
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Personal | all forms | exact matches only
Personal Address Bookrubrica personale (A customizable address book used to store personal e-mail addresses you use frequently. However, Contacts offers more advanced features for this function. Personal Address Book files have a .pab extension and can be copied to disk)
Personal Area Networkrete locale personale (A small, Internet Protocol (IP)-based network. It is usually used for short-range, ad-hoc communication between devices and computers. A PAN may also be used to enable connectivity to a larger Local Area Network (LAN), Wide-Area Network (WAN), or the Internet. Windows XP supports the Bluetooth PAN service so you can create Personal Area Networks using Bluetooth)
personal cardscheda personale (An information card that a user has created. The user enters personal information which is then stored as a self-issued card in a secure store. Along with that personal information, the self-issued card contains a "private personal identifier", which is generated when the card is created)
personal certificatecertificato personale (A certificate that identifies an individual software user)
personal desktopdesktop personale (A full desktop environment that is personalized for and "owned" by an individual user, as opposed to a shared desktop which does not carry much user personalization)
personal detaildati personali (An account detail which identifies a person, such as first name, last name, and email address)
personal foldercartella personale (A folder containing your most frequently used folders (such as Documents, Pictures, Music, Favorites, Contacts, and other folders that are specific to your user account). The personal folder is labeled with the name you use to log on to your computer and is located at the top of the Start menu)
Personal FolderCartella personale (The tooltip that is displayed when hovering over a personal folder on the Manage Folders webpage)
personal identification numberPIN (A unique and secret identification code similar to a password that is assigned to an authorized user and used to gain access to personal information or assets via an electronic device)
Personal Information Managerprogramma di gestione di dati personali (An application that usually includes an address book and organizes unrelated information, such as notes, appointments, and names, in a useful way)
personal messagemessaggio personale (" A customized message that someone sets in Windows Live Messenger, on Windows Live Home, or on their profile page. The status message is part of the "share anything" control. The information is distributed to any connected service.")
personal notenota personale (A text note provided by a user that is displayed along with his or her presence status)
personal previewanteprima personale (A video preview for a Lync user that provides options to answer with video from within the notification)
personal scheduleimpegni personali (A schedule of activities that are not related to work)
Personal SettingsImpostazioni personali (An area in the Works Calendar where the user can set options for individual calendars)
personal settingsimpostazioni personali (Personal configurations of a program or operating system)
personal storearchivio personale (A certificate store associated with an individual user)
Personal TransferTrasferimento personale (A UI element that allows the user to transfer a call to another one of his or her devices)
personal vaultinsieme di credenziali personale (A type of vault that contains Web passwords and secure notes that you can place on a USB flash drive and use on another computer)
personal viewvisualizzazione personale (A view of a list, SharePoint document library, or Web Part Page that is available only to a particular user)
Personal Virtual AssistantAssistente virtuale personale (A service that implements control of in-conference services for one PSTN user. It listens for request key commands from the user's PSTN device and executes them to control the phone functionality. For example, PVA implements 6 (mute) from the PSTN user)
personal virtual desktopdesktop personale virtuale (A virtual machine that is assigned to a specific user account in Active Directory Domain Services and made available to the user by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
Personal Virtual Desktop serviceservizio Desktop virtuale personale (A service that allows users to connect to their own, personally assigned virtual desktops)