
Terms containing status | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a comparative study on the status and activities of travel agenciesen sammenlignende undersøgelse af rejsebureauers stilling og virksomhed
social.sc.acquisition of member statusopnåelse af medlemskab
market.acquisition of originating statusopnåelse af oprindelsesstatus
comp., MSactivity statusaktivitetsstatus (The condition, at a particular time, of an activity)
IT, dat.proc.activity status formaktivitetsstatusformular
gen.Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forcestillægsprotokol til overenskomst mellem deltagerne i den nordatlantiske traktat og de øvrige deltagende stater i partnerskab for fred vedrørende status for deres styrker
ITadministrative statustjenesteforhold
gen.advanced statusfremskreden status
gen.advanced statusavanceret status
transp., avia.aeroplane inspection statusinspektionsstatus for flyvemaskinen
fin.agency statusstatus som befuldmægtiget
UNAgreement among the States participating in the Multinational Stand-by High Readiness Brigade for UN Operations regarding the status of their forcesoverenskomst mellem deltagerne i den multinationale Standby Brigade på Højt Beredskab for FN-operationer vedrørende status for deres styrker
gen.Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forcesoverenskomst mellem deltagerne i den nordatlantiske traktat og de øvrige deltagende stater i partnerskab for fred vedrørende status for deres styrker
lawAgreement between the European Union and Georgia on the status and activities of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Georgia, EUJUST THEMISaftale mellem Den Europæiske Union og Georgien om status og aktiviteter for Den Europæiske Unions retsstatsmission i Georgien, EUJUST THEMIS
gen.Agreement between the European Union and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the status and activities of the European Union Police Mission in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia EUPOL Proximaaftale mellem Den Europæiske Union og Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien om status for Den Europæiske Unions politimissions aktiviteter i Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien EUPOL Proxima
gen.Agreement between the European Union and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the status of the European Union-led Forces EUF in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniaaftale mellem Den Europæiske Union og Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien om status for de EU-ledede styrker i Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien
gen.Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forcesoverenskomst mellem deltagerne i den nordatlantiske traktat vedrørende status for deres styrker
gen.Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Union and the Government of Indonesia on the tasks, status, privileges and immunities of the European Union Monitoring Mission in Aceh Indonesia, Aceh Monitoring Mission - AMM and its personnelaftale i form af brevveksling mellem Den Europæiske Union og Indonesiens regering om opgaver, status, privilegier og immuniteter for Den Europæiske Unions observatørmission i Aceh Indonesien, observatørmissionen i Aceh - AMM og dens personale
lawAgreement on the Status of Missions and Representatives of Third States to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisationoverenskomst vedrørende status for tredjelandes repræsentationer og repræsentanter ved Den Nordatlantiske Traktatorganisation
gen.Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, National Representatives and International Staffoverenskomst om status for Den Nordatlantiske Traktats Organisation, medlemsstaternes repræsentanter samt organisationens internationale stab
el.alarm and status electronics and relay boardalarm-,status-og relækredsløb
el.alarm and status electronics boardalarm-og statuskredsløb
el.alarm and status electronics relay boardalarm-,status-og relækredsløb
commun., ITalarm and status handleralarm-og statushåndtering
el.alarm and status lamp modulealarm-og statuslysmodul
commun., el.alarm and status panelalarm-og statuspanel
el.alarm and status switch modulealarm-og statuskoblingsmodul
commun., el.alarm statusalarmstatus
commun., el.alarm status offalarmstatus off
commun., el.alarm status onalarmstatus on
commun., el.alarm status panelalarmstatuspanel
commun., el.alarm type statustypefordelt alarmstatus
ed.an institution of university status shall be establishedder oprettes et institut på universitetsniveau
comp., MSapproval statusstatus for godkendelse (The approval status for an entry)
gen.approval statusgodkendelsesmæssig status
hobbyapproved destination statusstatus som godkendt destinationsland
hobbyapproved destination statusApproved Destination Status
gen.to attend with special guest statusdeltog som særligt inviterede
hobbyauthorised destination statusstatus som godkendt destinationsland
