
Terms for subject Mathematics containing would- be | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
after being heated in the reactor, the gas would be exhausted through a rocket nozzle to obtain thrustпосле нагревания
as will readily be observedкак легко заметить
further concepts from Riemannian geometry will be introduced in Ch.2остальные сведения из ...
however much has been learned for last 10 years, it would be misleadingхотя и многое удалось узнать за последние 10 лет, однако
I hope that it will be possible for you to help us in reviewing the articleпомочь нам отреферировать статью
if one could gather all the parts of an exploding atom, their total weight would be slightly less than the weight of the original atomесли бы ... то ... бы
if some material substance were placed between these poles, then the flux density would changeесли бы ... то ... бы
if would be, ifбыло бы, если бы (it would be much easier to compute satellite orbits if the earth were perfectly spherical and had no atmosphere)
it can be imagine that day and night would not change in lengthпо длине
it will be easily understoodлегко понять
it will be shown thatбудет показано, что
it would beбыло бы
it would be goodбыло бы хорошо (to obtain a closer approximation to ...)
it would be properбыло бы разумно (to start...)
it would be reasonableблагоразумно
it would be sound practiceбыло бы рационально
it would be wellследовало бы (to put, etc.)
life would be simple if the generalization of this theorem held in higher dimensionsобобщение этой теоремы имело бы место в высоких размерностях
no changes will be perceivedне будет замечено никаких изменений
should this be the case then the curve would be through Aесли бы это выполнялось, то кривая прошла бы через точку А
the effect will be summed upЭффект будет суммироваться
the probability that the coin will fall come down heads tails is 1/2орёл (решка)
the sun radiates as mach energy every second as would be released by the explosion of several billion atomic bombsстолько ... сколько ... бы
the theory of ... to be developed in the next chapter willтеория, которая будет развита в следующей главе
the theory of ... to be developed in the next chapter willтеория, которая будет развита
the total cost of the part exclusive of materials costs would beполная стоимость минус стоимость материала
the transfer of liquid hydrogen from the Earth's surface to orbit would be more difficult thanбыло бы
the transfer of liquid hydrogen from the Earth's surface to orbit would be more difficult thanперенос
there would be noне было бы (without the force of gravitation there would be no pressure in liquids)
Trends normally introduced by the coupling of a relatively slow and uncontrolled variation in the extraneous variables with a sequential application in values of the independent variable applied will be broken upТренды, обычно привносимые сочетанием относительно медленной и неконтролируемой вариацией во внешних переменных и последовательным использованием значений рассматриваемой независимой переменной, будут компенсироваться (ssn)
we would expect computers to be used asожидать, что ... будут ...
we model this growth with (...), where r would presumably be smallгде r предположительно является малой величиной