
Terms for subject General containing work-in-progress | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be a work in progressне являться завершённым (in the middle of a project, and I want to emphasize the ongoing nature of it and the fact that it is not finished, I say that it is a work in progress. Alexander Demidov)
capital work in progressнезавершённое капитальное строительство (An accountancy term, construction in progress (CIP) asset or capital work in progress entry records the cost of construction work, which is not yet completed (typically, applied to capital budget items). A CIP item is not depreciated until the asset is placed in service. Normally, upon completion, a CIP item is reclassified, and the reclassified asset is capitalized and depreciated. While costs are added to the construction in progress, related CIP account is debited with corresponding credits to accounts payable, accrued expenses, inventory, cash, and others. When the construction in progress is completed, related long-term asset account is debited and CIP account is credited. WK Alexander Demidov)
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods and Work in ProgressИзменения в запасах готовой продукции и незавершённом производстве
completed stages of work-in-progressвыполненные этапы по незавершённым работам (счёт 46 ABelonogov)
construction work in progressобъект незавершённого строительства (Term used to refer to a fixed facility used for generation, transmission or distribution services which is under construction or not yet in service. – CWIP energyvortex.com Alexander Demidov)
construction work in progressпродолжение строительства проекта (Construction work in progress in the Rose Garden of the White House. Alexander Demidov)
inventory and work-in-progressтовары в обороте и переработке (Alexander Demidov)
is a work in progressнаходится в стадии разработки
stock and work in progressтовары в обороте и переработке (International Standard on Auditing (ISA) (UK and Ireland) 501 ‘Audit Evidence – Specific Considerations for Selected Items' includes requirements and application material relating to inventory (stock and work in progress – ‘stocks') and, in particular, obtaining audit evidence by attendance at physical inventory counting (stocktakes). Alexander Demidov)
stock and work-in-progressтовары в обороте и переработке (FA 1998, s 42 and ITTOIA 2005, s 25 provide that businesses should recognise GAAP in calculating stock and work-in-progress. Alexander Demidov)
the system is still a work in progressработа над системой ещё не завершена
the system is still a work in progressработа по совершенствованию системы продолжается
transfer of work in progressпередача дела (AD Alexander Demidov)
work in progressнезавершённое производство
work in progressнезавершённое произведение (писателя, художника – The new Russia was still a work in progress. NYT Alexander Demidov)
work in progressвыполняемые проекты (Alexander Demidov)
work in progressвыполняемая работа
work in progressв работе (work in progress n. pl. works in progress A yet incomplete artistic, theatrical, or musical work, often made available for public viewing or listening. AHD Alexander Demidov)
work in progressнаработки (olgasyn)
work in progressто, что требует доработки (VLZ_58)
work in progressнезавершённая работа
work in progress titleрабочее наименование (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progressнезавершённая разработка (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progressпромежуточные материалы (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progressрабочие данные (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progressстроящийся объект (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progressнезавершённый договор (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progressрабочая документация (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progressрезультаты ещё незавершённых работ (In book-keeping, work-in-progress refers to the monetary value of work that has not yet been paid for because it has not yet been completed. [BUSINESS] ❏ ...five million pounds' worth of finished goods and two million pounds' worth of work-in-progress. CCALD Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progress and completed construction projectsактуальные и строящиеся проекты (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progress construction projectстроящийся объект (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progress construction projectобъект, строительство которого не завершено (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progress titleрабочее наименование (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progress wellнезавершённая строительством скважина (Alexander Demidov)
work-in-progress wellнезавершённая строительством скважина (Alexander Demidov)
you should never show a work in progressдуракам полработы не показывают (Рина Грант)