hobbyauthorised destination statusApproved Destination Status
transp., avia.autoland statustilstand for autolandingssystemer
transp., avia.autoland status annunciatorstilstandsmeldesystemer for autolandingssystemer
commun.automatic position and status reportingautomatisk positions-og statusrapportering
IT, transp.auxiliary input statusstatus af supplerende inddata
earth.sc.base statusbasestatus
fin.benchmark statusbenchmark-status
med.biochemical index of vitamin statusbiokemisk indikator for vitaminstatus
med.biological status of the embryoembryos biologiske status
med.blood statusperifere blodbillede
med.blood statusblodstatus
health.bovine animal of lesser statuskvæg med lavere status
agric., health., anim.husb.BSE statusBSE-status
commun., ITbus repeater and system alarm and statusBRSAS-kort
commun., ITbusy/idle statusoptaget/tilgængelig status
econ., fin.cancellation of the legal tender status of national banknotes and coinsophævelse af de nationale pengesedlers og mønters status som lovligt betalingsmiddel
econ., fin.cancellation of the legal tender status of national banknotes and coinsde nationale pengesedler og mønter mister deres status som lovligt betalingsmiddel
ITCANCL status wordCANCL status-ord
gen.candidate country statusstatus som kandidatland
gen.candidate country statuskandidatstatus
gen.candidate statusstatus som kandidatland
gen.candidate statuskandidatstatus
comp., MScertification statuscertificeringsstatus (The stage of an app in the certification process)
comp., MSChange the task status to Completed and close the formAngiv opgavestatus som Fuldført, og luk formularen (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
ITchannel status routinekanal status rutine
ITchannel status tablekanal status tabel
ITchannel status wordkanal statusord
ITchannel status wordchannel status word
lawcivil statusægteskabelig stilling
econ.civil statuscivilstand
proced.law.civil statusfamilie- og personretlig stilling
lawcivil statusfamilieretlig stilling
lawcivil status certificatecivilstandsattest
proced.law.civil status documentcivilstandsattest
lawcivil status recordcivilstandsregister
comp., MSclient statusklientstatus (A feature that monitors the health and activity of the Configuration Manager client and that can take remedial action if it is required)
IT, dat.proc.command terminal statusterminalens kommandostatus
fin.commercial statushandelstrin
social.sc., UNCommission on the Status of WomenFN's Kvindekommission
social.sc., UNCommission on the Status of WomenFN's Kommission for Kvinders Status
law, polit., loc.name.Committee consisting of representatives of regional and local bodies with advisory statusrådgivende udvalg bestående af repræsentanter for de regionale og lokale myndigheder
fin.Community statusstatus som fællesskabsvarer
fin., polit.Community status of goodsstatus som fællesskabsvarer
gen.Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlementsamlet forslag til statusløsning for Kosovo
social.sc.conjugal statuscivilstand
environ., nat.res.conservation statusbevarelsesmæssig status
environ., nat.res.conservation statusbevarelsesstatus
life.sc., environ.conservation statusbevaringsstatus
nat.sc.conservation status of a migratory speciesmigrerende arts status
environ.conservation status of a natural habitaten naturtypes bevaringsstatus
environ.conservation status of a natural habitatnaturtypes bevaringsstatus
agric., construct.conservation status of a speciesen arts bevaringsstatus
fin.consignments of financial gold and metal coins in circulation having the status of legal tenderforsendelser af finansielt guld og mønter i omløb med status som gyldigt betalingsmiddel
commun., ITconsole statusterminalstatus
gen.consultative statusrådgiverstatus
IT, earth.sc.control-and-status-registerstyre-og tilstandregister
gen.Convention relating to the Status of RefugeesGenèvekonventionen
int. law.Convention relating to the Status of Refugeeskonvention om flygtninges retsstilling
int. law.Convention relating to the Status of RefugeesGénevekonventionen om flygtninges retsstilling
gen.Convention relating to the Status of RefugeesGenèveflygtningekonventionen
gen.Convention relating to the Status of RefugeesFlygtningekonventionen
law, immigr., polit.Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Personskonventionen om statsløse personers retsstilling
gen.Convention relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilitieskonvention om fjendtlige handelsskibes behandling ved fjendtlighedernes begyndelse
mech.eng.core statustilstand af kernen
lawcourts of equal statussideordnede retter
market., fin.credit status investigationkreditværdighedsundersøgelse
lawcriminal statusstrafferetlig kvalifikation
agric.crown statuskroneklasse
math.current status dataaktuelle status data
cust.customs statustoldmæssig status
fin., polit.customs statustoldmæssig status en vares
IT, dat.proc.database statusdatabasestatus
