
Terms for subject Proverb containing world's | all forms | in specified order only
all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely playersвесь мир – театр, и люди в нём – актёры (W. Shakespeare; У. Шекспир)
all's for the best in the best of all possible worldsчто Бог ни делает, всё к лучшему (whatever happens will turn out to be for the better in the end (in the last analysis))
at the world's endбыть, находиться, жить, пр. у чёрта на куличках
in the world that are better than theseсвет не клином сошёлся (this one; a way out will be found, there are many other things/persons)
in the world that are better than theseсвет не клином сошёлся (this one)
it's a small worldмир тесен