
Terms containing PoP | all forms | exact matches only
pack.Cady pop testprova Mullen (to determine the relative bursting strength of paper and film materials, per determinare la resistenza allo scoppio delle carte e dei fogli)
comp., MSInstrumental popPop strumentale (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID 46)
commun., ITmessage pop-upmessaggio sovrapposto
commun., ITpop a stack,torisalita nello stack
pack.POP advertisingpubblicità sul luogo di vendita
libr.POP advertisingpubblicità sul punto vendita
libr.POP advertisingPOP advertising
market.pop advertisingpubblicità pop
comp., MSPOP aggregationaggregazione POP (A feature that enables users to access their other POP3 enabled e-mail accounts from within their central e-mail account)
agric., mech.eng.pop-away sprinklerirrigatore sotto terra
nat.sc., agric.pop cornpopcorn (Zea mays convar. microsperma, Zea mays var. everta, Zea praecox)
nat.sc., agric.pop cornmais soffiato (Zea mays convar. microsperma, Zea mays var. everta, Zea praecox)
gen.pop corngranturco tostato e soffiato popcorn
ITpop-down menumenu a tendina
comp., MSPOP-enabled accountaccount abilitato per POP (An account that can receive mail using the POP3 protocol)
met.pop-gateattacco di colata a pioggia
tech., mater.sc.pop-in valuecarico di resistenza allo scoppio
met.pop jointspezzone di tubo
comp., MSPop OutApri nuova finestra (Button on a form that causes that section of the form you are in to open in a new window)
earth.sc., el.pop-out indicatorindicatore di scarica
industr., construct., chem.pop-out windscreenparabrezza catapultabile
wood.pop strengthresistenza allo scoppio
wood.pop strengthresistenza alla fessurazione
comp., MSPOP subscriptionsottoscrizione POP (A subscription that gathers messages from POP3 mailboxes and delivers the messages to a designated Outlook Live mailbox so that the Outlook Live end user can centralize their e-mail accounts and only have to check one mailbox)
mater.sc., industr., construct.pop testprova Mullen
mater.sc.pop-top canlattina "rip-top"
met.pop-upforo dell'aria
met.pop-uptirata d'aria
comp., MSpop-up blockerBlocco popup (Software that prevents the display of pop-up items when browsing the Internet)
comp., MSpop-up blockingblocco popup (An Internet Explorer security feature that prevents an existing window from opening another window without explicit permission)
comp., MSpop-up controlpopup (A control that displays content in a separate window relative to an element or point on the screen)
gen."pop-up" defensive systemsistema difensivo lanciato al momento
gen."pop-up" defensive systemsistema difensivo "pop-up", lanciato al momento
gen."pop-up" defensive systemsistema difensivo "pop-up"
comp., MSpop-up formmaschera popup (A form that stays on top of other windows. A pop-up form can be modal or modeless)
transp., tech.pop-up headlampproiettore retrattile
comp., MSpop-up itemelemento popup (A new instance of the browser that occurs in the foreground of an html environment. Pop-up items include pop-up ads, pop-up forms, and other graphical browser-based items)
agric., mech.eng.pop-up lawn headirrigatore sotto terra
commun., ITpop-up menumenu a discesa
commun., ITpop-up menumenù a scomparsa
commun., ITpop-up menusviluppo azione
ITpop-up menumenu a tendina
commun., ITpop-up menusviluppo azione della barra
comp., MSpop-up menumenu a comparsa (A menu that is related to the active window or item, accessible by right-clicking the mouse)
agric., mech.eng.pop-up sprinklerirrigatore sotto terra
gen.pop-up weaponarma "pop-up"
comp., MSpop-up windowfinestra popup (A window that appears when an option is selected. Typically, the window remains visible until the mouse button is released)
commun., ITpop-up windowfinestra sovrapposta
automat.pop valvevalvola di sicurezza a scarico rapido
agric.popping treatmenttrattamento di espansione