lawDeclaration by Greece concerning the Declaration on the status of churches and non-confessional organisationserklæring nr. 59 fra Grækenland vedrørende erklæringen om kirkers og konfessionsløse organisationers status
relig.Declaration on the status of churches and non-confessional organisationserklæring nr. 11 om kirkers og konfessionsløse organisationers status
comp., MSdelivery status notificationbesked om leveringsstatus (A notification made up of a DSN code and a DSN message, that reports the result of an attempt to deliver an e-mail message)
gen.determination of the administrative statusfastlæggelse af den tjenesteretlige stilling
transp., mater.sc.development statusudviklingsstandpunkt
ITdevice status wordstatusord for ind-/uddataenhed
gen.diplomatic statusdiplomatstatus
lawDirective on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee statusdirektiv om minimumsstandarder for procedurer for tildeling og fratagelse af flygtningestatus i medlemsstaterne
lawDirective on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee statusdirektiv om asylprocedurer
gen.Directive on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection grantedkvalifikationsdirektivet
gen.Directive on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granteddirektiv om fastsættelse af standarder for anerkendelse af tredjelandsstatsborgere eller statsløse som personer med international beskyttelse, for en ensartet status for flygtninge eller for personer, der er berettiget til subsidiær beskyttelse, og for indholdet af en sådan beskyttelse
mech.eng.door operational statusdriftstilstand af dør
h.rghts.act.double minority statusdobbelt minoritetsstatus
environ.ecological statusøkologisk tilstand
IT, dat.proc.effective statusfaktisk status
pharma.eligibility for Part B statusberettigelse til Del B-status
lab.law.employment statusbeskæftigelsesstatus
lab.law.employment statusarbejdsstilling
IT, dat.proc.equipment status memorylager for status af udstyr
health., chem.essential use statusstatus som essentiel anvendelse
gen.European Convention on the Legal Status of Children born out of Wedlockeuropæisk konvention om retsstillingen for børn født uden for ægteskab
law, social.sc.European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workerseuropæisk konvention om vandrende arbejdstageres retsstilling
econ.European legal statuseuropæisk juridisk status
lawevidence of the status acquired by a personbevis for den retlige status,som en person har opnået
ITexchange statusomskifterstatus
ITexchange status recordcentralstatusangivelse
bank.exposure statuseksponeringens status
obs., bank.exposure statusengagementets status
comp., MSfallback status pointfallback-statuspunkt (A Configuration Manager site system role that helps you monitor client installation and identify clients that are unmanaged because they have problems communicating with their management point)
agric.farm enjoying a specific animal health statusbedrift med en særlig dyresundhedsmæssig status
min.prod.favourable conservation statusgunstig bevaringsstatus
ed.female statuskvinders status
gen.final status negotiationsforhandlinger om en endelig status
agric.fire status mapkort over brandudviklingen
transp., avia.flight statusflyvestatus
law, immigr.foreign national beneficiary of subsidiary protection statusudlænding, der er omfattet af subsidiær beskyttelse
law, immigr.foreign national beneficiary of subsidiary protection statusudlænding, der er berettiget til subsidiær beskyttelse
comp., MSfree/busy statusledig/optaget (Information regarding the availability of a user)
gen.Further Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forcesyderligere tillægsprotokol til overenskomst mellem deltagerne i den nordatlantiske traktat og de øvrige deltagende stater i partnerskab for fred vedrørende status for deres styrker
gen.Geneva Convention relating to the Status of RefugeesGenèveflygtningekonventionen
int. law.Geneva Convention relating to the Status of RefugeesGénevekonventionen om flygtninges retsstilling
int. law.Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugeeskonvention om flygtninges retsstilling
gen.Geneva Convention relating to the Status of RefugeesGenèvekonventionen
gen.Geneva Convention relating to the Status of RefugeesFlygtningekonventionen
tech.GLP compliance statusGLP-status for overholdelse
environ.good environmental statusgod miljøtilstand
environ.good groundwater chemical statusgod kemisk tilstand for grundvand
environ.good quantitative statusgod kvantitativ tilstand
environ.good surface water chemical statusgod kemisk tilstand for overfladevand
environ.good surface water statusgod overfladevandstilstand
environ.good water statusgod vandtilstand
law, immigr.grant of refugee statustildeling af flygtningestatus
law, immigr.grant of refugee statustildeling af asyl
int. law., immigr.grant refugee statustildele flygtningestatus
int. law., immigr.grant refugee statusanerkende som flygtning
int. law., immigr.granting of refugee statusmeddelelse af flygtningestatus
int. law., immigr.granting of refugee statusanerkendelse som flygtning
