
Terms for subject Medical containing SKIN | all forms | exact matches only
abdominal skin reflexbugrefleks
abdominal skin reflexabdominalrefleks
allergic arteriolitis of the superficial skinvasculitis allergica
allergic arteriolitis of the superficial skinRuiter's sygdom
amyloidosis of the skincutan amyloidose (amyloidosis cutis)
anaesthesia of skinhudanæstesi
anaesthesia of skincutan anæstesi
angiomyoma of the skinangiomyoma cutis
anthracosis of the skinanthracosis cutis
anti-mycotic skin creamantimykolikum til dermatologisk brug
arsenic-induced skin cancerarsenfremkaldt hudcancer
artificial skin tanningkunstig hudpigmentering
bacterial skin infectionerythrasma
bacteriological analysis of the skin and mucosaebakteriologisk undersøgelse af hud og slimhinder
Barr skin biopsyBarr's hudbiopsi
below the skinsubkutan
blood spots, bruising and discolouring to skinpurpura
bluish skincyanose
Boeck skin treatmentBoeck-pensling
bronzed skinbronzehud
brucellin skin testBrucellin-hudtest
Brugsch skin reactionBrugsch's hudreaktion
catamnestic skin reactionkatamnestisk hudreaktion
Cleland skin ligamentsCleland's ligamenter
clinical thinning of the skinklinisk fortyndning af huden
collodium skincollodiumhud
Corrachan skin lobuleCorrachan-lap
crepitation of the skincrepitation af huden
critical skin surfacekritisk overflade
Curtis beryllium skin testCurtis'beryllium lappeprøve
cutaneous exposure by skin paintingeksponering af huden ved hudpensling
Cutbert skin lobeCutbert's hudlap
Czapody skin retractorCzapody's hudspreder
Debré skin testDebré's kutantest
desquamated skinhudafskalning
desquamated skinafskallet hud
destruction of skin tissuevævsdød i hud
direct sighting on the skindirekte sigte på huden
dose to the skinhudbestråling
dose to the skinbelastningsdosis
elastic skinEhlers-Danlos'syndrom
elastic skincutis hyperelastica
electric skin resistancehudens elektriske modstand
electric skin testelektrisk hudprøve
eosinophile skin granulomaeosinofilt hudgranulom
exposure of the skinhudens strålebelastning
fatty skin tumourxantom
flaky skindesquamatio
flexor skin foldbøjefure (plica articularis)
fungal analysis of the skin and appendagesmykologisk undersøgelse af hud og udvækster
fungal skin infectiondermatomycosis
generalized candidiasis of skingeneraliseret cutan candidiasis (candidomycosis cutis generalisata)
glossy skinglossy skin (atrophodermia neuriticum)
glossy skinatrophoderma neuriticum (atrophodermia neuriticum)
goose skingåsehud (cutis anserina)
goose skincutis anserina
greasy skinseborrhoé
harlequin skin of new-bornsharlekinfænomen hos nyfødte
histamine skin reactionhistamin cutanreaktion
hypothenar skin reflexhypothenar-hydreflex
inflammation of fat under the skinpanniculitis
inflammation of the nail skinparonychion
insensibility of skincutan anæstesi
insensibility of skinhudanæstesi
involving the skin attaching various organs to the bodymesenterial
line of minimal skin elasticityhudens spaltelinjer
line of minimal skin elasticityLanger'ske spalteretninger
loose skindermatolyse (cutis hyperelastica, cutis laxa)
loose skinslap hud (cutis hyperelastica, cutis laxa)
loose skinchalazodermi (cutis hyperelastica, cutis laxa)
loose skincutis laxa (cutis hyperelastica, cutis laxa)
lymphatic system of the skinhudens lymfesystem
mechanical impedance of skinhudens mekaniske impedans
method of skin cleansinghudrensningsmetode
method of skin desensibilizationhuddesensibiliseringsmetode
mucous membrane and skin around eyes-relatedokulomucokutan
mucous membrane and skin-relatedmucokutan
non-irritating the skinhudvenligt
occupational skin cancererhvervet hudcancer
of skinintegumentær
oily skinseboré
orange skinappelsinfarvet hud
orange skin phenomenonpeau d'orange
panaritium of the skinpanaritium cutaneum
paracoccidioidine skin reactionparacoccidioidin-hudreaktion
permanent grooves of skinpermanente hudfolder
photographer's skin diseasefenylendiamineksem hos fotografer
pigmented marbled skincutis marmorata pigmentosa
piromen skin testpiromen-hudprøve
