
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Business | all forms | exact matches only
BlackBerry Business Cloud ServicesBlackBerryR Business Cloud Services (A smartphone service for BlackBerry devices using Office 365. The service is hosted by Research In Motion)
business accountaccount commerciale (The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service)
Business Activity MonitoringMonitoraggio attività di business (A BizTalk Server feature that gives business users a real-time view of their heterogeneous business processes, enabling them to make important business decisions)
Business Activity ServicesServizi attività di business (A BizTalk Server feature that enables business users to configure business processes and interact with trading partners)
business activity statementBusiness Activity Statement (A form that Australian businesses file to report and pay taxes)
business analytics serviceservizio di analisi business (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes SQL StreamInsight, SQL Reporting, and Hadoop)
business applicationapplicazione aziendale (A collection of Web-based lists, libraries, calendars, and other pages you use to share information and manage an area of your business, such as your projects, documents, and company information)
Business ApplicationsApplicazioni business (A feature that provides Web-based applications in a central location to help businesses manage sales, customer relationships, projects, employees, and company functions)
Business Cardbiglietto da visita (A card-like layout on an Outlook Contact that provides the user with the look of a real world business card)
business classificationclassificazione commerciale (A classifier that classifies organizations in an industry classification system)
business closurechiusura aziendale (A period of time that an entire business is not available for service activities)
Business Connectivity ServicesServizi di integrazione applicativa (A feature that enables users to interact with back-end (LOB) data from within the Office Suite and SharePoint)
business contactcontatto commerciale (An individual who is interested in doing business or who currently does business with your organization. A contact may or may not be part of a larger organization (account))
Business Contact Manager databasedatabase Business Contact Manager (The database that stores information about accounts, business contacts, opportunities, business projects, and other items)
Business Contact Manager for Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007Business Contact Manager per Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 (Microsoft supplemental software shipped on a separate disc that adds small-business contact management capabilities to Office Outlook 2007. It enables users to organize customer and prospect information, and manage sales and marketing activities in one location)
Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010Business Contact Manager per Microsoft Outlook 2010 (A feature or add-in for Outlook that enables small business owners to list business contacts, accounts, and opportunities, and to perform several tasks related to managing and tracking information about the business)
Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database ToolStrumento Database di Business Contact Manager per Microsoft Outlook 2010 (A downloadable tool that provides users with administration capabilities such as creating, sharing, backing up or restoring a database)
Business Contact Manager for OutlookBusiness Contact Manager per Outlook (A feature or add-in for Outlook that enables small business owners to list business contacts, accounts, and opportunities, and to perform several tasks related to managing and tracking information about the business)
Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2010Business Contact Manager per Outlook 2010 (A feature or add-in for Outlook that enables small business owners to list business contacts, accounts, and opportunities, and to perform several tasks related to managing and tracking information about the business)
Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2010 Database ToolStrumento Database di Business Contact Manager per Outlook 2010 (A downloadable tool that provides users with administration capabilities such as creating, sharing, backing up or restoring a database)
Business Contact Manager Home PageHome page di Business Contact Manager (A document that serves as a starting point for exploring Business Contact Manager for Outlook. The home page is displayed by default and can be customized)
Business Contact Manager Learning CenterArea risorse di Business Contact Manager (A Web page that contains hyperlinks to the Quick Start Guide, the Microsoft Office Online Web site, and selected Help topics about the newest features)
Business Contact Manager toolbarbarra degli strumenti di Business Contact Manager (The toolbar at the top of an item where you can view existing links or create new links to Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project records)
Business Contact Recordrecord Contatto commerciale (The location for storing business contact information, including information that is entered on the Business Contact form, linked records, and communication history items)
business data actionazione per dati business (A link that appears alongside business objects from the Application Registry. These links can open web pages, display the user interfaces of line-of-business applications, launch InfoPath forms, or, through custom actions, invoke any logic in a .NET assembly)
Business Data Actions GalleryRaccolta azioni per dati business (The site collection level gallery of XML metadata files that defines business data actions)
Business Data Collaboration WorkspaceArea di lavoro collaborazione applicativa dei dati (The Collaborate On site that is bound to a BCS external content type)
Business Data Connectivity Model Templatemodello del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei dati (A Visual Studio project template that enables you to create your own .NET Connectivity Assemblies)
Business Data Connectivity serviceservizio di integrazione applicativa dei dati (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
Business Data Connectivity Service Applicationapplicazione del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei dati (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
Business Data Connectivity Service Application Proxyproxy di applicazione del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei dati (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
Business Data Connectivity Shared Serviceservizio condiviso di integrazione applicativa dei dati (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
Business Data Task Panes GalleryRaccolta riquadri attività dati business (The site collection level gallery containing the XML metadata files that define task pane layouts displaying business data in external data parts)