law, immigr.granting of refugee statustildeling af flygtningestatus
law, immigr.granting of refugee statustildeling af asyl
life.sc.groundwater statusgrundvandstilstand
int. law., UNHandbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee StatusHåndbog om procedurer og kriterier for fastlæggelse af flygtningestatus
fin.have the status of legal tenderhave status som lovligt betalingsmiddel
pharma., mech.eng.health statussundhedstilstand
health., anim.husb.health statussundhedsstatus
comp., MShealth statustilstandsstatus (A collection of statistics that indicates the degree to which a computer, server farm, or server cluster meets security, capacity, performance, usage, and other demands)
pharma., IT, nat.sc.health status of the flockflokkens sundhedsstatus
comp., MShold statusafvent-status (The status of a feature to exempt items on SPS from being subject to the policy set on the site)
commun.hourly status recordsstatusrecord på timebasis
int. law.immigration statusindvandrerstatus
med., agric.immune statusimmunitetsstatus
health., anim.husb.immunity statusimmunstatus
gen.implementation statusstatus over gennemførelse
law, immigr.inadmissibility of asylum application where another Member State has granted refugee statusafvisning af asylansøgning på grund af en anden stats indrømmelse af flygtningestatus
commun., ITinformation on the operational statusinformation om operationsstatus
transp., avia.inspection statusinspektionsstatus
gen.international civilian personnel with NATO statusinternationalt civilt personel med NATO-status
law, h.rghts.act., polit.International Commission on Civil StatusDen Internationale Civilstandskommission
agric.inventory of the health status of forestsoversigt over skovenes sundhedstilstand
geogr.island statusøkarakter
lawisland statusøsamfund
med.Jacksonian statusJackson-status
commun.job status tablejobstatustabel
int. law.juridical statusretsstilling
lawlegal statusretlig status
econ.legal statusjuridisk status
lawlegal statusretsstilling
med.legal status for supplyudleveringsbestemmelser
med.legal status of authorizationudleveringsbestemmelse
med.legal status of the child conceiveddet undfangne barns juridiske status
law, fin.legal status of the euroeuroens retlige status
med.legal status of the human embryodet humane embryos juridiske status
commun.legal status of the postal sectorpostsektorens retsstilling
law, fin.legal status of the private ECUjuridisk status af den private ECU
law, commun.legal status of the UPUVerdenspostunionens juridiske status
insur.limited company with semi-public statusaktieselskab med halvoffentlig status
ITline statuslinjestatus
el.link status signal unitlænkestatus signalenhed
law, immigr.long-term resident statusstatus som fastboende udlænding
commun., ITmaintenance and status unitMSU-enhed
commun.maintenance statusvedligeholdelsesstatus
proced.law.marital statusfamilie- og personretlig stilling
environ.marital status The standing of an individual with regard to a legally recognized conjugal relationship, either in the present or pastægteskabelig stilling
lawmarital statusægteskabelig stilling
econ.marital statusfamiliemæssig stilling
social.sc.marital statuscivilstand
gen.marital statusfamilieretlig stilling
med.marker of vitamin statusmål for vitaminstatus
med.marker of vitamin statusindikator for vitaminstatus
fin., ITmessage status indicator from senderindikation fra afsenderen om meddelelsens status
immigr.migration statusindvandrerstatus
social.sc.Minister concerned with the status of womenminister med ansvar for kvinders vilkår
commun.mobile activity statusmobilterminalstatus
stat.mobility statusmobilitetsstatus
lawMonetary Committee with advisory statusDet Rådgivende Monetære Udvalg
law, fin.Monetary Committee with advisory statusrådgivende Monetært Udvalg
gen.Monetary Committee with advisory statuset rådgivende monetært udvalg
comp., MSMy StatusMin status (A menu item that opens another menu from which the user can change status settings)
gen.NATO Status of Forces Agreementoverenskomst mellem deltagerne i den nordatlantiske traktat vedrørende status for deres styrker
gen.neutral statusneutral status
gen.neutral statusneutralitetsstatus
gen.neutral statusstatus som neutralt land
agric.Newcastle disease non-vaccinating statusstatus som ikke-vaccinerende mod Newcastle disease
h.rghts.act.next of kin' statusstatus som pårørende
gov.non-active statusrådighedsløn
gov.non-active statusventepenge
gen.non-active statusvetepenge
fin.non-Community statusstatus som ikke-fællesskabsvarer
lab.law.non-operational statusventepenge og godtgørelser ved fritagelse fra stilling
health.nutrient statusernæringstilstand
food.ind.nutritional statusernæringstilstand
food.ind.nutritional statusernæringsmæssig status
health., food.ind.nutritional statusernæringsmæssig situation
commun., ITobserve terminal statusobservering af terminalstatus
gen.observer statusobservatørstatus
commun.observer status at the UPUobservatørstatus i Verdenspostforeningen
