
Terms for subject General containing Business | all forms | exact matches only
any other businesseventuelt
"any other business" itempunktet "Eventuelt"
"any other business" itempunkt under "Eventuelt"
Asia-Europe Business ForumAsien-Europa-Erhvervsforum
away from business premisesuden for fast forretningssted
business application integratorintegrator for erhvervsapplikationer
business appraisalsvurdering i forretningsanliggender
business contacts and facilitiesforretningskontakter og-muligheder
Business Cooperation centreKontoret for Virksomhedssamarbejde
business daybankdag
business informationforretningsvirksomhed information vedrørende
business information systemfaglig informationstjeneste
business investigationsforretningsundersøgelser
business management and organization consultancyforretningsledelse og organisation rådgivning vedrørende -
business management consultancyrådgivning vedrørende forretningsledelse
business planningaktivitetsplanlægning
business secrecyforretningshemmelighed
Business statisticsVirksomhedsstatistik
business suitjakkesæt
business suitdaglig påklædning
business taxationerhvervsbeskatning
business-to-business e-commercevirksomhed til virksomhed-e-handel
business-to-business e-commercebusiness to business-e-handel
business-to-business electronic commercevirksomhed til virksomhed-e-handel
Central Business Register numberCVR-nummer
Centre for European Business InformationEuro Info Center
Centre for European Business InformationE.F.Radgivningskontoret
Committee on Improving and Simplifying the Business EnvironmentUdvalget til Forbedring og Forenkling af Rammebetingelserne for Virksomhederne
Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions recastkreditinstitutdirektivet
Directive 2009/138/EC on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and ReinsuranceSolvens II
electronic businesse-business
European Business and Innovation Centres NetworkEuropæisk Net af Erhvervsfremme- og Innovationscentre
European Community Business and Innovation CentresDet Europæiske Fællesskabs Erhvervsfremme- og Innovationscentre
Global Business Dialogue on Electronic CommerceGlobal Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce
Group of Experts on Business SurveysEkspertgruppe vedrørende Konjunkturundersøgelser
industrial business and trade associationindustri- og handelssammenslutning
Minister for Agriculture and Small and Medium-Sized Businesseslandbrugsminister og minister for små og mellemstore virksomheder
official businesstjenesteanliggende
operational businessoperative anliggender
principal place of businesshovedsæde
professional business consultancyprofessionel rådgivning vedrørende forretningsvirksomhed
Programme for the improvement of the business environment and the promotion of the development of enterprises, and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, in the Communityprogram for forbedring af erhvervsklimaet og fremme af udviklingen af virksomheder, især små og mellemstore virksomheder, i Fællesskabet
Programme for the improvement of the business environment and the promotion of the development of entreprises, and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, in the CommunityProgram for forbedring af erhvervsklimaet og fremme af udviklingen af virksomheder, især små og mellemstore virksomheder, i Fællesskabet
prompt dispatch of businesshastebehandling
relocation services for businessesomlægning af forretningsvirksomhed
services for firms or businessestjenesteydelser til virksomheder
services for firms or businessesogså: erhvervsservice
Small Business Innovation Research Schemeinnovationsforskningsordning for mindre virksomheder
Small Business Research Initiativeinnovationsforskningsordning for mindre virksomheder
specialised businesssærlige anliggender
take measures to accelerate the conduct of business negotiationsat tage skridt til at fremskynde gennemførelsen af forretningsforhandlinger
technical account - life-insurance businessteknisk regnskab for livsforsikringsvirksomhed
technical account - non-life-insurance businessteknisk regnskab for skadesforsikringsvirksomhed
Technical Subgroup on Consortium BusinessDen Tekniske Undergruppe vedrørende Konsortiespørgsmål
the growth of confidence in business relationshipsforøgelse af tilliden i forretningsforholdene
to threaten to obstruct the business of the Housevanskeliggøre forhandlingernes videre forløb
undertaking carrying on reinsurance businessselskab, der driver genforsikringsvirksomhed
unfinished business shall be deemed to have lapseduafsluttede sager betragtes som bortfaldne