technical regulation for dangerous substancesnorme tecniche per le sostanze pericolose
traffic regulation A body of rules or orders prescribed by government or management for the safe and orderly movement of vehicles on land, sea or in the airregolamentazione del traffico
traffic regulationregolamentazione del traffico
transport regulation A rule or order prescribed by government or management for the safe and orderly conveyance of persons, materials or commodities over land, water or through the airregolamentazione dei trasporti
transport regulationregolamentazione dei trasporti