econ.occupational statusarbejdsstilling
lab.law.occupational statusbeskæftigelsesstatus
ed.occupational statusfaglig status
UNOffice of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the future status process for KosovoKontoret for FN's særlige udsending for processen vedrørende Kosovos fremtidige status
UNOffice of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the future status process for KosovoFN's kontor for den særlige udsending for Kosovo
IToffice statusomskifterstatus
gov.official with active statustjenestemand i aktiv tjeneste
health.officially brucellosis-free statusstatus som officielt brucellosefri
health.officially tuberculosis-free statusstatus som officielt tuberkulosefri
med.officially tuberculosis-free statusofficiellt tuberkulosefri
law, immigr., social.sc.... on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status... på grund af køn, race, farve, sprog, religion, politisk eller anden overbevisning, national eller social oprindelse, tilhørighed til et nationalt mindretal, formueforhold, fødsel eller ethvert andet forhold
comp., MSonline statusonlinestatus (The condition of a user that can be displayed to the user's contacts to communicate whether the user is currently online and available, offline and unavailable, and so on)
gen.operating statusikke-destruktiv afprøvning
commun., IToperational status of the infrastructureinfrastrukturens driftsstatus
commun., IToperational status of the terminalterminalens operationelle status
fin., tax.originating statusoprindelsesstatus
IT, el.output status control circuitkredsløb for output-status
econ.partnerships without independent legal statusinteressentskaber,som ikke er juridiske personer
comp., MSpayment statusbetalingsstatus (The condition of the payment schedule of an account or a business contact; possible values are "current" or 'overdue')
gen.permanent status negotiationsforhandlinger om en endelig status
med.Personal Status Actpersonstands-lov
econ.political statuspolitisk status
proced.law.possession of statuserhvervelse af familieretlig stilling ved faktisk anerkendelse
mech.eng.power take off statusstatus af kraftudtag
fin., polit.preferential origin statuspræferenceoprindelsesstatus
bank.preferred creditor statusstatus som foretrukken kreditor
bank.preferred creditor statusstatus som priviligeret kreditor
bank.preferred creditor statusstatus af privilegeret kreditor
comp., MSpresence statustilstedeværelsesstatus (One of the attributes that makes up presence and that indicates a person's availability and willingness to communicate)
lawprinciple of the integrity of personal statusprincip om ensartetheden af den personelle status
h.rghts.act.Principles relating to the status of national institutionsprincipper vedrørende status for nationale institutioner til fremme og beskyttelse af menneskerettighederne
h.rghts.act.Principles relating to the status of national institutionsprincipper vedrørende nationale institutioners status
gen.Principles relating to the status of national institutionsParisprincipperne
h.rghts.act.Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rightsprincipper vedrørende status for nationale institutioner til fremme og beskyttelse af menneskerettighederne
h.rghts.act.Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rightsprincipper vedrørende nationale institutioners status
gen.Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human RightsParisprincipperne
arts.private cultural organisation with legal statusprivat kulturinstitution med en juridisk status
IT, el.processor status wordprocessor-statusord
stat.professional statusstilling
stat.professional statusskadelidtes stilling
stat.professional status of the victimskadelidtes stilling
stat.professional status of the victimstilling
nat.sc., life.sc.protection status of the sitebeskyttelsesmæssig status for lokaliteten
gen.Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up pursuant to the North Atlantic Treatyprotokol om status for internationale militære hovedkvarterer oprettet i henhold til den nordatlantiske traktat
int. law.Protocol relating to the Status of Refugeesprotokol vedrørende flygtninges retsstilling
gen.Protocol relating to the Status of RefugeesNew York-protokollen
mech.eng.PTO statusstatus af kraftudtag
arts.public cultural organisation with legal statusoffentlig kulturinstitution med en juridisk status
econ.public i.e.government enterprises without independent legal statusoffentlige virksomheder,der ikke er juridiske personer
lawpublic or private legal statusoffentligretlig eller privatretlig status
econ., market.public or private status of the debtordebitors offentlige og private status
fin., account.put the credit obligation on non-accrued statusophører med at indtægtsføre påløbne renter på gældsforpligtigelsen
obs., fin., account.put the credit obligation on non-accrued statussætter gældsforpligtelsen i bero
commun., ITPUT/FORCE/STATUS commandsPUT/FORCE/STATUS-kommando
