
Terms for subject Politics containing Committee on Administration | all forms
Committee on application of the legislation on ship inspection and survey organisations and the relevant activities of maritime administrationUdvalget for Fælles Regler og Standarder for Organisationer, der Udfører Inspektion og Syn af Skibe, og for Søfartsmyndighedernes Aktiviteter i forbindelse dermed
Committee on application of the legislation on the minimum level of training for seafarers and the recognition of certificates issued by training institutes or administrations of third countries STCWUdvalget for Direktivet om Minimumsuddannelsesniveauet for Søfartserhverv og for Anerkendelse af de Beviser, der Udstedes af Institutioner eller Myndigheder i Tredjelande STCW
Committee on implementation of projects, actions and measures to ensure interoperability of trans-European networks for telematic data interchange between administrationsUdvalget for Telematik mellem Administrationerne IDA II-TAC