
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing upped | all forms
up a creek without a puddleпопасть в переделку (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up a creek without a puddleбыть в жопе (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up someone's alleyбыть в кругу чьих-либо интересов (Taras)
up someone's alleyбыть в кругу чьих-либо способностей (Taras)
up and aboutвстал (с постели, после сна, не обязательно после болезни: 'So you're up and about, are you?' she boomed. 'I thought you'd be in bed, snoring your head off.' (P.G. Wodehouse)) – Ты уже встал?  ART Vancouver)
up and aboutпоправиться после болезни (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up and aboutбыть на ногах (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up one's gameулучшать своё мастерство (Taras)
up one's gameпостараться, приложить больше усилий, улучшить (kotofyr)
up in armsвстречать в штыки (We heard the news over the radio at lunch break and I tell you, we were really up in arms about it. PetruhaXI)
up one side and down the otherтщательно (markovka)
up shits creekпопасть в переделку (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up the anteужесточать наказание (on someone: The new law ups the ante on people who cheat on their taxes.)
up the anteрискнуть (WhatIfSports was a side project of a couple of sports fans working for a computer consulting company in Cincinnati, Ohio. After numerous lunchroom debates on which great historical baseball teams would win if they could play each other, a few guys decided to up the ante [and] undertake the challenge of trying to write an advanced baseball simulator ... that would work on a website. wikipedia.org)
up the anteзадавать новый уровень (on something – чего-либо: The film ups the ante on special effects.)
up the anteусложнять задачу (себе или кому-то другому: When runners cross-train for events, they often up the ante by running on sand. • At the same time, leaders of the sport have continued to up the ante, organizing harder and longer races.)
up to a thing or twoсебе на уме (Yeldar Azanbayev)
up to the jobсправляться (Though some of her spy trainers were unsure whether Khan was up to the job, she was given a dangerous mission VLZ_58)