commun.PUT/FORCE/STATUS messagesPUT/FORCE/STATUS-meddelelse
social.sc.to qualify for refugee statusstatus som flygtning
environ.quantitative statuskvantitativ tilstand
int. law., immigr.recognition of refugee statustildeling af flygtningestatus
int. law., immigr.recognition of refugee statusmeddelelse af flygtningestatus
int. law., immigr.recognition of refugee statusanerkendelse som flygtning
insur.record of civil statuscivilstandskort
lawrecord of civil statuscivilstandsregister
comp., MSrecord statuspoststatus (The condition, at a particular time, of a record)
environ.re-establishment at a favourable conservation status of the speciesgenoprettelse af en gunstig bevaringsstatus for bestande af arter
h.rghts.act.refugee statusflygtninges retsstilling
h.rghts.act.refugee statusflygtningestatus
law, immigr.refugee statusegenskab af flygtning
immigr.refugee status determining authoritybesluttende myndighed
law, immigr.refusal of refugee statusafslag på asylansøgning
law, immigr.refusal of refugee statusafslag på asyl
health.regional health statusregional sundhedsstatus
stat.reproductive statusreproduktiv status
comp., MSReset StatusNulstil status (An item on the user's My Status menu that resets the user's status to the previous setting after the user has manually selected a status setting)
commun., ITroad status monitoringovervågning af vejstatus
commun., ITroom status displaydisplay over værelsesstatus
commun.satellite statussatellittilstand
comp., MSSCM status indicator lightsSSM-statusindikatorer (A set of three lights that gives a detailed status of a Surface unit. These lights are part of the system control module (SCM) in the I/O connections area. On venue units, you must remove the appropriate end panel to view these lights. On developer units, the end panel is removed and you can always view these lights)
fin.security of trustee statusværdipapir, i hvilket umyndiges midler kan anbringes
fin.security of trustee statusguldrandet papir
comp., MSService statusTjenestestatus (A UI element that links to a Web page that displays the condition and quality of the service)
econ.social statussocial status
social.sc.social status groupgruppe
social.sc.social status groupbefolkningsgruppe
fin., social.sc.socio-economic statussocialøkonomisk status
IT, dat.proc.software status codesoftwarestatuskode
IT, dat.proc.software status codeprogrammelstatuskode
IT, dat.proc.software status recordsoftwarestatusangivelse
IT, dat.proc.software status recordprogrammelstatusangivelse
econ.sole proprietorships or partnerships without independent legal statusenkeltmandsvirksomheder,interessentskaber,som ikke er juridiske personer
UNSpecial Envoy of the Secretary-General for the future status process for KosovoGeneralsekretærens særlige udsending for Kosovo's statusforhandlinger
UNSpecial Envoy of the Secretary-General for the future status process for KosovoFN's særlige udsending for processen vedrørende Kosovos fremtidige status
UNSpecial Envoy of the Secretary-General for the future status process for KosovoFN's statusudsending
econ.special-status institutioninstitut med særlig status
UNstandards before statusstandarder før status
tax.statement certifying the status of taxable personattestering af status som afgiftspligtig
comp., MSstatus alertstatusbesked (A notification that is sent when one of the user's tagged contacts changes status to Available or Offline)
law, econ.status and legal capacity of natural personsfysiske personers rets- eller handleevne
lawstatus and legal capacity of personsfysiske personers retlige status eller rets-og handleevne
ITstatus and shift control unitstatus- og skiftekontrolenhed
ITstatus and shift control unitstatus-og skiftekontrolenhed
comp., MSstatus areastatusområde (The area on the right side of the Windows taskbar. It contains shortcuts to programs and important status information)
lawstatus as agents, advisers and lawyersstilling som befuldmægtigede,rådgivere og advokater
comp., MSstatus barstatuslinje (A horizontal window at the bottom of a parent window in which an application can display various kinds of status information. The status bar can be divided into parts to display more than one type of information)
comp., MSstatus bar controlstatuslinjeobjekt (A standard Windows control that provides the functionality of a status bar)
el.status bitstatusbit
IT, el.status bit handshakingstatusbithandshaking
med.status Bonnevie-Ullrichpterygium colli
med.status Bonnevie-UllrichBonnevie-Ullrich's status,Bonnevie-Ulltrich's syndrom
proced.law.status by habit and reputeerhvervelse af familieretlig stilling ved faktisk anerkendelse
IT, dat.proc.status change memorystatusskiftlager
el.status channelstatuskanal
IT, dat.proc.status commandstatuskommando
commun.status control interfaceSCI-interface
commun.status control managerSCM-processor
comp., MSstatus datestatusdato (A date that you set [rather than the current date] for reporting the time, cost, or performance condition of a project)
