
Terms for subject Law containing Business | all forms | exact matches only
advance business taxforeløbig virksomhedsskat
banking business daybankdag
business addressforretningsadresse
business chargeerhvervsmæssig udgift
Business Cooperation Net workEuropæisk net for virksomhedssamarbejde
business establishmentvirksomhed
business establishmentetablissement
business expensesrepræsentationsudgifter
business papersforretningspapirer
business premisesdriftssted
business recordforretningspapir
business recordsforretningspapirer
business's capital accountvirksomhedens indskudskonto
business's interest paymentvirksomhedens renteudgift
business secretforretningshemmelighed
Code on Restrictive Business Practiceskodeks for restriktive forretningsmetoder
confidential business informationfortrolige forretningsoplysninger
current business of the ECBECB's løbende forretninger
customary business practicessædvanlig forretningspraksis
declassification of documents covered by professional or business secrecynedklassificering af dokumenter, der er omfattet af tavshedspligten eller forretningshemmeligheden
freedom to conduct businessfrihed til at oprette egen virksomhed
freedom to conduct businessfri erhvervsudøvelse
freedom to conduct businessfrihed til at oprette og drive egen virksomhed
freedom to conduct businesserhvervsfrihed
general terms of businessalmindelige forretningsbetingelser
to have his place of business within the Communityhar sit forretningssted i Fællesskabet
judicial business and administration of the CourtRettens judicielle virksomhed og dens administration
judicial business and administration of the CourtDomstolens judicielle virksomhed og dens administration
need of the Court's businesstjenestens krav
one-man businessenkeltmandsfirma
part of an agreement accompanying the sale of a businessaccessorisk aftale i forbindelse med en virksomhedsafhændelse
place of businessfast forretningssted
place of businessfast driftssted
place where the supplier has established its businesshjemsted for en tjenesteyders økonomiske virksomhed
principal place of businesshovedforretningssted
principal place of businesshovedkontor
principal place of businesshjemsted
proposal for a resolution on the order of businessforslag om motiveret dagsorden
public business undertakingoffentlig virksomhed
Recommendation of the Council on Combating Bribery in International Business Transactionshenstilling om bekæmpelse af bestikkelse i international handel,
Recommendation of the Council on Combating Bribery in International Business Transactionshenstilling om bekæmpelse af bestikkelse i det internationale handelssamkvem
re-insurance businessgenforsikringstransaktioner
return on the business's own capitalforrentning af egenkapitalen i virksomheden
to start a businessåbne en forretning
to start a businessstarte en forretning
they shall continue to deal with current businessde viderefører de løbende forretninger
true place of businessfaktisk hjemsted
trust businessforvaltningsinstitut
winding-up of businesslikvidation af virksomhed
winding-up of businessafvikling af virksomhed