business databasedatabase commerciale (The repository for all Business Contact Manager for Outlook data)
business documentdocumento aziendale (A view of a source document that is issued by one party and received by one or more other parties)
business driverdriver di business (A condition or phenomenon that has the potential to impact a business either positively or negatively)
business eventevento aziendale (The abstraction of an economic event and an accounting event)
Business History Foldercartella Cronologia commerciale (A folder that contains all history items and the records they are linked to)
business hoursorario di ufficio (The days of the week and the hours of each day that a hunt group is available to take phone calls)
business informationinformazioni aziendali (Information grouped together on a record form (such as Territory or Category) that is defined by a user's internal business unit or organization)
Business Intelligence CenterCentro business intelligence (A SharePoint site template that provides an entry point for users to access the business intelligence ecosystem)
business logic handler frameworkframework di gestione della logica di business (The business logic handler framework allows you to write a managed code assembly that is called during the merge synchronization process)
Business Logic Modulemodulo di regola business (A module that contains Business Logic software and is called to enforce data constraints and/or perform tasks that are loaded and executed in a host-specific run-time environment)
business modeling objectsoggetti di modellazione (The set of objects that a modeler uses to create a custom application. The set includes the following primary object categories: system, application, model, and modeling site. Primary object categories can contain other object categories. For example, system-level security objects and application-level security objects)
Business Networkrete aziendale (A feature that is a series of interwoven social components that are surfaced contextually to users)
Business Network profileprofilo di rete aziendale (An entity that represents a person in the Business Network, to which person-type entities in CRM can be linked)
Business Network relationshiprelazione di rete aziendale (An explicit (for example, "colleague") or implicit (for example, "sent 100 emails in the last 30 days") relationship, with inherent strength, between people in the Business Network)
business notenota commerciale (An Outlook item that can be attached to a record's history log. Typically a note contains information regarding a conversation with a customer or other people in the company they work for)
business operationoperazione aziendale (A logical business action controlled by the business operation framework and implemented by a class that communicates with the framework using data contracts)
Business PhoneTelefono ufficio (The field where the telephone number for a business can be entered)
business phonetelefono dell'azienda (The field where the telephone number for a business can be entered)
business presentationpresentazione professionale (A presentation created for business purposes)
business processprocesso aziendale (A specified sequence of steps required to complete a complex task, such as creating a contract. A business process can be performed manually or through the use of a workflow rule)
business processprocesso di business (A specified sequence of steps required to complete a complex task, such as creating a contract. A business process can be performed manually or through the use of a workflow rule)
business processprocesso aziendale (A specified sequence of steps required to complete a complex task, such as creating a contract. A business process can be performed manually or through the use of a workflow rule)
business process flowprocesso aziendale (An operational process that guides a user to achieve a certain goal)
Business Process WorkspaceArea di lavoro Processi di business (An interface that enables business managers to track and manage all the business processes from STS)
business profileprofilo di business (The business face of an organization. Each business division in an organization that trades with another business division in another organization is represented as a business profile in a trading partner management (TPM) solution. All properties that define the business-to-business messaging parameters specific to the business division, business unit, or business system are captured in its business profile)
Business Projectprogetto commerciale (A project that is created in Business Contact Manager for Outlook. A business project is made up of one or several project tasks)
business relationrelazione d'affari (Any organization, person, or other legal entity with whom a company has significant interaction, such as sales or services)
business roleruolo di business (An access privilege that enables user-defined roles for viewing and analyzing business data)
business ruleregola di business (A prescribed action that performs one or multiple operations on the multidimensional data in a model)
Business Rule ComposerCreazione regole di business (A graphical user interface (GUI) tool that is used to create and deploy specific versions of business policies)
Business Rule EngineMotore regole di business (A run-time inference engine that evaluates rules against facts and initiates actions based on the results of that evaluation)
Business RulesRegole di business (A node in the solution explorer that will display all the rules that are created on attributes on the current entity and that apply to other entities)
business rulesregole business (The logical rules that are used to run a business)
Business Rules workspacearea di lavoro Regole di business (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that allows you to create and manage business rule sets, business rules, and model properties)
Business Scorecard Manager Server databasedatabase Business Scorecard Manager Server (A database that stores metadata for scorecards, including user permissions and the settings for scorecard elements)
Business Scorecard Manager Server Web PartsWeb part Business Scorecard Manager Server (A feature of Business Scorecard Manager that provides views of scorecard elements and data on a Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Web site)
Business Scorecard Manager Server Web serviceServizio Web Business Scorecard Manager Server (An application programming interface (API) that provides the core functionality of Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager)
business serviceservizio aziendale (A collection of features and functions that enable a business process, including configuration items, metadata, and the people associated with the process)
business servicesservizi commerciali (For-fee services that are available on the Microsoft Small Business Center Web site)
business taskattività commerciale (A work-related action item that can be tracked through completion. A business task may occur once or repeatedly)