transp., industr.status displaystatusindikator
ITstatus displaystilstandsvisninger
commun.status enquirystatus-enquiry-meddelelse
med.status epilepticusstatus epilepticus
comp., MSstatus filter rulestatusfilterregel (A filtering rule that controls how status messages are reported and viewed)
commun., ITstatus forcing for maintenance purposesstyrkning af status med vedligeholdelsesformål
IT, dat.proc.status formatrapportformat
IT, dat.proc.status formatstatusformat
lawstatus in lawjuridisk status
lab.law.status in occupationbeskæftigelsesstatus
lab.law.status in occupationarbejdsstilling
IT, dat.proc.status keywordstatusnøgleord
comp., MSstatus lightstatuslys (A light that appears around a Surface screen to indicate the overall status of the unit. The status light displays the following colors: A rhodamine (pink) color appears temporarily when the unit is turned on. A blue color appears temporarily when the unit is turned off. A red color appears when there is a problem with the unit. The SCM status indicator lights provide more details information about the status of a Surface unit)
comp., MSstatus managerstatusleder (A manager responsible for tracking the task updates and assignments within a project. Separate from the project manager. Each task in a project can have a different status manager)
IT, dat.proc.status memorystatuslager
ITstatus messagestatusmeddelelse
comp., MSstatus messagestatusmeddelelse (A message for the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console generated by an SMS/Configuration Manager component. Status messages differ from operating system events in that they represent the flow of activity within an SMS/Configuration Manager site)
comp., MSstatus message IDstatusmeddelelses-id (A unique status message identifier. However, each instance of the same status message does not have a different ID. For example, if a certain message's ID is 62, it is 62 every time the message is generated. A status message has the same ID regardless of locale. Status Message Viewer maps each ID to locale-specific message text)
comp., MSstatus message propertyegenskab for statusmeddelelse (An optional attribute of a status message that lets you differentiate among groups of messages when you are querying, finding, and filtering. A status message property can be Advertisement ID, Collection ID, Package ID, or User Name)
comp., MSstatus message property valueegenskabsværdi for statusmeddelelse (An optional attribute of a status message property that is applied by the SMS component that generates the message. Status message properties let you differentiate messages associated with particular advertisements, collections, packages, and users when you are querying, finding, and filtering)
comp., MSstatus message severityprioritet af statusmeddelelse (An indication of the significance of a status, such as error, warning, or informational)
comp., MSstatus message thresholdgrænse for statusmeddelelse (The limit that defines when the summary status for a component or site system should indicate OK, Warning, or Critical status)
comp., MSstatus message typestatusmeddelelsestype (The nature of the status message, such as audit, detail, or milestone)
comp., MSStatus Message ViewerFremviser til statusmeddelelser (A tool in the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console that is used to browse the status messages in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database)
gen.status of Associate Partner in the WEUstatus som associeret partner i WEU
econ.status of BerlinBerlins status
lawstatus of blue-collar workersarbejderes ansættelsesmæssige status
commun., ITstatus of common equipmentstatus af fælles udstyr
environ.status of development The extent to which a society promotes human well-being in all dimensions of existence by forming people's capabilities, expanding choices and increasing opportunitiesudviklingsstandpunkt
el.status of equipped channels/deviceskanaltilstand/devicetilstand
econ.status of established civil servantsfunktionærer
gen.Status of Forces Agreementaftale om styrkernes status
gen.Status of Forces AgreementSOFA-aftale Status of Forces Agreement
lawstatus of full participantstatus som fuldgyldigt medlem
lawstatus of full participantstatus som fuldt medlem
lawstatus of full participantstatus som fuldgyldig deltager
econ.status of JerusalemJerusalems status
gen.Status of Mission AgreementSOMA-aftale Status of Mission Agreement
lawstatus of natural personsfysiske personers retlige status
gov.status of officialstatus som tjenestemand
law, immigr.status of refugeeflygtningestatus
health.status of the holdingbedriftens status
econ.status of the person electedden valgtes status
commun., ITstatus of the travelling environmentstatus,som rejsemiljøet har
law, commer.Status of the WTOWTO's status
gen.status of third-country nationals who are long-term residentstredjelandsstatsborgeres status som fastboende udlænding
commun.status of timerstimeres tilstand
