
Terms for subject Medical containing SAMPLE | all forms | exact matches only
bound fraction of a samplebunden del af en prøve
deproteinization of the biological samples by ultra-filtrationdeproteinisering af biologiske prøver ved ultrafiltrering
Drucker blood samplinghælblodprøve
evacuated blood sample tubeevakueret blodprøveglas
free medical samplegratis lægemiddelprøve
gastric juice protein test by dried secretion sampleindtørringsbillede
official sampleofficiel prøve
retesting by samplingny test ved prøveudtagning
sample containerspidsglas
sample excisionbiopsi
sample excisionprøveexcision
sample excisionbiopsia
screening of tissue samplesanalyse af vævsprøver
statistical samplestatistisk prøveudtagning
test sampleprøve
the blood sample is taken on an empty stomach by puncturing a veinblodprøven tages fra fastende personer ved venepunktur
urine sampleurinprøve