business to businessBusiness to Business (Relating to the sales category pertaining to transactions and related activity between a business and buyers who are not consumers, such as government bodies, companies, and resellers)
business-to-businessBusiness to Business (Relating to the sales category pertaining to transactions and related activity between a business and buyers who are not consumers, such as government bodies, companies, and resellers)
business-to-business integrationintegrazione business-to-business (The exchange of electronic documents between two companies, for example, for the purpose of trading)
business-to-business sitesito business-to-business (A Web site designed for the creation and transmission of purchase orders between businesses that have an established relationship)
business-to-consumer sitesito business-to-consumer (A Web site that provides retail shopping directly to the public)
business toolstrumento commerciale (An item that is frequently accessed (such as reports and the product and service items list) when using Business Contact Manager for Outlook. Many of these are listed on the Business Tools Menu)
Business Tools menumenu Strumenti commerciali (The menu on the Outlook menu bar that provides access to Business Contact Manager functions)
business typetipo di azienda (The kind of business organization or sector (such as a public company, a partnership, a private corporation, and so on))
business unitBusiness Unit (A semi-autonomous operating unit that is created to meet strategic business objectives)
Business Unit SettingsImpostazioni Business Unit (A sub-area of the Settings module where business units, users, security roles, teams, facilities and equipment, resource groups, and queues are managed)
business userutente business (An information user, such as a business manager, marketing manager, or business analyst that uses information to make critical decisions)
business viewvisualizzazione business (A business data perspective. Designated fields and records are arranged in a designated sequence)
child business unitBusiness Unit figlio (A business unit that is immediately under another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
doing business asDoing Business As (The assumed, fictitious name under which an organization is registered in the United States)
doing business as namenome Doing Business As (The registration of an assumed, fictitious, or trade name under which a business operates, which must be included on U.S. tax reports. In the U.S., any business that operates under a name other than a personal or corporate legal name must register a DBA name with the appropriate government agency)
Electronic Business Cardbiglietto da visita elettronico (A card-like layout on an Outlook Contact that provides the user with the look of a real world business card)
eXtensible Business Reporting Language An XML language for the electronic communication of business and financial dataXBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language)
line-of-business applicationapplicazione line-of-business (An application that is vital to running enterprises, such as payroll, resource planning, supply chain management, and accounting)
line-of-business datadati line-of-business (Any piece of data originated in or targeted to be processed by the LOB system)
line-of-business entityentità line-of-business (A data structure exposed by the LOB system consisting of a set of related fields grouped together under a unique ID)
line-of-business identifieridentificatore line-of-business (An identifier used by the LOB system to perform create, update, and delete operations on an LOB entity. This identifier is unique per LOB entity type, but may not be unique across different types, solutions, and LOB systems)
line-of-business serviceservizio line-of-business (A service that exposes access to LOB data sources)
Microsoft Office 2008 Business Edition ExtrasMicrosoft Office 2008 Business Edition - Contenuti Extra (A component of the Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Business Edition containing templates, clipart, and more)
Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Business EditionMicrosoft Office 2008 per Mac Business Edition (A suite of Microsoft productivity software for the Macintosh that supports common business tasks, including word processing, e-mail, presentations, and data management and analysis)
Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 with Business Contact ManagerMicrosoft® Office Outlook® 2007 con Business Contact Manager (Microsoft supplemental software that adds small-business contact management capabilities to Office Outlook 2007. It enables users to organize customer and prospect information, and manage sales and marketing activities in one location)
Microsoft Outlook 2010 with Business Contact ManagerMicrosoft Outlook 2010 con Business Contact Manager (A version of Microsoft Outlook that includes small-business contact management capabilities. It enables users to organize customer and prospect information, and manage sales and marketing activities in one location)
Microsoft Small Business WebSito Web Microsoft PMI (Microsoft's portal Web site for Small Business)
neglected business contactcontatto commerciale trascurato (A Business Contact with whom there has been no interaction with for over 30 days)
Office 365 Small Business Premium TrialOffice 365 Small Business Premium - Versione di valutazione (A limited-time trial for small businesses and professionals (fewer than 25 users) that need Office suite, email, instant messaging, document/content management, and web conferencing. Includes Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac, mobile and Office Web Apps. Simple setup and deployment)
parent businessazienda padre (A business in which any action taken on the main business can propagate to the subordinate business)
parent business unitBusiness Unit padre (A business unit that is immediately above another business unit in the business hierarchy of an organization)
Parent: Child Business UnitsBusiness Unit padre-figlio (A security access level that allows a user access to record types in the user's business unit and all business units subordinate to the user's business unit)
primary business contactcontatto commerciale primario (The main business contact linked to an Account)
remote business data removalrimozione dati aziendali da remoto (A feature that lets enterprises securely remove only enterprise data from personal devices, without affecting any personal data)
self-service business intelligencebusiness intelligence in modalità self-service (Analytic tools and processes that enable users in an organization to access data to create, use, and share reports without relying on IT for report creation)
Silverlight business applicationapplicazione aziendale di Silverlight (A template that provides many common features for building a business application with a Silverlight client. It utilizes WCF RIA Services for authentication and registration services)