environ.status plansituationsplan
lawstatus proceedingssag om personers retlige status
law, proced.law.status proceedings and subsequent proceedings concerning ancillary reliefbehandling af spørgsmålet om personers retlige status og behandling af spørgsmålet om de dertil knyttede retsfølger
interntl.trade.status quostandstill
comp., MSstatus reasonstatusårsag (The description of the status of a record or activity. The options available are based on what record type is open and in which module)
ITstatus registerstatusregister
ITstatus registertilstandsregister
comp., MSstatus reportstatusrapport (A description of the status of a member's project work and related work)
tech.status reportsituationsrapport
ITstatus report printerprotokolprinter
comp., MSstatus reporting levelniveau for statusrapportering (The level at which client and server components report status messages to Status Manager and the Windows NT event log)
comp., MSstatus summarizerStatus Summarizer (A component that consolidates the data generated by Configuration Manager status messages into a succinct view of the status of a component, a server, a package, or an advertisement)
comp., MSstatus summarystatusoversigt (A data set that is generated by a status summarizer. Status summarizers use both the status messages that are collected by Status Manager and other data in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database to generate status summaries)
social.sc.status symbolstatussymbol
comp., MSstatus systemstatussystem (The overall system that generates, collects, processes, replicates, and presents status messages and other data to the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console)
ITstatus tablestilstandstabel
ITstatus tablesstatustabel
comp., MSStatus Unavailable ContactsKontaktpersoner, hvor status ikke er tilgængelig, Kontakter, hvor status ikke er tilgængelig (The default contact group name that Communicator uses for all contacts for whom no status information is available)
IT, dat.proc.status variablestatusvariabel
life.sc.surface water statusoverfladevandstilstand
food.ind.survey of nutritional statusoverblik over fødevaresituationen
health.suspended status of the holdingbedriftens status suspenderes
commun.system and node status reportssystem-og knudepunktsstatusrapport
commun.system status registerSSR-kort
el.system status register processorSSR-processor
comp., MSTag for Status Change AlertsGiv besked ved statusændring (A menu item that marks the selected contact so the user will receive presence alerts when this contact's presence changes from anything to Available or from anything to Unavailable)
gen.target status boardtote over målsituationen
gen.target status boardmålsituationstavle
fin.tax status of troops stationed on its territorytroppers skattemæssige status i landet
commun., ITtechnical status reportteknisk statusrapport
lab.law.temporary statususikker status
fin.the Community status of the goodsvarernes karakter af fællesskabsvarer
fin.the products have acquired the status of originating productsvarerne har opnået oprindelsesstatus
lawthe status of a minoren mindreårigs retlige status
gen.This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.Denne betegnelse indebærer ingen stillingtagen til Kosovos status, og den er i overensstemmelse med UNSCR 1244 og ICJ's udtalelse om Kosovos uafhængighedserklæring.
commun., ITtrunk line status displaytransitlinje statusdisplay
fin., insur.tying statusbindingsgrad
market., fin.tying status of any creditbindingsgrad af en kredit
commun., ITUA status reportbrugeragentstatusrapport
commun., ITUA status reportstatusrapport for brugeragent
commun., ITUA status reportUA statusrapport
ITUN status 1 approvalkvalificeret som havende status 1
UNUN Status EnvoyFN's særlige udsending for processen vedrørende Kosovos fremtidige status
UNUN Status EnvoyGeneralsekretærens særlige udsending for Kosovo's statusforhandlinger
UNUN Status EnvoyFN's statusudsending
commun., ITuser agent status reportUA statusrapport
commun., ITuser agent status reportstatusrapport for brugeragent
commun., ITuser agent status reportbrugeragentstatusrapport
el.virtual call status requestforespørgsel om virtuel opkaldsstatus
environ.vulnerability statussårbarhed
fin., social.sc.WISO Working Party: Social Status of the UnemployedArbejdsgruppen om WISO: Arbejdsløses Sociale Situation
int. law., immigr.withdrawal of refugee statusophør af flygtningestatus
int. law., immigr.withdrawal of refugee statusbortfald af flygtningestatus
int. law., immigr.withdrawal of refugee statusfortabelse af flygtningestatus
law, immigr.withdrawal of refugee statusinddragelse af flygtningestatus
law, immigr.withdrawal of refugee statusfratagelse af flygtningestatus
environ.woman's status The social position, rank or relative importance of women in societykvinders status
environ.women statuskvinders status
comp., MSworkflow statusstatus for arbejdsproces (The condition, at a particular time, of a workflow)