
Terms for subject Medical containing Spleen | all forms | exact matches only
accordion spleenharmonikamilt
amyloid spleensagomilt
amyloid spleenskinkemilt
amyloid spleenamyloidosemilt
amyloid spleenmiltamyloidose
bacon spleensagomilt
bacon spleenmiltamyloidose
bacon spleenskinkemilt
Banti spleenfibrospleni
Banti spleenBanti-milt
collapse spleenkollapsmilt
congestive spleenstasemilt
dropped spleenvandremilt
dropped spleensplenoptose
ham-like spleenmiltamyloidose
ham-like spleensagomilt
ham-like spleenskinkemilt
hilum of spleenmilthilus
hilum of spleenhilus lienis
lardaceous spleensagomilt
lardaceous spleenmiltamyloidose
lardaceous spleenskinkemilt
lateral end of spleennedre miltpol
lymphatic nodules of spleenhvide miltpulpa
lymphatic nodules of spleenmiltens lymfefollikler
lymphatic nodules of spleenfolliculi lymphatici lienales
medial end of spleenøvre miltpol
pancreatic part of the visceral surface of the spleenpars pancreatica faciei visceralis lienis
primary tropical spleen abscessprimær tropisk miltabsces
spleen enlargementsplenomegali