
Terms for subject Environment containing salt | all forms | exact matches only
Atlantic salt marshes and salt meadowsatlantiske strandenge og saltenge
calcium saltcalciumsalt
continental salt meadowindlands-saltmarsk (Puccinellietalia distantis)
continental salt meadowskontinentale saltenge
Convention on the salt pollution of the Rhinekonvention om beskyttelse af Rhinen mod saltforurening
exhausted tempering saltshærdesalte
fused salt electrolysis cellsaltsmelte-elektrolysecelle
inland salt meadowindlandssaltstrand
inland salt meadowindlandssalteng
metallic salts except 06 03 00Metalsalte med undtagelse 06 03 00
mineral saltsmineralsalt
molten salt electrolysiselectrolyse med smeltet salt
molten salt oxidationaffaldsbehandling med smeltet salt
nutritive saltnæringssalt
Pannonic salt marshpannonisk saltmarskområde
Pannonic salt steppepannonisk saltsteppe
phosphates and related solid saltsFosfater og beslaegtede salte i faste form
potash and rock salt miningudvinding af kaliumchlorid og stensalt
road salt Salt used against the formation of ice on roads; when excess salt washes off the roads, it can poison roadside vegetation or raise salt concentrations in streams and reserves of underground water. It also accelerates the deterioration of concrete and metalvejsalt
rock salt mining Rock salt mining is an underground mining process in which the salt is physically dug out of the ground in an operation involving drilling, blasting and crushing the rock. The major percentage of this output is used for winter road maintenanceudvinding af kaliumchlorid og stensalt
rock salt miningudvinding af kaliumchlorid og stensalt
saline solutions containing phosphates and related solid saltsSaltoploesninger indeholdende fosfater og beslaegtede salte i faste form
salt and gypsum inland steppesindlands-saltstepper og -gipsstepper
salt contentsalinitet
salt contentsaltindhold
salt content Amount of salt contained in a solutionsaltindhold
salt dischargesaltudledning
salt domesaltdome
salt loadsaltbelastning
salt marshsalteng
salt marsh Areas of brackish, shallow water usually found in coastal areas and in deltas. There are also inland marshes in arid areas where the water has a high salt level because of evaporation. They are environmentally delicate areas, extremely vulnerable to pollution by industrial or agricultural chemicals, or to thermal pollution, which often results when river water has been used as the coolant in power stations and industrial plantssaltmarsk
salt marshsaltmarsk
salt meadowmarsk
salt meadowstrandeng
salt meadow A meadow subject to overflow by salt watermarsk
salt plug A mass of salt which is injected as a diapir (a dome in which the overlying rocks have been ruptured by the squeezing-out of plastic core material) into overlying sedimentary rocks, thereby piercing and deforming them. The mechanism is similar to that of an intrusive magma, with the salt deforming and behaving plastically under pressure. It is of great economic importance because it assists in the formation of a "trap" structure for oil accumulation, in addition to its associated deposits of anhydrite, gypsum and sulphursalthorst
salt slag from secondary smeltingsaltslagge fra sekundær smeltning
salt slags from secondary smeltingSaltslagge fra sekundaer smeltning
salt steppesaltsteppe
salt tolerantsalttolerant
salt treatyRhinkloridaftalen
salt water Water of the seas, distinguished by high salinitysaltvand
salt-water intrusionsaltvandsindtrængning
salting of soiltilsaltning af jord
salts and solutions containing cyanidesSalte og oploesninger indeholdende cyanider
salts and solutions containing organic compoundsSalte og oploesninger indeholdende organiske forbindelser
solid salts containing ammoniumSalte i faste form indeholdende ammonium
solid salts containing chlorides, fluorides and other halogenated solid saltsSalte i fast form indeholdende chlorider, fluorider og andre halogenholdige faste salte
solid salts containing nitrides nitrometallicSalte i faste form indeholdende nitrider metal-nitrogen-forbindelser
solid salts containing sulphates, sulphites or sulphidesSalte i fast form indeholdende sulfater, sulfitter og sulfider
tempering saltshærdesalte
total fixation of chromium salts in skinsfuldstændig fiksering af chromsalte i huder
waste from potash and rock salt processingAffald fra kalisalt- og stensaltforarbejdning
waste from treatment of salt slags and black drosses treatmentAffald fra behandling af saltslagge og sort slagge
waste salts and their solutionsAffaldssalte og oploesninger heraf
waste salts and their solutionsaffaldssalte og opløsninger heraf
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of salts and their solutions and metallic oxidesaffaldssalte og opløsninger heraf
wastes from the MFSU of salts and their solutions and metallic oxidesaffaldssalte og opløsninger heraf