
Terms for subject General containing wood-cutting | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
cut some woodрубить дрова (We had a case here in West Virginia, two boys were helping their dad, he was cutting some wood, and he says, "Hey, go down get a bucket of water", so they went down, and one of the boys spilled some water coming back, so he went back to the creek, got a bucket of water and disappeared, and the creek was within 70 yards from the house, so he ended up getting found on the fifth day way in the middle of nowhere, and he later said, "I was walking back to the creek, I got my bucket of water, I turned around and I didn't know where I was. I didn't recognize the country, I didn't see you guys, I yelled – nothing. I was trying to figure out where I was. How I got here – I don't even know!" ART Vancouver)
cut woodрубить дрова (Юрий Гомон)
cut wood with the grainколоть дрова вдоль волокна (по волокну)
rated wood cuttingрасчётная лесосека (W.B. Simons ABelonogov)
rated wood cutting areasрасчётные лесосеки (W.B. Simons ABelonogov)
wood cutting areasлесосеки (ABelonogov)
wood cutting areas where felling has commencedначатые рубкой лесосеки (ABelonogov)
wood-cuttingдроворезный (= дровопильный)
wooden plank for wood-cuttingдоска для гравюры на дереве
wooden plank for wood-cuttingгравёрная доска