placenta used for skin productsplacenta anvendt til hudpræparater
product to produce skin sheddingkeratolytika
professional skin disease of pastry cookskonditor-hudlidelse
professional skin disease of pastry cooksklæbemiddelallergi
pusy skin diseasepyoderma
reversible change in the skinreversible forandring i huden
ridges of skincrista cutis
sailor's skinsømandshud
scaling of the skinpityriasis
scaly skinichthyosis
scrotal skinhuden på scrotum
semilateral areflexia of abdominal skinhalvsidig bugvægsarefleksi
serious skin diseasepemphigus
shagreen skintjæreeksem
"shark skin"Haig Fergusons fødselstang
skeletal skinperiost
skin absorptionabsorption gennem huden
skin absorptionperkutan absorption
skin bankhudbank
skin biopsyhudbiopsi
skin blisteringangioneurotisk ødem
skin cancermelanom ((ondartet) pigmenteret svulst)
skin carcinoma caused by ultra-violet radiationhudcancer forårsaget af ultraviolet bestråling
skin-cleaning agentshudrensemiddel
skin colouringpigmentering
skin corrosionætsning af huden
skin damage caused by scratchingneurodermatitis
skin decontaminationhuddekontaminering
skin dentate hookshudkroge
skin detachinghudafrivning
skin diseasedermatose
skin disinfectantshuddesinfektionsmiddel
skin disinfectionhuddesinfektion
skin dosehudbestråling
skin dosebelastningsdosis
skin drainagehuddrænage
skin eruptionudslæt
skin fat flaphudfedtlap
skin flaphudlap
skin fraisehudfræser
skin grafthudlap
skin grafthudtransplantat
skin graft plastyhudlapplastik
skin graftinghudplastik
skin graftinghudtransplantation
skin graftsstykker af hud til hudtransplantation
skin hardening and thickeninglichenificatio
skin incisionhudincision
skin infectionerysipelas
skin irritancyhudirritationsevne
skin irritationhudirritation
skin irritation testprøve på hudirritation
skin markinghudmarkering
skin melanomacutant melanom
skin painkutan smerte
skin phototypefototype
skin potentialhudpotential
skin preparationshudmiddel
skin preparations cosmeticshudplejemiddel
skin preservationhudpleje
skin pressure marktrykmærker på huden
skin pressure marktrykmærke på huden
skin prick allergy testpriktest
skin prick testpriktest
skin problemsdermatitis
skin protectionhudbeskyttelse
skin protective effecthudbeskyttende virkning
skin rasheksantem
skin reactionhudreaktion
skin reactioncutanreaktion
skin reaction to tuberculinMantouxprøve
skin rednesserythema
skin scissorshudsaks
skin scrapinghudafskrab
skin scraping for fungal culturemykologiske hudprøve
skin sensitizationhudoverfølsomhed
skin sensitization testinghudsensibiliseringstest
skin smearhududstrygning
skin smearhuddyrkning
skin smearhud smear
skin stimulantshudstimulerende midler
skin-stimulating substanceshudstimulerende midler
skin-stimulating therapyhudstimuleringsbehandling
skin swab for bacterial culturebakteriologisk hudprøve
skin tagstilket mollusk
skin temperaturehudtemperatur
skin temperature with felt lobuleshudtemperatur med filtlapmetode
skin testhudtest
skin testkutantest
skin testpriktestning
skin testinghudtest
skin thermometerhudtermometer
skin thickness needlehudtykkelsesmåler
skin titrationhudtitrering
skin transplantationhudtransplantation
skin tumourhudtomor
skin typefototype
skin wartshudvorter
skin wettednessvådhedsgrad af huden
squamous skinkalkpanserhud
stippled skinstippled skin (erythrosis interfollicularis colli Miescher)
stippled skinerythrosis interfollicularis colli Miescher
strip of skinhudstrimler
temporary replacement of skinmidlertidigt transplantat
temporary replacement of skinmidlertidigt huddække
test for skin irritationprøve på hudirritation
thickening of the skinhyperkeratose
Thiersch split skin graftThiersch'transplantation
through the skintransdermal
through the skintranskutan
through the skinperkutan
topical corticosteroid to be used on the skinkortikosteroid til anvendelse lokalt på huden
tuberculin skin testMantouxprøve
under the skinsubkutan
unit skin doseerytemdosis
using pressure or friction to write on skindermografi
vascular skinmultiple teleangiektasier